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===LT Josh Lee, Chief Medical Officer===  
===LCDR Minna Chang, Chief Science Officer===
* played by [ Kyungmi Kim]
* Updated SD 180531
I. Personal Data
Surname:        Chang
Given Name(s):  Minna
Current Rank:  LCDR (O-4)
Current Billet: SCI, USS KIROV
Species:        Human
Gender/Sex:    Female
Age:            40 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth:  December 25, 2377
HT:  1.7 m; WT:  49 kg; Eyes:  Dark Brown; Hr.:  Black; Comp:  Light
Place of Birth: Seoul, Korea, Earth
Spouse:        None
Father:  Chang, Minsik, Federation Prosecutor (civil), Age 61
Mother: Choi, Eunyoung, Medical Doctor, Age 59
Brother: Chang Woosung, 35, Lieutenant Commander in Starfleet,
missing in  action 2412
Religion:      Hinayana (Lesser Vehicle) Buddhism
II.  Educational Background
A.  Academic Institutional Background:
    -- Seoul International School
    -- Ehwa Women's University, Seoul, Korea
    -- Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan (MA), California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, CA (Ph.D), Oxford University, Oxford, England
B.  Service Schools Attended:
    -- None, Commissioned through AOT, tested out of Science Branch School
C.  Qualifications (MOC's)
    -- Science Officer
D.  Star Fleet Academy Record:
Academy Record:  N/A - AOT Graduate
Class Rank:          N/A - Passed AOT Curriculum
Academic Major:      Physics and Astrophysics (Civilian Educated)
Professional Major:  Sciences
Qualifications:      Science Officer
Commendations:      1
Hawking Award in Physics for a theoretical faster-than-subspace
communications algorithm.
Minna is something of a bookworm, and doesn't get out much.  While she may
border on being socially inept (never even dated at age 32), she has lived
many lives vicariously through books, which are her passion.  In addition,
she is an accomplished floutist, having played with the Seoul Philharmonic
Orchestra, and for the two years she spent at Cal Tech, she performed with
the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra as guest soloist on five occasions.
III.  Biographical Notes
A.  Chronology (tabular form):
0-13:  Lived with parents.
13-18:  Attended High School
17-20:  Attended Ehwa Women's University in Seoul, Korea, where she received
her BS degree in Physics, with a minor in music.
20-22:  Worked as a research physicist for Samsung electronics part-time and
played in the Seoul Symphony, but she stayed in Korea out of loyalty to
her parents.  Finally her father practically ordered her to get on with HER
life, and so she decided to go back to school.
23-24:  Attended Tokyo University where she earned her Dual MS in Appied
Mathematics and Physics.
25-26:  Attended California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, CA, where
she earned her doctorate in Physics.
27-28:  Attended Oxford University in Oxford, United Kingdom, where she
earend her doctorate in Applied Mathematics.
29-36:  Worked for Starfleet as a civilian research scientist at Utopia
Planetia shipyard R&D in Communicaitons.  Finally, feeling a certain
stagnation in her life, she put in for the AOT (Advanced Officer Training)
program and received her commission as an ensign in the Science Branch.
37:  Completed AOT and ALB Training, awaiting assignment.
B.  Background Summary:
Minna Chang was something of a prodigy, though by the choice of her parents
she was only advanced in academic grade once, more than that, in her
mother's opinion, would cause too many developmental problems.  Still, as
early as Junior High School Minna was submitting entries to Federation Math
contests, and winning.  By her first year of High School she had published
papers in both math and physics.
After a BS, a dual MS and two doctorates, all while playing flute
semi-professionally, Minna felt a strong need to leave the confines of the
solar system, and took a job with Starfleet, which eventually led to her
commissioning through the AOT program.
IV.  Official Star Fleet Record
A.  Promotion History:
40601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
B.  Service History:
40601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
C.  Medals and Commendations:
Hawking Award (Civilian)
V.  Skills Profile
Minna Chang is simply brilliant.  She was admitted to MENSA at the age of 6,
has an IQ of roughly 230.  Her talents are primarily mathematical, however
she has also excelled in music, which in her opinion, is perhaps the
ultimate expression of mathematics.  Despite her intelligence, she is a poor
strategist, and is easily defeated in Western Chess, Paduk (Japanese Go) or
even simpler games such as checkers.
She also suffers, or benefits, from a rare condition called Esper-Blindness,
which means that she is completely inaccessible to telepathic and empathic
penetration.  Telepaths simply are not even aware of her presence, and
cannot project or read thoughts or emotions.  This is naturally occurring,
though exceedingly rare, affecting perhaps one in every billion humans.  She
has absolutely no psionic ability herself, and with this condition,
absolutely never will.
She is also extremely well-read, prefering the safety of adventuring in
books to real life.  It was two-years-ago, when her older brother was
reported MIA, that Minna realized that she hadn't even begun to live.  That
even sparked her desire to see the universe, and while still very timid, she
has done her best to step out.
VI.  Recent Fitness Report
I don't know why Cadet Chang is here, as a science post aboard a starship is
not what her education was aimed at.  Still, she is eager and while timid,
tries her best.
Physically, military life is difficult for Cadet Chang as she is not strong
or athletic, and borders on anorexic.  Still, she is healthy and has no
apparant defects.
Doctor Martin Jarvis
Staff Physician, Starfleet Academy
Monitoring Physician for AOT class 412
VII.  Psychological Profile
Cadet Chang is very timid and shy, but strangely, my telepathic abilities
are not capable of penetrating her thoughts.  She did not test as
telepathic, but it is as though she is simply not there.
Using more conventional analysis, I believe that Cadet Chang is capable of
serving as a Science Officer on a Starfleet ship, I'm just not sure why she
wants to.
Counselor Yolanda Black
Starfleet Academy Staff Psychologist
Monitoring Psychologist for AOT class 412
VIII.  Current Recreational Interests
Minna still plays her flute semi-professionally, and actually gave a recital
the week before her AOT class in San Francisco, which was attended by many
of the highest ranking starfleet officers and politicians in that city.
When not practicing, or reading, she is usually researching whatever burning
mathematical or physics question has aroused her curiosity.
----------- END BIOFILE ------------------------------------------------------
===ENS Chris Tepes, Chief Engineering Officer===
* played by [ Chris Tepes]
* Updated SD 190608
*NOTE- This bio is pending approval from commanding officer.
LT Joshua Lee [Joshua John Lee,]
ENS Chris Tepes [nubecybot,]
I. Personal Data
I. Personal Data
Surname       : Lee
Surname: Tepes
Given Name(s) : Joshua
Given Name(s): Chris
Current Rank   : Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Rank: Ensign (O-1)
Current Billet : CMO, USS KIROV
Current Billet: ALB Holodeck Trainee
Species       : Human
Species: Male
Gender/Sex     : Male
Gender/Sex: Male
Age           : 32 Standard Terran Years
Age: 29 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth : January 1, 2387
Date of Birth: January 25, 2390
Height        : 1.82 m  
HT: 1.8 m; WT: 88 kg; Eyes: Hazel; Hr.: Dark Brown; Comp: Fair
Weight        : 60.3 kg
Place of Birth: Earth
Eye colour    : Blue
Spouse: None
Hair colour    : Brown
Complexion    : White
Father: Johnathon Tepes
Place of Birth : Glasgow, Earth (Sol III)
Mother: Julia Evenson
Civil partner  : Connor Lee
Parents       : Elias and Mary Lee
One younger brother: Johnathon
Brothers      : Ezekiel, Joseph (Joe), Daniel.
Sisters        : Eve, Esther, Martha
Religion      : New Christian

II. Educational Background
II. Educational Background

A. Academic Institutional Background:
A. Academic Institutional Background:
    -- Knightswood Secondary School
-- Star Fleet Academy
    -- Star Fleet Academy
    -- Star Fleet Medical

B. Service Schools Attended:
B. Service Schools Attended:
    -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

C. Qualifications (MOC's)
C. Qualifications (MOC's)
    -- Medical Officer
-- Engineering Officer
    -- Science Officer
-- Science Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
D. Star Fleet Academy Record:

Academy Record:
Academy Record:
Class Rank:         Top 5%; Honors *summa cum laude*
Class Rank: Top 10%; Honors *magna cum laude*
Academic Major:     Chemistry
Academic Major: Computer Science
Professional Major: Pre-Medical/Pre-Counseling
Professional Major: Computer Operations
Qualifications:     Medical Officer, Science Officer
Qualifications: Engineering Officer, Science Officer
Commendations: 1
Commended by Academy's Computer Science department for outstanding
performance in Holographic Sciences


III. Biographical Notes
III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form):
A. Chronology (tabular form):

0-12:   Lived with parents in Glasgow, Old Scotland.
0 - 14: Lived with parents on Earth.
12-17: Attended High School
14 - 18: Attended High School, one year late.
18 - 22: Attended Star Fleet Academy.
18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy.
22: Attended Space Warfare Officer School. (naval officers)
23 - 27: Attended Vulcan Science Academy, graduated in top 30%.
22:     Attended Space Warfare Officer School. (naval officers)
23-27: Attended Star Fleet Medical.
27-30:  Resident at Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Old Scotland, Sol III

B. Background Summary:
B. Background Summary:

Joshua was brought up just like every other boy on Earth, educated and well looked after.
In his youth, Chris was seriously hurt by a falling tree, his time for
A large amount of brothers and sisters gave him a very social manner, and a large amount of
recovery held him back for beginning school at the usual age by one year.  
family tragedies made this necessary. Joshua's parents were originally against him becoming
During his career at the Academy, Chris joined the Red Squadron, but soon
a Starfleet Doctor, but, after the hard work he put in, they saw just how much he suited the job.
quit due to the excessive amounts of stress in the training, but not before
learning excellent flight skills. In tactical simulations, Chris was known
for using holograms to fool enemy ships.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record
IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion History:
A. Promotion History:
100601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
190601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
140601 Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
190601 Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).

B. Service History:
B. Service History:
060615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
150615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
100601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
190601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
140601 Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
190601 Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).

C. Medals and Commendations:
C. Medals and Commendations:

V. Skills Profile
V. Skills Profile

Joshua is a very sociable person, very trustworth and as a result people are quick
Extensive knowledge of modern and past computer science (but lacking a  
to trust him. He is a caring person, but knows when things have gone too far. Joshua
some practical experience), ship design, ship systems, holographic sciences
knows where the line between work and fun is, and does not let anything get in the
way of his duties as a Starfleet officer.

VI. Recent Fitness Report
VI. Recent Fitness Report

Joshua is in good physical condition, but requires to do more exercise. frequent aerobic exercise is advised.
Shows average physical fitness, average marksmanship. However, he has shown
- Dr. Elizabeth Coombs, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Old Scotland, Sol III.
himself as a fine pilot and has an abnormal knowledge of holographic
programming, and has used it in tactical situations.

VII. Psychological Profile
VII. Psychological Profile

Joshua shows the mindset necessary for being a Star Fleet doctor, and has shown determination and focus.
Passed the 'psych test', no unusual behavior.
He has no apparent psychological problems and I recommend him for immediate service.
- Dr Janet Nicholls, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Old Scotland, Sol III.

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
VIII. Current Recreational Interests

Dance, Music (Piano and Clarinet), Writing, Reading (Shakespeare, Cervantes)
Program holodeck programs, fly shuttles (for entertainment only, Chris hates
the pressure of flying)

IX. Miscellaneous Information
IX. Miscellaneous Information
If possible, I would like to be assigned as a Ops officer. But I guess if
that doesn't make sense with my training, or if there is no open positions
of that type, just put me anywhere. And if the bio needs work, just email
me. I'd really like to play and I'm willing to make it fit.
End BioFile
===Chief Medical Officer===
''This billet is currently vacant.''
