ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Smooth Journey==
===by David Kiel===
SD 2261.035
Cedria stood next to her console her attention fixed to the standing display. A
three dimensional map rotated slowly on one of the full length bridge displays.
Her eyes traced the course to the first of the patrol destinations. She
downloaded the latest long range scans to the display. No gravitic anomalies,
nothing she needed to fly around, nothing to optimize, it was all so very
She sighed and muttered to herself. "Perhaps Quella will explode." The violent
death of a star would at least give her something to fly around. Ten to fifteen
million people would die of course. She frowned in hypothetical disappointment.
`So perhaps its best if it did not' she thought only slightly ruefully as she
sat at her station and began reading duty reports.
She was beginning to develop opinions about her crewmen. They were good, you
didn't get to a Constellation class ship by being average. Only one of them was
crazy. Third duty shift Ensign, pathological and obsessive, she could see it in
the writing. She wondered how he had gotten to the Hood, it would be amusing to
try and figure that out.
Soon they would arrive at Celes, and some poor redshirt would beam down and
perhaps get attacked by some squid like wriggly alien crawly ick thing. Then she
would get to fly the rescue shuttle down cause you cant transport when a ick
monster is sucking the blood out of your liver.
Cedria felt sorry for the poor red shirt guy who was soon to suffer such a
grisly incident.
She was also glad she wasn't a security officer. She wanted no part in skulking
about mining caves on strange new worlds. She was definitely needed on the
bridge to plot quick emergency courses around meteor storms. He console beeped,
three lights, a small intrastellar piece of flotsam in their path. She rolled
the numbers through her head, corrected for drift, alternated the harmonic arc
to compensate for the warp effect and carried the 34,217.937.
Tapping the small correction in to send the Hood 10,000 kilometers out of the
way of the little whatever it was, Cedria Zade yawned and then returned her
attention to the duty reports.
Many hundreds of trillions of miles away, there was a cottage on the shore of a
dark Trill lake. A Vulcan sat before the fire, he had had nothing better to do
with his time than to gather the wood while the worm worked. He stared at the
flames. The flames helped, they helped with the rage. His fingertips pressed
together in a meditative kata, one that didn't help much anymore. His eyes
reflected with fire, the skin under his scars twitching, occasionally tugging
lightly at his tightly drawn frown.
"She was walking towards me. Walking right to the copse." His voice cracked
with anger, his words dripped with emotion. His voice alone sent chills up
Alden's spine as the Trill poured over federation data packets searching for her
"I will find it. It's just a matter of time."
"Twelve must die. Twelve signed and twelve must die." The Vulcan muttered, his
voice grating, his body tensed. He was always tensed, the emotions crawled over
his skin like an ever shifting disease. They gave him the clarity to see the
treachery, they gave him the fire that the wood so poorly reflected from his
Alden was timid and careful, like most Trill hosts. But for this he risked the
Vulcan's presence. Zade had stolen him from him, well her at the time. One
hundred and one years ago. A single moment in a timid and careful life, and he
had lost his chance at love, at happiness, at bliss. A life of timid darkness
had left him with one untempered desire, to see Zade suffer. The amusing
vagaries of fortune had set him in the path of the Vulcan. An instrument of
violence that the Trill symbiosis commission could have never provided him.
Someone who could tread the dark path that Alden lacked the courage to walk.
His eyes chanced to spot a line on the display flickering before him, he paused
it and took it in, his excitement growing to a mild level but nevertheless one
he seldom frequented. He read the details of the intercepted missive to the
glowering Vulcan.
The Vulcan's grimace twitched, the corner of his lips rising slightly as the
wretched worm found the information he needed. His ancestors screamed in wicked
shivering delight in the dark places bared open in his mind. He stood and
glared into the fire almost regretting there was no need to gut the Trill before
him. The fires brightened in his fevered gaze, his quarry was located. He had
agony to deliver, vengeance to release from the chains that only barely
contained it. He whispered the name, a name that now echoed in the screams of
the ancestors, whispered it to the flames.
NRPG: Now approaching Celes, Captain.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Briefing==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Briefing==