ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2010: Difference between revisions

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Harry I. Iha
Harry I. Iha
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Big Mouth Hemux==
===by David Martins===
SD: 2261.209
Scene : USS HOOD, Bridge
<Snip from Harry >
The barbs between Merrick and ARr'Rhiana grew heated and louder, pulling Tamura
out of his stupor. The two were practically shouting at each other. "Shut up!"
roared Tamura. "Damn, I can't think with you two bitching at each other."
The XO's attention shifted to the comm officer. "You shut your mouth, Mister,
before I come over there and shut it for you."
Tamura pulled the Feinberger from his ear, slammed it on his console, and jumped
to his feet. Merrick responded in kind. "You and what army, you..." Tamura
racked his brain for the worst insult he could find. " User!"
<End of Snip>
Arr'Rhiana could not help to snicker from holding back her laughter, being a
technician and engineer decades ago she understood the insult immediatly. "End
User..." I must remember that one, Merrick she gigled quiet stupidly as she
kinda felt relieved. The anger seemed to diminish and she could not help from
laughing. Both the stupid expressionon Merricks face and the fact he didn't
recognised a good insult where priceless.
Then she heard what the conservatioin between Sean and Tamura was about.
<Snip from Harry >
"Can we talk to him?"
Tamura shook his head. "Not until he disengages the computer."
Merrick made a snap decision. "If the captain's under mind control, we're
already too late. We've got to hope that he's holding up okay and trying to help
us. Leave the channel open."
"Aye aye, Sir."
<End of Snip>
Moments later her mind again was filled with anger. "Merrick you idiot, how can
you allow that... that... low leveled, Targ slimed, squeecking Andorian
teethless seal (believe me, this IS an insult!) (And she pointed out to Tamura)
how can youlet him keep that comm open while you have no idea even if it is the
Captain? If those aliens where able to get The RUTLEDGE under mind control, why
would they not be able to get that puny litle mind of that alcohol addicted
mister Captain Steele under their control?"
She paused for a brief moment to get some air, het mouth growing wider while she
was speaking, spit flying around as her rage builded, her teeth shimmering, her
eyes almost popping out while she felt anger burn in her veines, how could
anyone be so stupid, oh no wait, how could she have expected Merrick to act if
not stupid? Her mouth was as wide the Merrick took a step bakc as for a moment
it looked she was going to openher mouth even wider and swallow his whole head
in one big, ugly bite. But she was only taking a deep breath air and...
"Mister, I - am - in - command - Merrick, how can you be so stupid, unless
ofcourse your frontal bone off your thick skull has grown so tick and ugly that
there is no more place for any valuable piece of brain matter, but how can you
think that such beings could not as easily extract the correct Alpha Codes from
our oh - so - beloved - Captain - Steele his tequila drained brain and use it to
their own benefit? Oh please Mister Merrick I am so smart as the anus of an
Centaurean Dung Beetle, enlighten me?!
Again Hemux stopped to get some breath and she looked from Tamura to Merrick,
she shook her head and suddenly she could not remember what was all the shouting
for adn why she felt so angry.
Well, since everyone is insulting everyone, I thought to throw in my help
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
CSciO ,