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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Always Save the Girl==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2262.053
MD 2.2111
Scene: Metron Sphere
Sean and Stile both heard Kiska's faint little cry and as one instinctually
turned towards the distressed feminine sound. What they saw froze their blood.
There on the dirt lay Kiska's collapsed body with the massive Gorn XO, Gilo,
hovering over her, his fists rising to deliver another blow.
"Security!" Sean instantly began yelling as both men took off at a dead sprint
for the menacing Gorn. But Sean could see with soul piercing horror that no one
could make it in time to deflect the beast's next several punches.
Then a glimmer of hope arrived in the form of two sharp cracks which resounded
from behind them. Zade had just returned with Steele and Bray. She was firing
the Colt that somehow had never made it back into the doctor's keep. The shots
whizzed high; she didn't want to risk hitting anyone friendly. But the noise
sufficiently alarmed the crazed Gorn to make him pause and look around.
"Romulan assassinsss!" the creature shouted. "I'll kill you all firssst!" Then
he turned back to Kiska.
It was at that moment which Kiska roused as a shifting foot from Gilo nudged
her. She didn't know what had happened, only that she had a new headache the
size of Alaska's Norton Sound. Clutching at her head and neck, she rolled onto
her side. The Gorn's fist slammed into ground right in front of her nose.
"Romulan whore, you won't kill us in our beds!" Gilo hissed angrily. Kiska
turned to see another fist getting ready to swing down at her. She had just
enough time to gasp in terror before a blur of motion erased the Gorn from her
Both Merrick and Corbett flew in from the side hollering ferocious battle cries.
They field tackled the murderous Gorn at the legs and torso, toppling him off to
one side of the startled Kiska. The pair then proceeded to pummel the alien XO
with a fury of elbow shots and kicks. Sean dislodged a few large teeth from
Gilo's head when the Gorn tried to snap at him. Corbett nailed the monster
solidly in the crotch.
By incredible luck, Stile got him at just the right angle and depth to hurt
almost as much as it would have a human male. Abruptly all the fight evaporate
from Gilo who doubled up, moaning.
By the time Steele and Zade slid in, Sean was already fireman dragging Kiska
several feet off and away from the ward area just in case the insane Gorn
recovered sufficiently to have another go. By now, however, all the rest of his
compatriots, at least those with any strength, had roused and were on their
"What is thissss?" Bray demanded coming up from behind Steele and Zade. She
hadn't the stamina much less the innate speed to keep up with their mad dash to
assist with rescuing LTjg Saxman. She looked none too happy that Zade had the
Colt pointed right at Gilo.
"Delirium, I'm guessing," Corbett said, not at all convinced. "He kept calling
us Romulans."
"You not quite that ugly doctor," Bray replied, manner softening. Then she
asked the question Corbett was wondering. "He was in best condition of us. Why
he so sick now?"
Corbett bent down touch the groaning XO's forehead. He isn't especially
feverish. Maybe the virus is affecting him in a way we just haven't seen
Bray seemed to accept that for the moment. They all turned in the direction of
Sean who was fretfully cradling Kiska's concussed head in his lap. They all
distinctly heard him tell her, "You're alright darling. You're safe now. He's
down for the count. Corbett will be over with an analgesic in a minute. Do you
need a wet cloth? I can get you one."
"My apologies for what my officer did to your mate Commander Merrick," Bray said
with real humility. "Nurse Saxman, words are inadequate to express my gratitude
for your aid to us and my regret over this incident."
Sean and Kiska looked a bit like a couple of teenagers who had been caught
making out. They looked at each other wondering how exactly to reply to the
somewhat premature designation of being mates. Fortunately, Sean found his
voice before their silence could begin to make Bray think that they weren't
about to be magnanimous.
"Your words are appreciated Commander," he said. "Um, if we could get Nurse
Saxman over to the comfort of a palate by the lab, we need to talk."
"I'm quite comfortable here actually, sir," Kiska mischievously volunteered.
Sean suspected that the snicker he heard came from Steele because a moment later
the captain said, "Carry her on over Sean. Zade told us that Corbett had
something urgent to share."
That little reminder killed the moment for Sean. And if Kiska hadn't seen the
flash of worry in his eyes, she certainly felt the anxiety in his tightening
grip on her hand. What did he know that she didn't? But as he hefted her in
his arms, she was determined to enjoy the chance at putting her arms around his
neck. Sean in turn took comfort in her smile and warmth as he carried her back
to the lab area.
NRPG: Almost done with the mission unless anyone has a powerful need to prolong
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
Sent from my iPod