ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Realization Dawns==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.355
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Commander Mark Compass felt a wave of panic wash over him.  He actually thought he might wretch.  Reading over the mail he had sent to that pest Steering for the third time he couldn’t quite believe he had done something like that.  It was stupid, degrading and completely and totally unprofessional.  It would haunt him for the rest of his career.  Which, once the captain saw it, would plateau exactly where it was now.  If he was lucky he’d stay aboard.  He knew he was a good navigator and that the captain did place value on him.  But there were a number of good navigators out there.  All desperate to land a slot on one of the 12 CONSTITUTION class ships.  He was certain a few if not all of them would be better command prospects then he was.  Even before the email. 
And things had been going so well.
He looked across the bridge at the command seat.  He’d practically lived in it the first few days and now he couldn’t bring himself to sit there. It was no longer something he could convince himself he deserved to do.  He had to make things right but he didn’t quite know how.  He’d already tried to put the brakes on the Starbase Engineering team but all the arrogant team leader had down was wave the signed work orders in his face.  Compass had even humbled himself and told them he had been wrong and was rescinding his own orders.  The team leader told him to file the new orders with the base and once said orders had been officially communicated the team would stop work. But until that time the work would continue.  Compass knew that was a load of crap just as he knew that as acting commander his orders took precedent to anything else.  The problem was he had no way to enforce them short of grabbing a phaser and making the situation so much worse.
And that wouldn’t solve the problem he had created with Lieutenant Steering.
For the next few minutes he drummed his fingers across the science console and stared out at the planet below.  Finally with a resolve he had forgotten he had he reached out an opened the internal comm.  “Compass to Marconi.”
[Marconi here.]  The Communications Officer replied.
“Mr. Marconi I really could use your help with something.”
Hi all.  Sorry for the silence this past week…just getting ready for the holidays.  Always the best time of the year to realize how badly I need to win the lottery.  Today I got to buy an $800 motor for 5 year old furnace…of course I can’t complain as I will actually have heat for the holidays.  At 9am this morning when they couldn’t find the part it looked like it was going to be a long and cold two weeks.
So there are Christmas miracles!
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Apologies==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Apologies==