ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Dead Goldshirt==
===Daniel Belin===
Scene: Junction 5, J Deck
“Lowl, go left!” Yelled DeSimms as he ran right with S'Theltek. The rest of Saber was securing various exits on J-Deck. He ran through the corridors, but the rabbits were evading them. His communicator rang.
[[Lowl here. We've discovered a rabbit, unconscious. I am securing it as we speak, but one rabbit remains unaccounted for.]]
DeSimms tersely yelled, “Understood!” before deactivating his comm unit. He jumped up, his foot extending towards the corner of the next junction. He hit it and diverted all his inertia into another corridor. Where he was suddenly faced with a angry brown rabbit, who started charging him.
DeSimms wall jumped, grabbed a pipe, and performed a saut de chat. As he landed he spun himself around to face the rapidly fleeing behind of the rabbit. Then he heard a running man behind him, so he jumped up and grabbed the pipes, swinging his legs perpendicular to the torso as to not hit the runner.
A Corbett passed under him, moving fast and low with a lasso. DeSimms thought this guy must be crazy. He dropped to the floor gave chase to both the rabbit and Corbett, running as fast as he could. Fluidly he made a left, planning to get in front of the rabbit. He ran as fast as he could to the next junction, jumping up and hanging from the pipe with his legs again perpendicular to his torso.
This is ridiculous, thought DeSimms. There was no way this was happening. A doctor chasing after a rabbit with a lasso, and DeSimms hanging from a pipe to capture the same rabbit. Fun.
Suddenly a brown blur came around the corridor. DeSimms knew that this would have to be as precise as possible. He inhaled sharply as the rabbit ran under him, and performed a hanging drop, spinning around as he landed. DeSimms raised the phaser and his index finger depressed the 3 and a half pound trigger.
Right as the finger reached the magical 3 and a half pounds, something tugged on DeSimm's leg. It pulled him down, and he landed stomach down on the floor as the phaser shot went wild, hitting a wall a foot above the rabbit. DeSimms looked down and saw some old fashioned woven rope. He looked back and saw an apologetic Corbett.
DeSimms swore. He looked at Corbett and asked, “Do I look like a rabbit?”
“Uh, Sorry.”
Suddenly, a scream permeated the corridors. They ran to it and found an unconscious Ensign Lord of Astrophysics Department. He had a large laceration in his leg.
DeSimms made a quick assessment, “He was gored.”
The doctor replied, “Yes he was.”
DeSimms staunchly said, “That rabbit isn't getting off this Deck, so lets get this guy to sickbay.”
“No. I gotta finish this,” said Corbett.
DeSimms grabbed Corbett's shoulder and spun him to face DeSimms, “No, Soldier! You're the Doctor! We gonna get this guy to sickbay! Return to the rodeo later.”
The Doctor came out of his medicated rush. Some sense filled the void created by the end of his high, “Lets move get this guy out of here!”
“Is he stable to move?”
“I think so. At this point the toxin hasn't kicked in, but he's in shock from the wound," said Corbett. DeSimms took the goldshirt in a fireman's carry and the three of them moved fast to the nearest turbolift.
With Respect,
Daniel Belin
John DeSimms

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ain't no Bigger Crazy than Texas==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ain't no Bigger Crazy than Texas==