ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2009: Difference between revisions

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=July 2009=
==July 2009==
USS HOOD: after the drill.
SD: 2260.179
MD: 1.1627
Scene: USS HOOD, Science department
ARr'Rhiana sat behind her desk, several PADD's stacked around her, one in her hand. She was checking in on the reports from her crew during the drill. Althought most of them did rather well, there was a lot she was not so pleased about it and that was why she had called up for a meeting with her staff.
One by one they dropped in: Soffers, a average looking human male was the first to drop in. He was her administrative aide. Moments later D'FaQ'k joined them, he was a tall strong build Vulcan, one of the few who had decide to keep with StarFleet after the destruction of their homeworld. He was the divisions head, he decided wich of her teams got what assignment and who got what work. He also was a keen mind and swift scientist. The lack of emotions made it rather difficult to work with him at moments, but most of the time they could work out fine. Finally Martin and Sari showed up. Martin was her personal assistant and Sari was, well she had no specific task but had turned out to be a woman with the special talent to make everyone feel comfortable and notice problems very fast. Hemux had decided to make her the spokesman and counsellor for her team.
ARr'Rhiana nodded to them all and placed her hands on her desk, leaning in on them. "Miss Sari, gentlemen, let me start by saying that I am pleased that during the drill you all gave your best and performed rather satisfactory."
She gave them a moment to think about it and D'FaQ'K raised an eyebrow "I assume that satisfactory is not excellent. So this means there are lacks in our performance?"
Hemux grinned and gave him a big smile, which wasn't so hard for a Denobulan and nodded "Indeed, It turned out several of our team have physical problems, physical in meaning of not enough endurance, not enough strength to perform as needed for a star Fleet officer and lack in reflexes. There where also several including you mister Soffers, who seemed to forgotten their proper first aide lessons, the use of the hyposyringe and how to lay a simple bandage."
ARr'Rhiana looked from one to the other "Some of you also have shown the lack of following orders during this drill. I know it's sometimes hard to be sure who is in command, but remember during combat you are not a scientist but a soldier for Star Fleet, then the military takes over."
She turned to Sari "You value your life more then our equipment and the experiments that are going on, but in case of emergency, a experiment can turn out just that bit more dangerous then it is under controlled circumstances. Sari, your team was busy with a experiment with plasma in a concealed forcefield. You rushed away at the initial alert without shutting that experiment down. If this had happened during a real incident it was very well possible that the forcefield had dropped and the plasma would have burned through several decks. There are procedures to follow, even under red alert!"
"Now, here are some of my remarks and recommendations...."
The next two hours they spend together going over their performance and tried to work out new rules, new training-exercises and new drills for their team. At the end Soffers asked to talk to her in private.
"What can I do for you, mister Soffers?"
He layed a PADD on her desk "These are the reports from StarFleet, they contain the latest reports from INTEL on what they know about the Klingon progress in their ship designs and tactical advances. I wanted you to have a look at them first. I know you had worked in Engineering also, I think we need to work out on our shields, weapons and engines. Also I have the last new developments in sensors, maybe we can talk with the enigineers and see if we can adjust our sensors and get just that litle bit more out them then we have now."
He sighed "and finally here are all reports you have asked on every of our team, their reports during the drill, their personal view on the situation, their specialities and so on."
Hemux nodded "Thank you, you know you did a good job during the drill. It is just that since Nero had shown up, Star Fleet has turned more to the military side then to their sceintiic and exploration task. It's just temporary, Soffers. In a few years things will ease down."
He grinned "I know, Ijust hope it's sooner then later, I don't like this drills and waving with weapons and so on. Anyway, I am looking forwards to get out again, space is a good place to find new things!"
Hemux looked as Soffers walked out, Space was indeed a beautiful place and full of new miracles to discover, but she never would forget it was also a dangerous place filled with hostility, a place humans and Denobulans or nay fragile organic being did not belong.
Sorry for the long silence, school and real life had been consuming all my time and then I had to replace my computer as well. Anyway, I should be more posting again.
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux