ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Holding Down the Fort...More or Less==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.362
MD: 2.1000
Setting: Bridge, A-Deck, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth squirmed slightly in the conn. He had
not quite gotten used to the feel of the chair. Command he was comfortable
with...just not the chair.
At least that is what the Andorian warrior inside of him told him, anyway.
"Any contact?" he asked, more hopeful than a real inquiry.
The answer came back as expected. "No, Commander- none."
Gar sat there for a few moments. It had been a couple of hours now since
the Metrons delivered their sunny message, and in that time they hadn't done
much except take the Metrons at their word.
It was time to find out just how accurate that word was- Gar was tired of
His antennae twitched in anticipation as he leaned forward in his chair. "I
think it's time we tried to swing the odds in our favor," he grumbled.
Then, the Andorian engineer turned to face the comm station. "Any idea what
it is that's blocking our signal, Ensign? Dampening field? Radiation?
Yoshi Tamura stuck his face into his scope once more, and after a few
seconds, pulled it away. "None that I can detect, Commander; near as I can
tell, our instruments just don't work."
"Tried that first, Commander," Tamura replied. Everything is showing
Gar frowned at this. From an engineering standpoint, that shouldn't be the
case: if the instrumentation wasn't working, there should be all sorts of
warning lights and chirps and beeps emanating from the station. Sure,
something between the delivery of the information and the error relays could
have shorted...but for everything? The odds just don't work that way...
Gar's antennae twitched again. "Is it possible that it's not the
instrumentation being affected, but rather us? That there's some sort of
mental telepathy or mind control going on here that is making us BELIEVE
that communications aren't working?"
"I- us...Commander, that's a bit outside of my expertise--"
"I read your service jacket; I know you're more than a competent technician.
If you say that our instrumentation is in good working order, then it is.
Which means we need to find another possible solution...and I am running our
of other plausible ideas."
Yoshi nodded. "I suppose it's possible- I mean it sounds logical, anyway."
Gar nodded. "That's all I wanted to hear." He tapped a button on his
chair. "Bridge to Sick Bay."
The response was nearly automatic. [[[Sick Bay here- what can I do for you,
Gar glanced at Yoshi. "Apparently, ALL communications aren't affected- just
the ones that leave the ship," he said.
The, the Andorian turned back to his console. "Doctor, could you bring a
medkit and your tricorder up here? I want you to do a few brain scans."
There was a pause. [[[Brain scans?]]]
Gar's brow furrowed. "Did I stutter?"
Another pause. [[[No sir- on my way. Sick Bay out.]]]
Gar popped the switch again, closing the circuit, and leaned back in the
conn again.
He smiled as he glanced again at Yoshi. "I don't know if it'll work, but
it's better than just sitting around waiting for fate to decide whether we
live or die."
MD 2.1000: While the Captain and most of the senior staff have their hands
full on the sphere, Gar looks for a way to re-establish contact with them
Good to be back. I didn't have much to contribute being stuck up on the
ship (I know I needed to be since I was AFK for so long)...but perhaps I
found a way to stir the pot a little.
Harry: used Yoshi; hope I didn't mess him up. Feel free to drop in if you
want, but I know you're not exactly in a posting place right now. But
Yoshi's the only other senior staff left aboard the ship, so Gar's going to
use him. I promise not to hurt him...much... ;)
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Sixth Fleet