ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Tangled Webs==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.363
MD: About 20 minutes after leaving the Small Hotel Room in my post entitled
"The Game's Afoot"
Setting: Offices of Albright Ore Processing, New Detroit, Arcturus
Avae Zh'sharav walked through the doors of the 20th-floor office with barely
a sound; however, the aged Andorian behind the desk knew she was there
"Well?" he asked without looking up as she approached the desk.
"They bought our story- I think," she said, stopping a meter or so away.
"The Captain- Jack Steele- doesn't sound completely convinced, but I don't
think he'll be a problem."
"Hmmph," the older Andorian grunted.
After a moment, the man finally looked up. "I am assuming that since you're
still here you have more information for me?" he asked, his antennae
pitching forward.
Avae took another step closer to the desk, now standing nearly on top of it.
"Gar is with them."
The pale-skinned Andorian behind the desk met her stare now. "Here?" he
paused, tossing the tablet in his hands down onto his desk more vigorously
than normal. "Why didn't I know about this?"
Avae shrugged. "Probably because Starfleet didn't want ANYONE to know of
their presence here. They may be sloppy at times, but they are not
The man leaned forward, and pitched out of the chair. "He could present a
problem," he muttered.
Zh'sharav followed the older man. "No more so than the others," she said.
Then, she moved the topic away from Gar. "They're planning on grabbing
Sahen at the spaceport; they're going in disguised as workers there. They
asked me to find them a quick and quiet way off-planet."
"How fortuitous," he quipped. "Still..." He allowed his words to trail
Avae waited until her control sorted things through.
"Do what you need to do- get them off-planet safely," he said. "Use
whatever resources you need."
She nodded. "And then?"
Tolan Th'artak spun and met his gaze. "And then you finish this."
"And if they interfere- if GAR interferes?"
Th'artak said nothing for a moment. Then, his words clipped, he said,
"Eliminate anyone who gets in the way- ANYONE."
MD: Same
Setting: Small Hotel Room
"Hey- I found something," Gar said as the Captain stepped away from the
"Already? I had thought this would be harder."
The Andorian nodded. "It would be if we were looking for official
information- military records, classified research, that sort of thing. But
I tried something different: I just searched for any media relating to him."
Steele chuckled. "And I imagine you found a lot."
Gar nodded again. "Yes- apparently Dr. Sahen is quite the pioneer in
genetics; his work has been causing quite a stir in and around Romulus."
Steele began reading over Gar's shoulders: dozens upon dozens of biographies
and feature fluff bled together, until something caught his eye.
"Let's see this one," he said, pointing.
Gar pulled up the work, and they read.
Gar inhaled deeply as he read. Steele, ever the more eloquent, simply said,
"Oh shit."
Clearly, as they both finished, they had some understanding of the
ramifications of Doctor Sahen's work, though they would both feel better
when Doctor Corbett arrived to confirm their suspicions.
The two officers glanced at one another. "The man is clearly a monster, but
I don't understand how the Am-Tal fit into all this," Gar stated, shaking
his head.
"I was about to ask you the same question," the Captain replied.
Just adding some fuel to the fire...heh heh heh...
Respectfully Submitted,
- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Avae Zh'Sharav
Am-Tal Operative
Tolek Th'artak
Am-Tal Control Officer

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Conundrum==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Conundrum==