ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Briefing==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.036
Scene: Briefing Room One
“Thank you all for coming.”  Jack said as he took his seat after pouring himself a cup of coffee and grabbing a few sandwiches from the small buffet the stewards had put out.  “The good news is that this should be a fairly quick briefing, assuming you’ve all read the mission orders I forwarded along to you.”
“They were a pager turner sar.”  Stile quipped
“To recap we are on standard patrol mission of the Celes System.”  Jack had been disappointed when he had first seen the mission orders but he found that they were starting to grow on him.  It would could to spend a few weeks not having to face death or make decisions that affected the Federation, or would haunt him for the rest of his life.  And given the remoteness of the location he was certain the colonists and miners would be happy to see them.  “Celes, as you all have read is home to three mining facilites and two colonies.  We’ll spend the first two weeks visiting these locations and the final week letting Lieutenant Hemux and her department survey the Sonata Nebula.”
“We’re looking forward to it captain!”  The Denobulean beamed.
“I hope you’re looking forward to trying to police your people; there is only so much sensor time they’ll get to use!”  Merrick said with a chuckle.
“We’re all scientists I’m sure everyone will cooperate.”  The first officer’s chuckle spread around the table.
Jack turned to Gar.  “Commander, I know you’ve seen the shopping list the colonists have supplied, I’m also anticipating they’ll be looking to us for minor repairs and equipment upgrades where possible.  Any issues?”
Gar shook his head and Jack couldn’t tell what he was thinking.  “Engineering teams will be ready to go when we arrive.  I’m sure we will be able to take care of any problems they are having.”
“Good.”  Jack answered before turning to DeSimms.  “One problem the first mining facility is having is periodic house calls from Nausican raiders.  Apparently every three months or so a small contingent of heavily armed Nausican’s beam down bully everyone around for a few hours and make off with a weeks worth of dilithium.  They’re calling it protection payments.    The miners tried to fight back the first few times with predictable results, now they’ve put it down as the Price of Business and they keep a small inventory set aside to ‘donate’ to the Nausicans when they arrive.  This should be stopping soon as Starfleet has assigned a couple of destroyers to patrol Celes permanently however they will likely be two months behind us.  In the meantime, John, I’d like your department to provide a few advisors to the miners and help them come up with some defensive plans.  They don’t have anything in the way of anti-space weapons, nor will we be providing it, they are looking at ground defense tactics etc.  They know they aren’t soldiers and don’t want to be, but they’re tired of having their lunch money stolen and they’d like to given the bully a black eye.”
“That could escalate things for the minors.”  Sean said.
Jack nodded.  “They’ve built a ‘safe room’ in the facilty.  Apparenlty it would take days for anyone to breach it.”  He turned back to DeSimms.  “Check on that.  They just want to be able to stand up to the pirates nothing heroic.  You know Nausicans they’re tough but not stupid.  According to Intel the only reason they’ve been harassing the Celes system is that the Orions moved into the adjacent systems and hammered them.  If they know their not getting a free meal ticket in Celes then they’ll move on.  And if they don’t get that message the first time they will when the two destroyers show up looking for their hideout.”
“Understood sir.” 
Jack turned to Stile.  “And finally doctor I imagine your teams will be busy with the required physicals of the miners and the colonists on Yulu Four.”  He snapped his fingers.  “That reminds me, Yulu Four is a small colony still living out of habitat domes but apparently Lyren Two is quite the Garden of Eden so we will be utilizing it for shore leave.  So,”  he turned to Gar, “the faster your people are at the mining facilites the more time we’ll have  for shore leave.”
“Thanks.”  Gar growled.
Jack grinned.  “And that is the gist of it.  Questions, comments?”
Just a bit of catch up now that I feel somewhat alive again.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703


==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting To The Heart Of The Matter==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting To The Heart Of The Matter==