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===CDR Adrian Makkedor, Executive Officer===
===[[Gold_Fleet-_Commander_Adrian_P._Makkedor%2C_XO_DS13|CDR Adrian Makkedor, Executive Officer]]===
[[Image:Mak.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Commander Adrian P. Makkedor, DEEP SPACE 13]]
* played by played by [ Scott Lusby]
* played by played by [ Scott Lusby]
* Updated SD 181127
* Updated SD 190603
I. Personal Data
Full Name:        Adrian Pierce Makkedor  [SEC-079663-9109]
Surname:          Makkedor
Given Name:      Adrian
Current Rank:    Commander (O-5)
Current Billet:  XO, DEEP SPACE 13
Species:          Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human)
Gender/Sex:      Male/XY
Age:              32 Terran Standard Years
DOB:              11 August 2386
POB:              Kings Park, New York, Terra
Parents:          James Gerard Makkedor, Jr. (DOB: 2361)
                  Margaret Chancellor (DOB: 2363)
Siblings:        Daniel Ryan, Junior Executive, Montgomery Materials
                      (DOB: 2389)
                  Gregg William, Star Fleet Navy (DOB: 2394)
Spouse:          None
Children:        None

Physical Description:
HT:              6' 0" 
WT:              178 lbs 
EY:              Blue
HR:              Brown
SK:              Light Tan;  Goatee with hint of gray
Blood Type:   Ak+
Vision:          O: +.05, S: +.025 (effectively 20/20)
Religion:        None
Citizenship:    Terran, United Federation of Planets

''Click on the link above to view CDR Makkedor's biofile.''
II.  Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended:
  -- Star Fleet Academy {Graduated *magna cum laude*}
  (Bachelor of Science, Political Science)
B. Service Schools Attended:
  -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School
C. Qualifications:
  -- Qual:  Tactical Officer
  -- Qual:  Navigation/Astrogation Officer
  -- Qual:  Junior/Senior Officer Bridge Tests
  -- Qual:  Security Officer's Tests
  -- Qual:  Command Officer's Tests
D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Honors:                *Magna Cum Laude*
Final Cadre Rank:  Cadet Commander
Academic Major:        Political Science
Professional Major:    Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics
Class Rank:  4/250
Reprimands: 0
Commendations: 2
Athletics:  Terran baseball; Null gravity handball.
Activities:  Cadre, Future Starship Captain's Club,
                            Nova Squadron
III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-17:  Lived with parents on Terra.  Received standard public
            education there.
18-22:  Attended Star Fleet Academy.
23-Present:  Active duty in Star Fleet.
B. Background Summary:
Mak is extremely dedicated to his posting (regardless of what that
maybe) and the members of his unit, despite his snafu in reporting
to ALB. He is fiercely driven for absolute excellence, and expects
nothing but the same from his team. Mak is also outwardly
confident in his abilities and self-assured; he knows he's "a
natural" at his chosen career path.
In his younger days, Mak was often accused as being cocky and,
at times, conceited.  This in actuality stemmed from his
knowledge of his natural abilites and his confidence in them
rather than misplaced ego.  His stance has softened in the
three years since he graduated Star Fleet Academy, toning
down his behavior somewhat.
He has also gotten past, for the most part, his apprehension
towards making friends with his crew.  He still has trepidations
regarding forming close relationships with colleagues, but has
come to learn that isolating oneself is a sure way to turn an
exciting adventure of discovery and exploration into something
far more mundane.  He has even found himself considering more
intimate relationships...
Mak enjoys spending his off time either in the holodeck honing
his already brilliant tactical skills or reading a good 19th-
20th century novel when not enjoying the company of his crew-
He avoids physical confrontations unless backed into a corner,
as he doesn't have much confidence in his hand-to-hand fighting
capabilities. He much prefers a hand phaser, with which he's
pretty good. Unfortunately, he's not much good at being
diplomatic, either. He does spend time trying to improve this
skill, as he knows it is vital to be adept at it if one is to
make Captain someday. Another reason why he keeps to himself
when off duty-it keeps him out of trouble. He comes from a
family of five, with two younger brothers. Both are still in
school at various levels. His family still lives in Kings Park,
a small town in what was once known as New York state, on Earth.
IV. Official Star Fleet Record
A. Promotion History:
Star Date (24)040801:  Entered Star Fleet Academy.  Appointed Cadet
                            Fourth Class.
Star Date (24)050801:  Advanced to Cadet Third Class, Cadet Ensign.
Star Date (24)060801:  Advanced to Cadet Second Class, Cadet Lieutenant.
Star Date (24)070801:  Advanced to Cadet First Class, Cadet Commander.
Star Date (24)080531:  Graduated Star Fleet Academy.
Star Date (24)090217:  Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
Star Date (24)101013:  Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
Star Date (24)111016:  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).
Star Date (24)120220:  Given brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander (O-4).
Star Dtae (24)120730:  Brevet rescinded.
Star Date (24)130417:  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4).
Star Date (24)180923:  Promoted to Commander (O-5).
B. Service History:
Star Date (24)040801:  Accepted into Star Fleet Academy, San Francisco,
Star Date (24)070801:  Promoted to Cadet Commander at Star Fleet Academy
Star Date (24)071001:  Received Bronze Star for bravery and leadership
                            under extreme circumstances.
Star Date (24)080531:  Graduated Star Fleet Academy, 4th in class of 250
                            Major: Starship Combat Strategy and Tactics
                            Minor: Starship Helm Operation
Star Date (24)090101:  Assigned Armstrong Lunar Base, Holodeck 17 to
                            complete officer's training
Star Date (24)090203:  Graduated Armstrong Lunar Base (with honors),
                            assigned to SB ALPHA for assignment
Star Date (24)090217:  Promoted to Ensign (O-1);
                            Assigned FCO, USS CHARLEMAGNE NCC-800
Star Date (24)091201:  Granted Leave of Absence
Star Date (24)100401:  Resumed Active Duty as FCO, USS CHARLEMAGNE
Star Date (24)100921:  Tour of Duty as FCO, USS CHARLEMAGNE ends.
Star Date (24)101013:  Promoted to Lieutenant, JG (O-2);
                            Assigned TAC/CSO, USS AURORA NCC-57103
Star Date (24)111016:  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3); reassigned
                            OPS, USS RAMSES NCC-1198
Star Date (24)120220:  Received brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander (O-4).
Star Date (24)120730:  Brevet to Lieutenant Commander rescinded;
    Reassigned TAC/SEC, USS KUSANAGI NCC 45054
Star Date (24)130417:  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4);
    Assigned XO, USS MAELSTROM NCC-57104
Star Date (24)150101:  Tour of duty as XO, USS MAELSTROM ends.
Star Date (24)150201:  Assigned XO, USS KUSANAGI NCC-45054
Star Date (24)161009:  Tour of duty as XO, USS KUSANAGI ends; reassigned
Star Date (24)180923:  Tour of duty as CO, USS MANCHESTER ends; reassigned
                                XO, DEEP SPACE 13
(Note:  Ships recorded at classification at the time officer
was assigned, not their current re-classification.)
C.  Medals and Commendations
Star Date (24)071001 Bronze Star - Awarded for bravery and leadership during
rescue of participant during the Star Fleet Academy Marathon.
Star Date (24)100301 Combat Action Ribbon.
Star Date (24)100301 Fardon Sector Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)100301 GREEN Fleet Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)101201 Starfleet Commendation Medal- For efforts in discovering
a saboteur while serving as CSO/TAC of USS AURORA.
Star Date (24)101201 Romulan Sector Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)101201 GOLD Fleet Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)120220 Tybiiran Campaign Ribbon- For role in the Battle of the
Tybiiran Asteroid Belt.
Star Date (24)120220 Combat Action Ribbon.
Star Date (24)120220 Gorn Sector Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)120720 Bronze Star- For actions which resulted in the recovery
and ultimate rescue of USS RAMSES during operations against
Gorn Hegemony forces in the Tybiiran Complex at great risk to
his own life.
Star Date (24)160930 Starfleet Commendation Medal- For role in Teneriffe
Star Date (24)160930 Combat Action Ribbon.
Star Date (24)160930 BLUE fleet Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)171031 Combat Action Ribbon.
Star Date (24)171031 Briol Campaign Ribbon.
Star Date (24)171031 Bronze Star- For actions which resulted in the victory
                against overwhelming forces of the Gorn Hegemony in the
                Briol system.
Star Date (24)181001 Combat Action Ribbon.
V. Skills Profile
Successful and ambitious officer despite age.  Natural tactician
and strategist, emerging Negotiation/Diplomacy skills. 
Outstanding leader- able to inspire loyalty in those under his
command.  Eventually will be a fine starship Captain.
VI. Recent Fitness Reports
"Cadet Commander Adrian Pierce Makkedor was one of the finest
students it has been my pleasure to teach at Star Fleet Academy.
His shear brilliance in my class on Advanced Starship Combat
Strategy and Tactics notwithstanding, his transcript (and
discussions with other instructors) reveals a young man dedicated
to his duty. His leadership qualities are exceptional, and his
acceptance of nothing short of excellence makes him not only an
ideal officer, but an officer who has all the makings of a fine
commander. Star Fleet will benefit immensly from his service."
-Captain U'Bann Elysee
Instructor, Star Fleet Academy
"In his time here at Star Fleet Academy, Cadet Commander Adrian
Pierce Makkedor has performed exceptionally, in the finest
tradition of Star Fleet. While his grades certainly reflect this,
one particular circumstancestands out. During the annual Academy
Marathon (StarDate 24070916), CC Makkedor's detatchment was assigned
as field security along a particularly dangerous part of the
course, the infamous "Dead Man's Pass" at kilomarker 27. This pass
is an extremely narrow, uphill climb for over a full kilometer.
Only two at a time can fit through the narrow pass, as one side is
a wall of rock, the other a shear drop of almost a half a
kilometer at its highest point. Special notches had to be cut into
the rock face for the security detatchment's deployment. As a pair
of runners approached CC Makkedor's position, one of them tripped,
knocking him into the other. The other runner lost her balance and
fell off from the path, dangling 10 meters below the ledge by a
tree root. CC Makkedor immediately sprang into action. He quickly
organized those of his detatchment in the area, and before the
root could give way, CC Makkedor had effected her rescue.
The fact that CC Makkedor was given command of the detatchment
patrolling "Dead Man's Pass" speaks for itself. However, CC
Makkedor's ability to quickly organize subordinates and resolve a
critical situation without loss of life demonstrates his natural
ability to lead- especially in times of crisis. It is precisely
why CC Makkedor was assigned. Such actions saved a fellow cadet's
life. CC Makkedor is the kind of leader Star Fleet strives to
mold. He is an asset to our service."
-Admiral Horatio Drallas
Commandant, Star Fleet Academy
"In my opinion, Cadet Makkedor should be held back for additional
training, with specific focus given to the Star Fleet Codes of
Ethics and the Chain of Command. Cadet Makkedor, while undeniably
a diligent Cadet, refuses to follow the guidelines of the
aforementioned when his opinion differs from his Commanding
Officer's. While Cadet Makkedor may eventually be a fine officer,
his unwillingness to follow either the Code of Ethics or the Chain
of Command detract from his natural leadership abilities. I am
afraid that, without further training, Cadet Makkedor may find
himself at the bottom of promotion list time and time again."
-Captain Sufik
Instructor, Star Fleet Academy
"Lieutenant Commander Makkedor is an officer of the highest quality.
During the 2nd Battle of Tybiiran, Commander Makkedor prooved
invaluable in the efforts to keep RAMSES alive after she was rammed
by Gorn attackers.  It was largely through his efforts- his demeanor
under pressure, his leadership, and his quick decision-making skills-
that RAMSES survived long enough to deliver all those who remained
alive to SB BETA in like condition."
-Captain Christine Xiao-Ping Archer
Commanding Officer, USS RAMSES
"Lieutenant Commander Adrian Makkedor is the ideal XO- resourceful,
efficient, and, most importantly, willing to offer plausible
alternatives to potentially violent situations.  His diplomacy skills
continue to imporve to the point where he is a capable negotiator,
and his tactical mind is first-rate.  I'll hate to lose him, but
the good ones don't stay XO's for long."
- Commander Sabin Samaalak
Commanding Officer, USS MAELSTROM
"Lieutenant Commander Makkedor served with distinction during the Briol
Campaign, keenly aware of his delicate responsibilities as the commanding
officer of an escort ship.  His performance in Briol was exemplary."
- Captain Caylebreth Veld
Commanding Officer, USS CIRCE/Tactical Squadron 13
VII. Psychological Profile
PATIENT: Cadet Commander Adrian Pierce Makkedor
Cadet Makkedor, while not an exceptionally brilliant man in his
own right, possesses a tremendous drive for excellence, even
perfection. This combined with his innate ability to lead allows
him to overcome just about any obstacle put in his path. Cadet
Makkedor has an extremely high chess rating, one of the highest
in Star Fleet. He is also known to be a brilliant poker player.
This explains his excellence in combat situations. His ability to
feign, bluff and outflank an enemy can be traced directly these
activities. However, Cadet Makkedor, despite being a reasonably
attractive man with an engaging personality (as all natural
leaders do), does not seem to have many close friends, if any at
all. He believes this to be "a conflict of interests." He
believes that getting too close to anyone could adversely affect
his judgement in a crisis situation. Cadet Makkedor also, at
times, can come off rather cocky, which also contributes to his
lack of socializing. As stated before, Cadet Makkedor is an
engaging person; however, it is my belief that others may find
him arrogant at first, which may dissuade some from pursuing a
friendship further.
While Cadet Makkedor's drive for excellence is commendable, the
roots behind this drive are mildly disturbing. Cadet Makkedor
has an extreme fear of failure. More to the point, Cadet
Makkedor is extremely afraid of, through some failure of his,
being directly responsible for a fellow officer's or a
civilian's death. While this may serve him well as of now, it
may become a problem if it advances to the point of obsession.
There is some cause for alarm in this, as Cadet Makkedor has
experienced nightmares during evaluations when presented with a
potential crisis. At this point, however, his nightmares have
never occurred during the crisis; they have only occurred the
evening before, when given advanced notice. If a crisis was
sprung upon him, he performed as his natural talents and
training would seem to dictate. He also performed quite well in
situations following the nightmares. In short, they have never
interfered with his performance to date. In conclusion, I can
find no evidence or precedent to restrict his future
assignments. He should make Star Fleet a wonderful officer
and commander some day- if he doesn't become obsessed with
(Signed)-Captain Wilmington Harris
CMO, Star Fleet Academy
(Signed)-Commander Dana Relimar
Chief Psychologist, Star Fleet Academy
(Routine upon completion of Assignment)
PATIENT: Ensign Adrian Pierce Makkedor
Ensign Makkedor experiences aboard the CHARLEMAGNE have provided
him with growth material.  His introverted personality has
loosened somewhat; he is a more open, pleasant person upon first
meeting than previously reported.  This is a typical shift in
personality for an officer returning from his first deep space
assignment, as they learn to get along with others quickly and
form the emotional ties essential to mental stability far away
from "home."  This is an extremely positive sign, considering
only 6 months ago Ensign Makkedor reportedly almost resigned his
commission after the horrific incident that resulted in the
destruction of the YAKOLEV and the SABRE as well as the
mutilation of several crew mates.  After a crisis of that
magnitude, a choice has to be made between moving forward and
dwelling on the past.  After a brief leave of absence from Star
Fleet, Ensign Makkedor chose to move on.
Another thing should be mentioned here- since rejoining Star
Fleet, Ensign Makkedor has not reported a single nightmare.  We
attempted to stimulate such a response without success here. 
Judging from this most recent session, for the first time since
he joined Star Fleet, Ensign Makkedor seems to have found inner
Ensign Makkedor is in excellent physical and mental health at
this time, and is declared fit for duty.  This office can find
no reason to restrict his duty at this time.
-(Signed) Lt. Tim Gladden
CMO, Deep Space 4
VIII. Current Recreational Interests
19th and 20th Century novels; Terran baseball and ice hockey
IX. Miscelleneous Classified Information
Mak's drive for perfection comes from a deep-seeded fear of
failure. More specifically, he is afraid at being directly
responsible for a colleague's death. He wants to avoid this at all
costs, which is why he has honed his skills at Starship Combat
Strategy and Tactics to such levels; he'd rather be court-
martialed and have his crew survive then live with their deaths on
his conscience. Now, however, since he has found a rut in Star
Fleet, he has begun dedicating more and more free time to learning
the art of Negotiation and Diplomacy, as he has begun to realize
how powerful a tool it can be, especially if his crew's lives are
at stake... While Mak's superiors will undoubtedly have some
knowledge of this fear (as mention of it is in his psyche file),
his colleagues will not, unless they guess it.
He has gradually been whittling away at this fear, becoming
more and more comfortable with the risks involved in his
job with each passing day.  This has led to more fraternization
with fellow officers and a willingness to work in teams without
confrontation.  However, these fears have NOT completely
receeded. They tend to come to the surface when Mak suffers a
setback of some sort- the more serious the setback, the stronger
the fears.  There have been a few setbacks- though none has
directly resulted in the loss of life- but, thus far, he has not
withdrawn so far as to begin suffering his nightmares again.
The conquest of his personal demons were never more evident than
in his performance at the 2nd Battle of the Tybiiran Asteroid Belt.
He was cool under fire, composed, and proved he can lead other
officers into and through a firefight and subsequent recovery
operations.  This has re-energized his career in the eyes of
Star Fleet, and placed him back on track for command.
Since that time, Mak has steadily climbed the ranks in Star Fleet.
He is currently on the 'short list' of officers earmarked for a
large-ship command.
-----------------------End Bio chip----------------------------------

