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Commanding, USS HOOD NCC-1703
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC-1703

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Bennis is an Unlucky Name
SD: 2260.327
Scene: Sickbay, USS HOOD
[Bridge to Sickbay.  Medical Emergency.  Incoming transport from shuttlecraft NIMITZ.]
The laughter in the doctor's office came to almighty sobering halt.  "What the frak!" Stile cursed as he slammed the door panel and bounded out to answer the call.
He came up short to a horrific scene.  Campbell was in a heap on the ground, blood covering his shoulder.  Next to him, a crewman was shaking violently and groaning inchoerently.  From behind a nearby exam curtain Sean stumbled out followed by a shocked looking Kiska. 
"Campbell!" Jack bellowed.  "What the Hell happened!?"
Campbell looked pasty white with terror. 
"I ... I ... don't know.  We were working and he attacked me!"
"What do you mean Campbell?" a still back bare Sean demaned.  "What were you doing and where?"
"The ... the shuttle.  The one you beamed up to.  I think Bennis is possessed."
"How the hell do you know ..." Stile began then stopped short.  "Damn it to hell!  Stile!  Is he or isn't he?  We're fraked if one of those things got aboard!" 
At that moment, Bennis shot up screaming in an unworldly voice, and lurched madly at Keska.  He grabbed hold of her with both arms and was leaning in close as though trying to bite her face. 
Sean body checked Bennis, hoping to throw the crazed man off the nurse.  It brought them all in heap onto the floor.  Bennis came loose from Kiska and started wrestling with Sean. 
"Tranquilizer coming through damn it!" Stile shouted.  Despite the rolling that Sean and Bennis were doing around Kiska, the doctor's aim was true.  In five long seconds, Bennis fell still. 
Jack watched in dread, expecting the mist to leave Bennis at any moment.  But it didn't happen.  In fact, in a few moments, Bennis actually started snoring. 
"Damn it to hell!"  Jack cursed.  "What just happened here?  Stile.  I need to know."  Stile was already grabbing a tricorder. 
That was when Campbell began babbling between wimpers.  "I was, I was, I was just telling him about the ghosts you know.  And he was working and I sort of dropped a hydrospanner and behind him and there was this flash." 
"Jack he's clean," Stile said. 
"He's clean.  I think he got an electrical zap.  Check out his hand where it is burned."  He turned angrily to Campbell.  "I'm guessing between the power surge and our friend's spook tales, he got scared into a frenzy." 
"Damn you Campbell," Sean started, "I swear I'm gonna ..."  Sean stopped cold.  Cold, because he was feeling cold.  There was ... a draft. 
"Um, Sean," Stile said quietly.  "There is a lady in the room." 
Stile didn't bother looking down, but he knew his gown was still there clutched weakly in Bennis' hands.  And so was Kiska.  Who was looking up.  Who was probably 2 shades of rouge darker than the red alert lights just about now.
"Aw frak it," Sean spat.  "And with all the dignity he could muster, he turned around and went back into his exam room for his clothes. 
NRPG:  Hope you enjoyed the show. Good night everybody!  14 posts in one night for the HOOD
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick