ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Its Different When its Real==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.010
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
“I’ve received clearance from the base for departure sir.”  The CPO manning the communications station reported.  Ensign Marconi had been transferred off with little notice to make room for HOOD’s new permanent COMM officer who, in pure bureaucratic style, had not actually reported to the ship yet. 
“Moorings released.”  Lieutenant Steering confirmed from the helm.  For the time being she would retain her helmsman role but would also serve as Compass’ first officer.
For his part acting Captain Mark Compass looked up from the padd he had been pretending to read and handed it to Yeoman Greene.  “Very well.  Mr. Steering take us out, one quarter impulse.”
“One quarter impulse aye.”  Steering confirmed.  “We have cleared the dock.”
“Come to new course two four eight mark three.  Increase to full impulse.”
“Helm answering new course and increasing to full impulse.”
“Departure angle please.”
“Departure angle aye.”
On the viewscreen the Starbase and the planet it circled fell away rapidly as HOOD increased speed.  You could almost feel the momentum building as the power flowed through the great ship.  It was like she felt relieved to be back out amongst the stars.  Mark Compass felt anything but relief.  Less then a week ago he had been given temporary command of the massive ship and he had acted like a child with a new toy.  It was one thing to be command of a ship in spacedock.  It was entirely different to be in charge when you were speeding towards the unknown.  In this case the unknown being lurking Klingons and Romulans.  He was suddenly very aware of the number of beings aboard ship.  All whose lives now depended on how well he could do his job.  It was a sobering thought.  “Viewer ahead.”
“Viewer ahead aye.”
Thank God I made peace with Kim, he thought.  At least he had someone who he knew he could rely on.  HOOD was a good ship with a good crew.  He knew the people were the best you could have.  But he knew the missing officers would leave a large glaring void on the bridge.  A void that he was painfully aware he could not hope to fill.  But he and Kim would do there best.  And chances are all they would have to do was hang around on the edge of the system until the captain called for transport.
“Approaching the edge of the system.”  The assistant navigator reported.
“Increase speed to maximum warp.”
He hoped it would be that simple.
Scott and I have a JP hopefully coming out tonight that will shed a bit more light on what is happening with HOOD…  It takes place between my post Orders and this one.
Until the primary officers are back on board you can of course write for whoever is in command of your applicable departments…altho’ I don’t really see there being much action for HOOD, just getting her in place to end the mission and begin the next one.  I know the away team and admiralty are worried the Romulan fleet are waiting in cloak but remember no one on Romulus knows Sachen is gone except the Intel agent who is chasing him…after he let him get away. ;-)
Also, I may get another post out tonight but that will be it for me for the next few days.  I'll be around in NRPG but probably won't be RPing.  Mon/Tues I've got some stuff to take care of and Wed/Thurs I'll be saving the Federation while playing Star Trek Online! (Woo Hoo)  Back to work Friday so hopefully will be posting then ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Pieces in Place==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Pieces in Place==