ORIGINS: USS Hood June 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Now What?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.171
Scene: Unknown
<from Steve’s last post>
“Stile is that you.”
Corbett heard the voice of his Captain and saw the man pressed up against the glass of the cell diagonally in front of him and to his right. “Nice to know I’m in good company sar.”
“I can see Cedria from here; she’s lying on the floor of the cell to my left.” Steele said.
“Now that must be a sight.” Corbett yelled back then added. “I’ll tell you what; I’ll trade you some smokes and my breakfast for a week if you change cells with me Jack as I’ve always had a women’s prison fantasy involving Zade.”
“Stow it doctor. We need to figure out how we got here.”
“Captain where are we?” Someone yelled from another cell.
Corbett knew that voice, it belonged to Gene Lowl. “We are not in Kansas anymore sar, so I think the better question is why are we here and how do we get out.”
“Gene, did you try your phaser?”  Jack called out.
“I did captain.”  Gene answered immediately.  “I can’t explain it captain but its completely dead.  I checked to make sure it was fully charged right before we left the ship.”
Gar and Payne chimed in with a ‘Same here.”   
“That makes all of us.”  Jack crossed his arms and considered the situation.  For the last few hours he had spent the time trying  to find a way out of his cell while he hoped that the rest of the officers were safe aboard the RUTLEDGE.  While he was bitterly disappointed they had not escaped his fate he did admit to himself that he was relieved they were here with him.  With this many of them together that chances they would escape seemed much more likely.
He turned his attention back to Zade’s cell where she still lay motionless.  “Doctor can you get any sort of reading on Cedria with your tricorder?”
“Already tried and failed sar.  Whatever these walls are made of its doing a good job of reflecting my scans.  I can barely get a stable reading on myself.”
“Cedria!  Lieutenant Zade!”  Jack shouted out in the hopes of getting some response from her.  But she remained motionless.  “Frak!”  He cursed before a loud pitched whine suddenly filled his chamber.
CAPT Jack Steele

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Phantasma==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Phantasma==