ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2011: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: You Should Have Knocked First==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2262.031
MD 2.1150
Scene: Derelict Ship on the Station
Nygen checked the chrono for the third time in as many minutes.  "How long is that cutting job going to take?" he called back to the other engineering crewmen. 
"It is tough working in these suits," one of the redshirts complained. 
"Of course it is," Nygen retorted. "Now, how much longer?"
Several seconds later, one of the other voices replied, "Another minute." 
Nygen humphed impatiently.  It his way of covering his nervousness, he knew.  With the away team inside that ball thing being incommunicado and this ghost ship just sitting there on top of it, who wouldn't be on edge?  Moreover, they had thought things would be simple as mating their universal collar to the WAYFARER class merchant and opening the door. 
No such luck.  The thing was locked up tight with a combination code they couldn't break.  So, that left breaking out a good old fashion blowtorch to crack it open. 
"We're through!" the first voice announced excitedly. 
"Bout time," Nygen quipped and unharnessed from his chair to go to the back.  "What have you … "  The words died in his throat as he saw the interior of the merchant ship.
NRPG: Come on!  Somebody write with me here!
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
Sent from my iPod