ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ain't no Bigger Crazy than Texas==
===by David Martens===
SD: 2261.042
The song was working. The pair of venomous herbivores were still backed into a
corner. Trill music was generally more melodic but Padrek had gone through a
phase inspired by a personal tour he'd done of Orion Ore Processing town
saloons. She noticed movement and a man turned the corner behind her.
She recognized the ships doctor immediately. She had read his bio and he was
wearing the strange hat shaped like a differential equation. Something from
Texas she recalled, whatever Texas was. He turned to a wall unit and said, with
a slight slur to his voice, "Computer, end noise."
Cedria rolled her eyes and hit stop on the hand unit she was using to play the
music. He removed his hat and executed an awkward sweeping bow, his movements
somewhat short of the smooth grandeur she assumed he intended. He was drunk, or
drugged. "Fantastic." She muttered under her breath.
"Stile Corbett at your service Miss." He said and began twirling a rope in a
practiced but no less bizarre aerobatic performance. Apparently the plan of
battle with the rabbits was music and a show.
"Are you insane, those things carry a deadly poison on their horns? Just back
away and call security now." She said in frustration.
Corbett put his hat back on, his eyes never leaving the rabbits. "My sanity is
always in question; however, I'm afraid these rabbits and I have a score to
"Don't even thin…" She shouted.
Corbett interrupted her with a shout of "Yee Haw," as he took off after the
He ran one down and inexplicably managed to catch one leg with his absurd
twirling rope. He moved quickly to bind it in an impressive display of loops
and completely without managing to die of neurotoxin. She was impressed enough
by his display of what she could only assume was blind luck that she completely
forgot to drop down from the ceiling of the corridor.
"You can come down now." He said and she let go, dropping to the floor and
landing smoothly, her left hand slipping around him to pull the hypo deftly from
his kit. There was no way she was letting an intoxicated man trust his insane
luck twice. She dialed up the dosage and aimed for his neck. Her hand changed
course and smoothly retreated to move behind her head when he turned suddenly to
face her.
Cedria pretended to brush back her long auburn hair as she got her first face to
face look at the ships doctor. She was struck by the vivid nature of his eyes,
they were a bright green, lighter than her own foresty green and slightly
luminescent. They were also a bit addled and somewhat euphoric. "Have security
get this one, it'll be out for at least three hours. I'm going after its
friend." He said and turned and ran after the little monster before she could
tranquilize him. She was left standing over the limp rabbit with the doctors
Cedria looked down at the empty corridor and shrugged, slipping her hand comp
into her pocket. "Well, I can say I met him the day he died."
A pair of security officers turned the other corner and she pointed to the bunny
at her feet. "Take this one back to zoology or to the brig or wherever you take
attack rabbits. I have to sedate a Texan before he gets himself neurotoxified."
She turned and sprinted down the corridor after the doctor.
A left , right and two lefts later she heard phaser fire from behind her.
Turning in place she ran back in that direction. A couple more turns and she
noticed a splattering of red on the deckplate. She slid to a halt beside it, a
smeared smattering of blood followed by a small trail heading toward a
turbolift. The doctor had clearly been killed here. She frowned at his
misfortune, dialed the dosage back down to rabbit level and continued in the
direction she assumed the bunny venom thing had run. She heard a scream and the
snarl of the beastie and ran in that direction.
A left and a pair of rights later she turned the corner and a beam of phaser
fire slashed through the air two inches from her waist. She threw herself to
the deck on her back and slid under the beam. A second beam joined it just
missing the flash of mottled brown, tan and white that leapt over her fleeing
security and a Denobulan armed with a tricorder.. Her arm shot up reflexively
snaring it by the chest as it arced overhead. She pressed the hypo to its leg
before it had a chance to slash her with its horns. She slid into the wall,
bounced off and then laid the creature carefully on its side.
She breathed heavily for a few moments looking up at the light fixtures of
corridor B. The big B was printed on the wall next to the big 12 that indicated
that she needed to pay a lot more attention to when she got off lifts on this
A red shirted security officer looked down at her suddenly. "Sorry about that,
miss. Didn't see you there."
"Quite alright, crewman." She said, sitting up on her elbows. "Take the rabbit
to the brig and book it for disorderly behavior. Don't touch the horn thingy's,
they sting."
Cedria rubbed her hip which ached a bit from the impact and sat up looked at the
wide eyed Denobulan standing nearby. She held out her hand and smiled, "Cedria
Zade, I'm the new Navigator, nice to meet you."
NRPG: Heh, I had to rewrite this twice as new posts showed up. I had to cut the
scene where she found out the Doctor was still alive and it was someone elses
blood, but she does find that out.
Unless they escape the brig and beam to a cloaked ship, the rabbit menace is
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

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Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703


==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Make Yourself Useful==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Make Yourself Useful==