USS KIROV Crew Biofiles: Difference between revisions

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I. Personal Data
I. Personal Data
===LCDR Estrella Serenidad, Chief Tactical and Security Officer===
Full Name: Callista Veld [SEC-514981-4821]
* played by [ Brian Mansur]
Surname: Veld
[[Image:Serenidad-5.jpg|thumb|right|150px|LCDR Estrella Serenidad, USS KIROV]]
Given Name: Callista
Nickname: Cal
Current Rank: BREVET- Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
Current Billet: Operations Manager, USS KIROV NCC-28000
Species: Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human)
Gender/Sex: Female/XX
Age: 27 Terran Standard Years
DOB: 17 August 2391
POB: Alexandria, Virginia, Terra
Parents: COL Kenneth Veld, UFPSFMC (Deceased)
Lauren Hamilton, Research Assistant, 49 TSY
Siblings: None
Spouse: None
Children: None

Physical Description:
HT: 5'4"  
Name: Estrella "Ella" Azul de Serenidad
WT: 119 lbs
Rank: Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) (O-4)
EY: Green
Billet: Chief Security Officer (CSO), USS KIROV
HR: Brown
SK: Olive
Blood Type: AB+
Vision: O: +.25, S: +.000
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Terran, United Federation of Planets
Languages: Terran Standard (native speaker), Modern
Spanish (proficient), Romulan (proficient),  
Klingon (basic knowledge)

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 31 Terran Standard Years (as of SD 170926)
Birthdate: 26 September 2388
Birthplace: Sicarax
Citizenship: UFP (Naturalized from Sicarax)
Religion: Christian (Universal Heritage Church)

II. Educational Background
Parents: Mattheo and Catalina Serenidad
Siblings: None.
Spouse: None.
Children: None.

A. Academic Institutions Attended:
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 105 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Light Mocha
Appearance: Surprisingly youthful appearance as though she were still in her late
teens. She possesses a well toned, athletically proportioned feminine figure. Her
most recent hairstyle is wavy and shoulder-length. Her brown eyes are usually
warmly compassionate, with a hint of pain since her life-long artifical
bioimplants were removed.

-- Star Fleet Academy {Graduated *cum laude*}
(Bachelor of Arts, Military History)

B. Service Schools Attended:
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School
SD 080601 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
SD 120501 Graduated with majors in Nanotechnology, Neurology, and Spacewar Tactics.
SD 120501 Commissioned as ENS (0-1).
SD 120512 Assigned as SCI, USS DIOGENES.
SD 130902 Promoted to LTjg (0-2).
SD 131003 Assigned as CSO, USS DIOGENES.
SD 140602 Promoted to LT (0-3).
SD 150629 Assigned as CSO, USS ENDURANCE.
SD 170926 Promoted to LCDR (0-4).
SD 170926 Assigned as CSO, USS KIROV.


C. Qualifications:
-- Qual: Navigation/Astrogation Officer
-- Qual:  Shipboard Operations & Command
-- Qual:  Operations Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Honors: None
Final Cadre Rank: Cadet Lieutenant
Academic Major: Military History
As an exceptionally gifted scholar, Serenidad has published doctorate thesis in
Professional Major: Small Unit Tactics
Nanotechnology, Neurology, and Spacewar Tactics.
Class Rank: 79/250
Reprimands: 2
-- Operations Officer
Commendations: 0
-- Science Officer
Athletics: Terran soccer
-- Security Officer
Activities: Cadre

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-6: Lived with parents in Alexandria, Virginia
6: Father is killed in action in Borg Incursions of 2398
6-18: Lived with mother in Alexandria, Virginia
Serenidad exhibits Vulcan-like focus, highly abstract thinking, advanced mental
18: Nominated and accepted into Star Fleet Academy.
processing speed, and a nearly photographic memory. Her projected lifespan is
18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy.
expected to exceed 500 years. All these abilities are due to the ongoing Sicaraxan
22-Present: Active duty in Star Fleet.
eugenics program begun at the colony's founding.

Until recently, Serenidad's "natural" abilities were enhanced by a series of
artificial implants. She had artificial eyes that interface with three bioimplants
in her cortex. These permitted her to visually process data files stored within
her implants as well as improve physical coordination. Other implants in her
cerebellum gave her acrobatic agility. Buried within her bones lay a personal
shield generator, site-to-site transporter, and various energy weapons. Stored
elsewhere were nanite workers to keep her artifical parts working and as
anti-borg combatants.

B. Background Summary:
All of her artificial devices were surgically removed on SD 180403. Her homeworld
had ordered this aciton for all Sicaraxans serving in Starfleet and in
governmental offices throughout the Federation. It was deemed a politically
necessary gesture in the planet's application for Federation membership. Serenidad
looks forward to the day when her enhanced abilities will be restored to her.

Callista Veld- who is called "Cal" by almost everyone except her mother and
her more famous older cousin, Cayle- is relatively new to Star Fleet, having
graduated from the Academy only within the past year. However, her drive
and determination have already earned her a promotion and a new billet-
Operations Manager on Star Fleet's new destroyer testbed, TESLA II.

Cal is what one would call "bright-eyes and bushy-tailed," meaning that
she still sees things with an almost child-like enthusiasm- and the naivity
that invariably goes hand-in-hand with such a perspective. This is generally
due to having lived a mostly sheltered life; after the death of her father,
a colonel in the Marine Corps (and ADM Conrad veld's younger brother) during
the Borg Incursions of 2398, her mother attempted her to steer her away from
all things military, overprotecting her in an effort to keep her from
following in the Veld family footsteps. This, obviously, eventually failed;
when Cal was accepted into Star Fleet Academy, her mother, for a time, refused
to allow Cal to attend. Only the timely intervention by her older cousin
Cayle, then a brand-new LCDR and XO on Deep Space 13, allowed Cal to go.

Cal was relatively untouched by Cayle's return from her abduction for a
Sicarax was founded in the 22nd Century by a group of Earth scientists with the
couple of reasons: firstly, Cal was just starting her 3rd year at the
intention of creating a genetically advanced society. The colony flourished in peace
Academy when Cayle returned; secondly, the families, since Kenneth Veld's
until galactic politics drew a border with an unfriendly 23rd Century Klingon Empire
death 17 years ago, have not been as close as they had been beforehand,
only a few light years away. Sicarax applied for and received protection from the  
largely due to Lauren Veld's resentment of the military in general.
Federation, but not membership. The planet was quarantined to protect Federation
Society from the dangers perceived by the eugenics program.

As a result of this, Cal has managed to retain the idealistic prinicipals
Political attitudes required over a hundred years to cool before Sicarax successfully
she learned growing up. Her first tour of duty was relatively quiet; her
lobbied the Federation Council to allow some of the colonists to apply for
promotion comes largely due to need. However, Cal is at least a competent
citizenship. Young Estrella Serenidad's parents were among the first applicants. Her
officer who has shown the potential to become more than her grades and  
parents entered Federation society as diplomats and quickly made names for themselves
records from the Academy suggests.
working with the Tholians.  

On another note, Cal is a superb, world-class athlete, much more athletic
The frequent diplomatic trips to and from Tholian space gave Serenidad a taste for
than anyone else in her family. She played soccer at high levels through
life among the stars. Still, she had to apply twice to Starfleet before friendly
high school and the Academy, eventually being chosen as a member of the Sol
Federation Council members could push her through admissions. The screening board
system-wide and Earth teams in 2312, 13 14 and this year.
admitted reluctance to shouldering responsibility for the obvious political
consequences that Serenidad's career would bring. Once in the Academy, however,
Serenidad enjoyed the fact that she performed better than most anyone else at
nearly everything she did.

As an attacking midfielder, she displayed a flair for both creating and
While Serenidad appreciated her abilities, she has been incessantly drilled by her
scoring goals the likes of which are rarely seen in a single individual.
parents, mentors, and friends not to flaunt her talents or to develop attitudes of
As such, early in her competitive career, she was often played at either
inherent superiority. As an adult, she came to appreciate just how closely political
striker or center-forward. As a natural goal scorer, she excelled in
entities within Starfleet, the Federation Council, and her homeworld Sicarax were
that position; however, the creative side of her game that broke down
watching her integration. Her success or failure would directly affect her  
oppposing defenses was rarely seen.  It was only after her selection to the
homeworld's ongoing pursuit of Federation membership.  
Sol team- a team with a glut of strikers already- that forced her move to
midfield general and allowed the rest of her game to reveal itself. Her
performances on the intergalactic level have ranged from merely "solid"
to "breathtaking" and "exquisite."  (NPRG- think of her as a 25th century
version of Mia Hamm combined with the finesse and grace of Zinedine Zidane.)

With her taking this deep-space assignment, her soccer career has been
placed on hold for now. However, one can expect the invitations to represent
Earth and the Sol System in the Galactic Cup and other intergalactic
tournaments to continue to flow in...

There is no animosity between Cal and Cayle, though there is no strong
binding relationship either. In fact, one might wonder if Cal is becoming
a bit tired of hearing about he rolder cousin from other officers. This
makes the assignment to TESLA II very interesting...
Serenidad seeks to build political connections through Starfleet, then run for the
Federation Council. She wishes nothing less than to speed the Federation's march
toward symbiosis with the synthetic. She sees this as the next inevitable step in
human evolution.  

Serenidad is intellectual, deeply spiritual, and quietly passionate about her
political views. She is aware of the Federation's reluctance to indulge in
artificial human enhancements and guards her more shocking opinions on eugenics.
Since the Sicaraxan authorities ordered its citizens working within the Federation
to abandon their artificial bio-devices, Serenidad's loyalty has been severly
tested. Her cool confidence has shifted to near constant unease as she struggles to
adapt to life without her enhancements. She feels far less secure personally
without her body defenses.

She treasures friendship, loyalty, and integrity. She does not trust anyone easily.
Those who betray her trust find it nearly impossible to regain it.

C. Personality Summary:
Favorite Scriptures: I Corinthians 15:54; I Thessalonians 4:13-14
Favorite Color: Cream
Favorite Beverage: Sucar Rojo (Sweet, blood red beverage)
Favorite Food: Cheese

As mentioned above, Cal is very idealistic and naive as to the ways of
the "real" galaxy; as of yet, Star Fleet service has not managed to burn
Christian Studies
this naivity from her.  She often sees things in black and white, with
little room for anything in between- things are either good or bad, right
Strategy simulations
or wrong, with little room for differing perspectives.  As such, she
can be closed-minded at times.  However, this is not due to a lack of
intelligence- it is just a lack of real-world experience.

As a general rule, when things happen that do not fit into her little
world, she acts as though they never happened.  However, at some point
She is always eager to argue philosphy, religion, and politics.  
in her Star Fleet career, she will find that she won't be able to do
this.  When that happens, one can expect the famous Veld temper that
she shares with her cousin and uncle to surface.

Despite her average grades in the Academy, Cal is a leader, one of the
confidence and self-assuredness one would expect from a world-class
Many find it remarkable that a genetically superior human converted to
athlete.  This makes her a natural department head and manager of
Christianity. Serenidad claims that a classmate, Taka Kwihani, first challenged
people- ideal as Operations Manager.  
her on the subject of comparing religions. Kwihani helped her recognize the
futility of existence without the hope of everlasting life. From there it was a
two year walk toward becoming convinced that she had found the "right" religion.
Of course, she admits to a habit of constantly double-checking the evidence,
arguments, and her own personal reasons for believing. Religious debate is a  
favorite passtime of hers.  

However, while her natural leadership talents have served her well in Star
Fleet, her reliance on "natural gifts" has not always done so; she doesn't
Technological accessories.
do a whole lot of preparatory work, relying on her natural abilities as
The temptation to show off, especially in competitive sports.  
all gifted athletes do. In short, she doesn't so much "think" about a
Any philosophical debate relating to meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
problem so much as she just "does" the work.  This is the curse of the  
natural athlete- rarely do they make good coaches, as they never to actually
learn to play the sport of their choice.  They always just did what came
naturally instead of practicing to learn to do the same thing.

One note on her physical appearance: she looks as though she could be Cayle's
kid sister- a bit shorter and stockier due to her greater muscle mass, but
the facial features and structure, as with the eye color, are the same as her
older cousin's. Only the hair color is different.
END BIO FILE Bio Last Updated SD 190329

IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion History:
Star Date 140221: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)
Star Date 150510: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2)
Star Date 170614:      Promoted to rank of Lieutenant (O-3)
Star Date 180801:      Breveted to Lieutenand Commander (O-4)

B. Service History:
Star Date 100528: Accepted into Star Fleet Academy, San Francisco, Terra
Star Date 140530: Graduated Star Fleet Academy, 21st in class of 250
Major: Military History
Minor: Small Unit Tactics
Star Date 140601: Assigned Space Warfare Officer School for training.
Star Date 140615: Graduated Space Warfare Officer School;
Assigned to Star Base Alpha for assignment
Star Date 140630: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1); Assigned TAC,
Star Date 150510: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2);
reassigned as OPS, USS TESLA II
Star Date 161010: Reassinged as CIC, USS KIROV
Star Date 170614: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3); reassigned OPS, USS KIROV
Star Date 180801:      Breveted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)

(Note:  Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned,
not their current re-classification.)

C.  Medals and Commendations
Meritorious Service Medal
Star Fleet Achievement Medal
Combat Action Ribbon
GOLD Fleet Service Ribbon
SILVER Fleet Service Ribbon
Alpha Quadrant Service Ribbon
Beta Quadrant Service Ribbon
Gamma Quadrant Service Ribbon

V. Skills Profile

A driven officer who has natural leadership talents.  Ability to understand
tactics is bourne from athletic gifts- has "vision" both on and off field
field of play.  Break down opposing forces as she breaks down defenses on
soccer pitch.  Good at hand-to-hand combat; average with phaser.

VI. Recent Fitness Reports

Forthcoming in the near future.

VII. Current Recreational Interests

Soccer in the holodeck.

VIII. Miscelleneous Notes

Cal has not had a noteworthy career to date; her professional experiences
on USS TESLA II were lukewarm at best due to her inability to balance
her personal feelings and principles against the mission's objectives.
As seems typical of all Veld officers, Cal will not simply obey an order
for the sake of obeying; however, as she does not have eithe rher uncle's
(the CINCSF) of her cousin's (the highly-decorated CO of USS CIRCE)
career to back up her opinions as of yet, she has found herself on the
short end of more than one fitness report.  Recent successes aboard KIROV,
however, have bolstered her confidence and resurrected her career.

Personally, however, she had just begun a relationship (against regulations)
with the TESLA's XO, LT Dant Bladum, when she was transferred.  She
has continued this relationship at a distance to date.

-------------End Bio chip--------------------------------------------------
