ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2011: Difference between revisions

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6th Fleet
6th Fleet
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Expedient Allies==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.024
Scene: Derelict Station
“Bray, as I live and breathe.” Corbett shouted from high up on the hill causing everyone to look in his direction.
The Gorn Commander was taken aback at the sound of her name. Looking up to the crest of the hill she saw a man in a strange head covering waving at her. Only one Terran as far as she knew wore that.
“Ssstile,” she rasped.
“You know that lizard?” Zade asked unsure of whether to shoot him for treason.
“She was the Gorn head of security on Cestus III.” He answered. “We met over a barter misunderstanding, but that is a tale for another time.”
“So she arrested you for smuggling, personally I would have stabbed you.”
“Yes well, fortunately for me Bray is a civil being from the southern part of the Gorn home world. Unlike you she understands manners and we have been friends for many years.  Now out of my way woman there is diplomacy a foot and while the Gorn may consider your slug tasty, I doubt they wish to converse with it.” With that he set off down the hill.
Jack didn’t know if he felt more relieved at this fortunate turn of events or surprised.  He should have known that if a female was involved, even a Gorn, the irrepressible doctor would know her.  He grinned appreciatively at the doctor as he jogged up beside him.
“Good to see you again Bray.  I see the arm has healed well.”
“Thanks to your minisstrationsss.” The Gorn lowered her head slightly at the doctor before turning back to Jack.
“I’m Jack Steele of the Federation Starship HOOD.”
“Bray of the Gorn warship PREDATOR. Why are you on this station?”
“This station crossed into Federation space.  We boarded her to ascertain if she was a threat and to render assistance.  Are you and your crew stationed here?”
“We are no where near Federation space Sssteele!”  She growled and Jack wondered if it was her imagination that had she had suddenly seemed to get much larger.
“And you’re crew?”  Jack persisted.
“Like you we found this craft in our space.  We are investigating.”
Stile rolled his eyes.  “Look we don’t have time for the stubborn commander routine from either of you.”  He looked at Bray.  “We can argue over who’s space this is later.  First, did you meet the Metrons?”
Bray looked from Stile to Jack then back to Stile.  “Yesss.  Surely you are not alliesss with them?”
“No but I’d wager they’ve snared us in the same trap.”
“We’ve been inflicted with somesort of sickness.”  Jack added.  “We are trying to cure ourselves but our equipment is powerless.  Have you been afflicted?”
Bray paused as she considered the situation.  The human doctor was a friend but her training and recent events had told her people that the Federation was not to be trusted.  She knew that this region of space was infact contested between their two governments.  This was Gorn space of that she was certain.  But the Terran’s claimed they had not know this and had inadvertently encroached on it.  The negotiations continued even as she stood here.  Would her government condone her allying with Terrans even to save her crew.  Or condemn her?  Finally she spoke.  “Yes we are afflicted.  We do not have the knowledge to cure ourselves.”  She glanced at Stile.  “As the doctor well knows the medical arts are not something my people excel at.”
“And how about your equipment?”  Stile asked.
Again the long pause as she considered.  “It has power.”  She finally replied.
Just a quick one to move us along a bit.  Not exactly sure how much left we have here.  Team up with the Gorn, develop a cure, have the Metrons pat us on the head for working together etc.  Lots of room to develop some brief ‘friendship’s with your Gorn counterpart etc and then head back to the ship.  But feel free to expand add.
CAPY Jack Steele