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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Mr. Wizard’s Opus==
===by Steve Apple===
SD 2262.019
Scene: Metron Sphere
“It’s working again.” Kiska shouted as she ran into the cave where the doctor had set up shop.
Corbett looked up from dismantling the tricorder in front of him. “What is working?” He asked a bit annoyed at the interruption.
“My tricorder that’s what,” Kiska excitedly answered. “It showed that Sean was infected.” The last part came out a bit less enthusiastically.
“Let me see,” he said as he took the device from her.
“Interesting,” was all he said as he adjusted the dials. After a moment he handed it back to her. “It’s dead again, but it gave me sufficient information to continue.”
Kiska gave him a look that could wither a Klingon. “Well…”
Corbett pushed his hat to the back of his head and smiled. “It’s an Adenovirus variant, a kind I’ve never seen before, but at least I know 2 things now.”
Kiska waited a moment then shouted at him when he didn’t seem to continue. “You want to let me in on the two things you now know.”
“Adenoviruses affect both humans and reptiles, so I can see why the Metrons picked it. The second thing is that they can be cured homeopathically.”
“Which means?” she asked.
“Which means I can possibly create a cure; however, the tricky part is getting the right concentration to kill it.” He answered smiling.
“Without a tricorder your little wooden toy isn’t going to be able to see what your cure might be doing to the virus.” She countered.
“I have abandoned that exercise in futility for a new idea. While you are right my dear my primitive lens device wouldn’t help; however, a scanning tunneling microscope could.”
“And you just happen to have one.” She added sarcastically.
“Well sort of, I have the necessary components.”
“Are you going to pull it out of your ass cowboy?” Zade interrupted coming into the cave.
“Eavesdropping, well I suppose as an uncouth Yankee you couldn’t help yourself.” He chided.
“I still have your pistol.” She shot back knowing that fact irritated him to no end. “So tell me genius how are you going to build the thing.”
“I’ll need one of those pig stickers you carry madam.”
“One of your knives woman.”
“Why didn’t you say that in the first place?”
Corbett took a deep breath and waited while she handed it over. “I’ll take the piezo sensor from the tricorder and remove its Unimorph disk.” He said prying the small disk apart. “Now I’ll just need to divide the electrode into four quadrants by scratching it with the knife and use a bit of molten silver to make a connection between these tricorder wires and the piezo disk.”
“And you got the silver from where?” Zade questioned fascinated at the absolute conviction of fools.
“Hat pin,” He said as he used his cigar lighter to melt it into solder.
“At least something on the stupid hat is good for something.”
“Hand me those steel washers I pulled from the tricorder?” He asked Kiska ignoring Zade. “They should be large enough to cover the piezo disk to make a mount.”
Corbett used the resin he had come across as glue and sealed the mounting washers to the disk and created a crude disk scanner. After a few minutes of assembly as the others watched, he looked up and smiled. “I could bore you with the details of the sample stage, scanner holder, and the approach mechanism if you like?”
“Please don’t,” Zade pleaded shaking her head. “So tell me professor since all our equipment is dead what are you going to power this with.”
“This cave is a treasure trove of goodies.” He said.  “I found copper and zinc pellets along with a warm salt water pool.”
“I don’t see how that is a power source.” Kiska added.
“O ye of little faith, it’s all you need to make a Voltaic Pile,” he said excitedly then continued before either could ask him. “You soak bandages in the salt water and cut them into small circles, then just start stacking. Start with copper, zinc, and a bandage circle. You just keep piling them till you get about a four inch stack and then wrap it with the remaining bandages. Here’s the key if you start with copper make sure you end with zinc. The final step is to hook it up to the wires that lead from the tricorders power supply.”
“How did you learn to do this?” Zade questioned.
“Old 20th century television, as a child I liked to watch Mr. Wizard.”
“You learned this from a children’s show. I told the Captain not to trust a drunken…”
“Be gone Yankee worm woman.” Corbett interrupted. “I shall suffer your slings no more.”
“Gorn approaching.” One of the redshirts yelled into the cave causing both officers to stop bickering.
Corbett poked his head out of the cave and heard Steele’s voice
<<Snip from Andy’s Post “Meeting the Neighbour”
“Coming to talk?”  Jack asked aloud just as the Gorn came to a halt.  All was quiet, save for the raspy breathing, as the HOOD officers simply stared.
“I’ll go.”  Merrick said.
Jack put a hand on his executive officer’s arm and shook his head.  “No, I’ll go.  They’ve got to pay me for something.”  He slowly rose from his hiding place and noted that the Gorn had instantly focused its attention on him.  Its head had snapped around with a speed that Jack had been surpised to see.  He looked down at Sean.  “If anything happens,”  He paused, given the situation there weren’t many options to choose from. ”Do what you can.”
<<End Snip
“Bray, as I live and breathe.” Corbett shouted from high up on the hill causing everyone to look in his direction.
The Gorn Commander was taken aback at the sound of her name. Looking up to the crest of the hill she saw a man in a strange head covering waving at her. Only one Terran as far as she knew wore that.
“Ssstile,” she rasped.
“You know that lizard?” Zade asked unsure of whether to shoot him for treason.
“She was the Gorn head of security on Cestus III.” He answered. “We met over a barter misunderstanding, but that is a tale for another time.”
“So she arrested you for smuggling, personally I would have stabbed you.”
“Yes well, fortunately for me Bray is a civil being from the southern part of the Gorn home world. Unlike you she understands manners and we have been friends for many years.  Now out of my way woman there is diplomacy a foot and while the Gorn may consider your slug tasty, I doubt they wish to converse with it.” With that he set off down the hill.
NRPG: I figured since I was posted to Cestus III I’d throw it in.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
6th Fleet