ORIGINS: USS Hood June 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Phantasma==
===by David Kiel===
SD 2261.171
Scene: A Corridor
Cedria looked at her hands, and through them at the floor of the corridor. It was a smooth worked stone, much like marble but something more. It had no wear, no marks or signs of use. It looked brand new. But people did not generally build corridors to not be used. Oddly enough perhaps these were the exception.
When she had arrived she was shocked at the sight of the place. Smooth stone floors, cool gray walls broken by the occasional archway or intersection marked with varied colors; maroon, goldenrod, burnt orange, aqua. She had only seen a few colors repeat and couldn't be certain she wasn't passing a juncture for a second time. No placards, no maps and no controls, com panels or displays, just corridors, intersecting with corridors continuing on in a myriad of twisting and turning passageways. There were no rooms. At least none she had come to, and it had been hours.
Of course it wasn't just the sight of the place that had shocked her. She was alone, the Captain, Gar, the crazy alcoholic Doctor who liked to glance at her when he thought she wasn't looking. She seemed to remember he had been killed by a poisonous rabbit. When she had materialized they were gone, and she was alone in this endless maze.
And it wasn't just the missing Captain and crew. It was herself. She looked at her hands again. They were translucent, she could see the floor of the corridor through them. Her sleeve was a golden prism through which the bluish wall of the intersection she stood in looked slightly greenish. She was a shade, a ghost, she couldn't pass through walls but she also couldn't quite feel them either. It was just a place where her hand stopped if she tried to press through it, she couldn't sense its texture and there wasn't the slightest give.
She wasn't breathing. It wasn't as alarming as it would normally be, she just simply didn't have the need. She could speak, but her voice was weak, and she sounded far away, even to herself.
She turned left and walked down the next corridor. She had selected a direction at random and as the passages turned she would pick the left or right that would lead her in her chosen direction. She was halfway down the corridor when a portion of it to her immediate right pivoted and slid back. Seams opened where there had been none and the `door' slid back into a room. The first she had seen.
She was shocked again at the appearance of the alien. Tall, eight feet at least, with a thin face widening into a dome cranium. Sharp angled eyes that turned side to side, a mouth twisted in a natural frown, almost a sneer. She pressed herself back against the wall of the corridor. The first of them turned to its left and slid in the direction she had come. A second followed the first. The final alien paused and looked straight at her, she gasped, an echoing whispery gasp. It looked straight through her and paused, eyes turning to the right and left as if searching.
For a moment it stared straight through her, and then it turned and slid after the others. She looked wide eyed after them for a few moments and then followed. They wore long gray robes that just brushed the floor as the moved. They seemed to hover, sliding across the floor with no gait, no change in attitude just a smooth gliding motion. She had to hurry just slightly to keep up with them. They moved with purpose, turning left, right, straight left straight and straight, before stopping in front of a plain and bare gray wall.
She stood a few meters back, sure they would turn and obliterate her at any moment. The wall opened and pivoted back and they moved through. She moved to follow but the door was smooth and quick and before she closed the distance it was closing. The seams vanishing to nothing as it did. She made a fist and slammed it sharply against the wall in frustration. There was no noise when it struck, no pain in her hand from the blow. It just bounced soundlessly and harmlessly off where the door had been.
Cedria screamed in frustration, and the sound echoed back to her, the louder the noise she made the father away it seemed. She caught movement from the corner of her eye. A single figure glided past the intersection to her right, the same as the others. She ran to follow it.
NRPG: I was a bit lost with this mission. It's been two decades since I've seen the original series and I had to find this episode on the web to get started. I've taken the puppet alien of the original and given it a hovering motive form reminiscent of the Gentlemen from the Hush episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Cedria's body in its cage is breathing and functioning normally, but for some strange reason her consciousness is off wandering about.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,