ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Stroll - JP==
===by Brian V. Mansur & Lena Rose===
SD 2261.350
MD 2.073
Scene: Internal Surface, Metron Sphere
Lt. Kiska Saxman quietly stood beside Commander Sean Merrick as he
tried to make contact with the Captain's half of the away team. She
felt a little embarrassed about her recent outburst. Normally she
remained calm and in control during a crisis. But then again these
were not your normal circumstances.
She took some comfort at being with the best officers in Starfleet. At
least they would have a fighting chance if they all pulled together …
even if it meant somehow working with the Gorn. After all, they had
each been thrown into the same predicament. Hopefully everyone could
put aside their differences and find a cure so that *everyone* could
survive to live, love, laugh, cry and breathe the breath of life for
years to come.
"I'm not getting through to the other team." Merrick said finally, a
crinkle of annoyance in his forehead.
"Then I guess we will have to do it the old fashion way." Grinned
Kiska, finding her sense of humor again.
Merrick smiled in relief at seeing Kiska return to her usual sweet,
upbeat self. As the others in their group gathered round, he told them
what had gone down and started leading them back towards the landing
zone. All the while Kiska continued to run the medical tricorder over
the terrain. Hopefully some reading or another would be of use to
doctor in finding a treatment.
As they trekked on, Sean occassionally glanced back at his team.
Yoshi seemed to be getting on well with Ensign Forrester. More than
once, Sean saw her reaching out to touch the young man's arm for a few
moments of physical reassurance. Sean privately chuckled at that. If
they lived through this, perhaps those two could have a beautiful life
That thought made him look over at Kiska. Gosh, but she was
breathtaking. Those ice blue eyes, raven hair, gorgeous smile, and
model figure were enough to make any man's heart beat faster. He
couldn't wait to get to know her better. And he guessed that she'd
also be happier for some simple comforting touch on his part. He knew
*he* would. Trouble was, protocol wouldn't permit it. Not within
eyesight of the junior officers anyway. Maybe down the road. He'd be
darned if after all he'd gone through that he was going to lose yet
another girl. Not in this life.
Something of what he was thinking must have seeped over the ether to
Kiska. She said, "Thanks for being calm about this. You're making it
much easier."
Throwing protocol to the wind, he put out a hand and squeezed her arm
for a moment. "I've lost track of the number of times I've played
cards with the Reaper. So it is kind of hard for me to get too worked
up over meeting him again. And so far, we haven't even seen anything
to really get excited about. No bad guys are shooting at us. We're
not dangling off any broken bridges. No one has fallen through a hole
in the ground. Heck, nobody's even sneezed yet."
Kiska giggled. "Yeah, I see your point."
It was, of course, shortly after the warm moment that the first phaser
blast splintered a nearby rock to pieces and sent the entire away team
diving for cover.
NRPG: Less talk. More action needed here. Hey, is anyone else still
playing on this ship besides Lena and me? If you all don't start
writing soon, I swear I'll change the ship's motto to "The Loooove
Boooat! Soon we'll be making another run!" Don't think I won't do
Respectfully Submitted Jointly,
Lena Rose
LTjg. Kiska Saxman
Nurse, USS HOOD NCC-1703
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick