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U.S.S Hood
U.S.S Hood
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Not Interested in the Party==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.328
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Under like her bridge partner Lieutenant Kim Steering was exactly where she wanted to be.  She didn’t care if the entire ship was celebrating New Years Eve in the doctor’s office.  As far as she was concerned they cold stay down as long as they wanted.  It was her first time sitting in the center seat and as long as all the senior officers stayed off the bridge, her bridge, she would remain HOOD’s mistress under God. 
She knew she wasn’t really doing anything.  The ship was on course for Starbase 10 and they were fairly deep within Federation space. It wasn’t likely that something dire would happen but if it did she would be the first one to ascertain the situation and make the decision on what to do.
She stroked the arm rest of the chair reverently as she stared out at the star field.  A small smile remained on her face after she had given up trying to remove it.
“Coffee captain?”  Yeoman Green asked as she extended the cup with a supportive smile.  “Just how you like it.”
Steering accepted the cup and took a small sip her eye brows shot up in surprise.  “Its exactly how I like it!”
Green nodded matter-of-factly.  “It’s a yeoman’s job to know her captain’s preferences.”  She handed over the clipboard she had tucked underneath her arm.  “Fuel consumption reports for your signature.”
Kim accepted the board and glanced down at the information.  Was she supposed to sign it?  It looked like the figures were reasonable but she really didn’t have any idea. 
“Don’t worry the numbers are where they are supposed to be.”  Greene whispered.  “And the captain gets the report on his terminal as well.”
Kim signed the report and handed it back.  “Thank you yeoman I really appreciate it.”  She said formally but with clear gratitude in her eyes.  She waited a few more minutes and then rose from the center seat taking the long way over to the open science station where she accessed the ship’s computers and called up nominal fuel consumption reports for CONSTITUTION class cruisers.  She had no doubt that Greene had been honest with her but she knew if she was going to command a ship one day there were a lot of things she needed to know.  And this was a good a place to start as any.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: What Party?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.328
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Lieutenant junior grade Terrence Marconi was blissfully unaware that there was any sort of festivities going on in sickbay or anywhere else aboard ship.  Like Lieutenant Steering he was exactly where he wanted to be. So engrossed in his comm board he had barely even realized that his friend Kim had the conn.
Currently HOOD was passing close to Inda IV and he was intently studying the world.  The Indans had a tech base that put them approximately 25 to 30 years away from discovering the warp drive.  As such Starfleet Command was starting to make a concerted effort to gather information on the civilization in preparation for the covert teams that would study the society up close in preparation of the eventual first contact.  Although the Universal Translator had already decoded the Indan language Terry preferred to listen to the transmissions, mostly radio and video signals, emanating from the planet raw.  It was a good way to hone his linguistic skills and on the rare occasion he was able to identify a word or phrase the UT had gotten wrong.  It was all a matter of nuances. 
Currently he was monitoring an entertainment program that was likelky classified as science fiction.  It was interesting in a clinical way but he also had to admit he enjoyed the program immensely. So much so that he had instructed the ship’s computers to flag these transmissions specifically so he could watch them at his leisure.
As far as Lieutenant Marconi was concerned, the party was right here.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Runner!==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.329
Scene: Unknown
Fveirrolh Sahen lay in the small bunk and stared at the ceiling that was barely 5 centimetres above his face.  He supposed he should be grateful for the cramped uncomfortable coffin he had been hidden in, he was alive after all.  But it was beginning to become a little more than just confining.  Eight days of little movement and even less light was taking its toll.  He was starting to get anxious about his situation and with little to do but think he had spent many hours going over all the 'what if' scenarios.  Many of them he had considered before he had convinced himself to run.  They hadn't seen real then, but now as he struggled to remain calm inside his coffin where he had been placed by two strangers he had trusted everything to they seemed very real.
Sahen had always been a scientist.  Even as a child he was more interested in observing and quantifying his surroundings rather than enjoying them.  Looking back he could understand why his strange tendencies had ostracized him from  the other children.  Even in school, where he had of course excelled in his studies he had been belittle and mocked.  His nickname had become Vulcan and he knew that even his instructors referred to him in this insulting manner when they thought he could not hear them.  Secretly of course he relished in the insult.  He could think of no higher compliment then being labeled a member of such a noble and intelligent race.  He had spent many hours fantisizing that he was in fact a true Vulcan who had some home been lost on a Roumlan world.  He dreamed of one day being able to return to his true homeland and be accepted by his brothers.  As he grew older these childish dreams were replaced by bitterness as he realized his dreams could never be achieved.  Vulcan's were the enemy intellectual puppets of their human masters.  Their intelligence used to create weapons to destroy the Empire.  Charges he must accept and spew out publically but beliefs he would never privately allow.  His hatred for the Empire grew.
As he grew into adulthood his intelligence became accepted and then sought after.  He was accepted into the most prestigious institute on his home world where he, of course, excelled.  When he found he could learn nothing from his simple minded instructors he was sent to Romulus and soon was patiently explaining the nature of the universe to his instructors.  Finally he was accepted.  He was surrounded by the best and brightest of the Romulan scientific community.  His colleagues repsected his intelligence, sought his guidance, and on rare occasions provided him with insights and discoveries he had not considered.  It had been a most pleasing time.
Yet still there was the emptiness and frustration.  As an able bodied male it was expected that he would join the military and work towards the greater glory of the Empire.  That he did not was looked on with suspicion and cowardice.  Even when, his studies complete, he joined the military and began to work in its science division he was still viewed with disdain by a society reared on conquest.  A true solider of the empire did not run tests and write papers, they conquered worlds and squashed rebellion. So far as his neighbours were concerned he was not a true Romulan.
Eventually his disaffection became known by those who felt as he did.  He was approached and accepted and eventually became a leader in this underground and outlawed group.  A group who only sought peace and openness with all beings of the galaxy.  A group who ranks he of course rose in.  A group who, he had almost found too late, was home to many government spies.
And so he had been forced to take the action which he had always dreamed of but never been brave enough to seize.  He had been forced to flee.
Just some ground work for the next mission.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703