ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: (H) evil Hemux==
===by David Martens===
SD 2261.059
Scene: alternate USS HOOD, Science department
Arr'Rhiana's smile was rather terrifying to see as she held the poor thing in
her hands. Wires connected to the tall head of the strange insect-like
creature. It had been her favorite pet before the travel to this universe. The
attack from the other ship had crippled the poor beast. A limb ripped of and a
wing broken. Then she shrugged her shoulders, cocked her head and roughly
ripped the wires from the beast, her face widened up and the head disapeared in
her mouth. With cracking sounds she started to chew the moist, raw meat from
the creatures body. If she couldn't enjoy it as her pet then she at least could
have the pleasure in eating it.
Still chewing on the critter, she dropped down in the seat behind her science
console and pulled up the data from the hidden cams she had installed all over
the ship. Again she looked at the act of sabotage from that Trll woman, Cedria.
It was clever done and Hemux nodded in respect. If she had not recorded it with
her spy - cams she probably would not have noticed. Ofcourse, she had made it
clear to everyone that the full responsibility of the implementation of the new
system was laid on Jeri Merrick. No one could ever blame Hemux for it if
anything went wrong.
She grinned and made a mental note to keep a close look on that Cedria Trill
woman. Arr'Rhiana studied the data from this universe, so many similarities to
her own and yet so different. Similar enough to make their ship work here and
survive, different enough to have so many opportunities.
With a PADD loaded full of data, Hemux went on to Bridge.
Scene: USS HOOD, Bridge
With a look of disgust on her face she went up to DeSimms. She saluted and
waited for permisison to speak, in the rough, militarized universe there was
little respect for scientists, yet she was the one who held what could be their
victory in her hands.
"What you want, Denobulan?" DeSimms barked to her. Hemux had to restrain
herself from ripping his throat out with her teeth but she handed him the PADD
"I have done some study on the physics in this alternate universe, Sir. It
turns out the Matter - antimatter balance in this universe is slightly different
then in ours. If we recalibrate our shields, powersystems and torpedoes it
would give us a increase in power and shield efficiency."
DeSimms narrowed his eyes "I don't understand half of this crap, are you sure it
will work?" Hemux shrugged her shoulders "Not complete no, after all this is an
unknown, alternate universe. But I am certain enough to advice you to make the
proper adjustments, certainly if you want to be victorious in a next meeting
with the ships of this universe. If you have the adjustments done by qualified
people, not incapable ones like those who installed the Tholian device; then I
am certain we have more power for our shields, propulsion and weapons."
For a moment she thought she had gone to far in her reference to the Merrick
woman. But then DeSimms nodded "Very well, I will take your suggestions in
consideration. Now get back to your lab and see what you can make of the data
about this system, where the best opportunities are for our next strike, analyse
the data on any communications we can intercept, find out what the weaklings in
this universe are up to."
Arr'Rhiana saluted and went back to her lab. Her calculations where valid, she
was certain they would work and give the ship the needed boost in power and
speed. And with some luck she had made it clear to DeSimms that the Merrick
woman was worthless. She smiled, a dangerous looking sight with her sharp teeth
and broad face. With the data she could gather here from this universe she
would be able to build better weapons, better ships and with those ideas and
visions, she would be able to get a aim for a position in the Souvereign Science
council, finally away from this ship.
And so we have a mad wicked scientist on the alternate HOOD as well...
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
CSciO ,
Sovereignty Fleet