USS FEARLESS Crew Biofiles: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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CHARACTER          PLAYER                  E-MAIL ADDRESS
Sareka            Bruce Summa            bsumma[at]grm[dot]net
Sobek   Kevin Thigpen          kevin[dot]thigpen[at]gmail[dot]com
Ayindrias          Alan Rogers            masterofwords[at]sbcglobal[dot]net
Sato              Mark Mosher            col[dot]howden[at]gmail[dot]com
Toddman            Alexander Richardson    bmused1701[at]btinternet[dot]com
D'ghor            Slava                  morag.dghor[at]gmail[dot]com
Elerrina          James Lambly            jrl3001[at]yahoo[dot]com
Mendoza            Lena Rose              lrdrh2004[at]yahoo[dot]com         
Kingston          Paul Lenz              paul[dot]lenz[at]us[dot]army[dot]mil
Drageran          Bart Lamber            lamber_bart[at]yahooaa[dot]com
===LT Shayiana Ayindrias, Operations Officer===
===LT Shayiana Ayindrias, Operations Officer===
* played by [ Alan M Rogers]  
* played by [ Alan M Rogers]  
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She was awarded the Wounded Lion and Silver Star by Captain Sareka.
She was awarded the Wounded Lion and Silver Star by Captain Sareka.
===LT Alexander Sato, Combat Information Center Officer===
* played by [ Mark Mosher]
* Updated SD 190707
Name: Alexander Sato
Nickname: N/A
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 28th, 2388
Age: 31
Home World: Earth
Place of Birth: Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
Physical Appearance
Physique/Build/Frame: Slim
Weight: 154 lbs.
Height: 5 foot 5 inches
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Average
Distinguishing Marks: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Father: Ichiro Sato (Retired Commander, Engineer)
Mother: Riana Leyton (Former Inn Manager, Sato Family Hot Springs)
Sister: Ruri Sato (Inn Manager, Sito Family Hot Springs)
Special Abilities:
Alexander’s finger dexterity is above average owning to his
ambidexterity. He is also a very meticulous and has an acute
sense of detail and is a remarkable analyst.
Alexander has a very quiet countenance. While respectful, he is not
very sociable and tends to keep to himself rather than involve
himself with large groups.
Tends to tap on consoles when he is thinking about a problem in
various distinctive rhythms
Reading, building intricate models
No known career ambitions.
Education - Before Starfleet Academy:
Standard Terran Educational System
Service Record - Including Starfleet Academy:
2410-2411: Cadet, First Year, General Studies, Starfleet Academy
2411-2412: Cadet, Second Year, Basic Military Strategy, Starfleet Academy
2412-2413: Cadet, Third Year, Signal Intelligence, Starfleet Academy
2413-2414: Cadet, Fourth Year, Advanced Tactical Analysis, Starfleet Academy
2414-2416: Ensign, Information Systems Technician, USS Cutchall
2416-2418: Lieutenant Junior Grade, Operations Specialist, USS Valdosta
2318-2419: Lieutenant Junior Grade, CIC Executive Officer, USS Valdosta
2419-Present: Lieutenant, CIC Officer, USS Fearless
Reprimand History:
No Formal Reprimands on File.
Personal History and Origin:
When Alexander was born, his father had already served Starfleet for
almost a decade. His mother, having never had much of a taste for interstellar
travel, had long since elected to stay behind, awaiting her husband’s
return after each mission his various starship assignments while tending
the family’s ancestral hot springs inn with the help of Alexander’s grandparents.
By the time Alex was three, his mother gave birth to his sister, Ruri, and the
pair of them grew up helping their mother tend the springs and otherwise grew
up in the relative calm of the countryside.
When Alex was about ten his father finally returned to Earth for good, first
taking a position at the San Francisco Dockyards and eventually retiring from
Starfleet service all together. His father’s retirement didn’t come before
Alex managed to become enthralled with his father’s career path. Having been
an engineer his entire career, Ichiro had a knack for telling stories about
the many adventures and near misadventures he’d had while serving on starships.
Alex never realized that his father had such an interesting job, and it wasn’t
until he finally enrolled in Starfleet Academy and began to take courses that
he realized how many of his father’s stories carried with them heavy
embellishments simply for entertainment purposes.
Unlike her brother, Ruri didn’t share the Sato male compulsion for all things
mechanical. Instead, she chose to enter Tokyo University to obtain a business
degree so she could return home and manage the hot spring on her own, following
their mother’s footsteps of responsibility and stability.
Starfleet Academy Career Summary:
Alexander Sato entered Starfleet Academy with the intention of becoming an
Engineering student much like his father. His interest in Engineering was put
to the wayside when Alex discovered some of the details his father had left out.
While it didn’t totally dissuade him from the engineering realm, Alex decided
he would rather take on the role of a strategist. His childhood reading obsession
gave him the head start he needed, since many of his favourite books had been on
the subject of Ancient Asian Martial Culture. With an old, worn, dog eared copy
of the Six Military Classics of Ancient China sitting on his desk, Alex felt that
he might perhaps make use of what he’d learned sitting under his favourite tree
to build a career of his own.
His second year at the Academy gave him the false impression that he would rise
to the forefront of his class. His foreknowledge of basic tactics gave him much
confidence though it also doomed him to being somewhat arrogant about his own
mastery of things. He did however finish his first year at the top of his class,
and many instructors predicted that he would indeed go on to do the same for
the next two to come.
Third year and the Signal Intelligence course proved to be a stumbling point.
While his grasp of the engineering principles were solid, some of the less than
concrete and often times fluid codes and countersigns and decryption methods
gave him much pause and held him back at times. While he finished the course
satisfactorily, he was far from the top student, and lost his arrogance about
his own skills.
By fourth year, he approached the Advanced Course on Tactical Analysis with great
caution. He never tried to get ahead of himself even when the concepts were fully
formed and locked in his mind. He became methodical and calculating to the point
of obsession, taking great care not to repeat his mistakes from his second year.
He was reward with outstanding grades for it, but it would not give him enough of
a boost to realize his ambitious goal of being the head of the class.
While his grades never faltered and his dedication was never questioned, Alex was
rarely seen throughout campus, and indeed for the majority of his four years his
roommate was the only companion he had. Despite dozens of attempts on his
roommate’s part to thrust the reclusive man into the social arena, Alex never found
his niche and would rather spend his off time back in the reclusive and isolated
home he grew up in rather than the clubs and bars of the big city.
Alex graduated in the upper portion of his class, neither proving extraordinary
nor mediocre, but he did prove himself to be a dependable officer when faced with
ever-changing circumstances which was important in the decision to send him to
the USS Cutchall for his first assignment. Life aboard the Cutchall was relatively
calm, the ship didn’t enjoy the rigorous and fast paced missions that other vessels
of its class did, and it rarely saw heavy combat action. The few times it did,
Alexander showed that he could man any station needed and often times had to take
on more than one task during the heat of battle when damage to the ship rendered
stations inert and his fellows became injured because of it.
His first promotion came with transfer orders to the USS Valdosta, where he was
placed in charge of the Sensors Division within the department. His enthusiasm to
do the best he job could became evident immediately, and his division was cited
twice for their superior work during missions.
The third year of his assignment aboard the Valdosta saw him advancing to the role
of the CIC Executive Officer, giving him a chance to show the CIC Officer and the
department what he was made of. Even though the pressure of the job overwhelmed the
young officer at times, he did find himself prospering once he managed to get used
to the workload.
His year spent as CIC Exec earned him his second promotion, and a few months
thereafter he found himself being sent to a recent addition to the inventory of
Blue Fleet. While Alex has some misgivings about being placed in a position of
responsibility that would normally be given to a much more seasoned officer, his
natural enthusiasm to succeed and be a valued member of his new crew will not
allow such trepidations to impede on his performance.
Medical Report:
At the time of his initial medical examination, Ensign Alexander Sato is reported
to be in perfect physical condition, showing neither signs of physical abnormalities
nor any hint of hereditary disease or infirmity that are or will later surface and
prevent him from serving Starfleet.
Psychology Report:
At the time of his initial medical examination, Alexander Sato is reported to be in
perfect mental condition, showing neither signs of emotional instability nor any hint
of hereditary mental afflictions that are or will later surface and prevent him
from serving Starfleet.