ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Leave no Quarter for Pirates==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Surprise Attack==
===by Daniel Belin===
SD: 2261.043
NRPG: Parallel to Steve's Post "Don't Judge a Book By It's cover."
Scene: Bridge
“O.K, Cedria, focus all the sensors and targeting beams on this one,” said Merrick, who was genuinely having fun, “Prepare to fire.”
“Yes, sir!” exclaimed Cedria, who gestured to Steering.
As a well oiled machine, the two swiveled the Hood around to face some asteroids. Cedria, rather unnecessarily said, “Targeting systems enagaged. We have a lock, Sir.”
“O.K, try to hit it so I can beam in a souvenir.”
“Begin firing.”
Scene: DeSimms Quarters
DeSimms both loathed and enjoyed the fact that his quarters were under the phaser room. He found the hum of the conduits soothing, but when they were running tests up there it was the worst cacophony of noise possible. Also, when the phasers fired, it was a pretty loud noise, although usually John wouldn't be in his quarters during phaser fire.
Suddenly, several things in DeSimm's room started to vibrate violently. As if a ship was coming out of warp at extreme range to the Hood. The Hoods phasers fired to hit the asteroid, DeSimms smiled. It was just an anomaly in the phaser, he thought.
Suddenly, his thoughts about the vibration were interrupted by phaser fire. Not the loud graceful pulse fire of the HOOD, but the discordant sounds of an pre-phased energy weapon. Like the old Pulse Cannons or Lasers. Suddenly, the energy weapon impacted. With shields up it wouldn't have done diddly squat, but with the shields down the beams impacted the HOOD like a sledgehammer.
DeSimms was thrown across the room as the Alert Lights went off. He smelled the tang of silicon and phaser coolant. It was a direct hit to the dorsal phaser array. DeSimms bolted out the hall and towards the bridge.
Scene: Bridge
Merrick and Zade just slipped back into their chairs after that impact. Merrick gestured to everyone else for them to get back to their stations. He yelled tersely, “The hell?!”
Zade responded, “No clue. We didn't get a reading before it slipped into warp.”
“Damage Report?” Barked Merrick, looking to Chief Jefferson, who was manning communications.
“Transporter Room, minor hit. Will require minor repairs. Shield Array One, direct hit. It's out of operation. All dorsal phaser banks require major repair. Also, all turbolifts are out for the count. I am estimating 4 hours to get back up to 50% of normal battle readiness, sir.”
“Understood. What hit us?”
DeSimms surprised everyone as he crawled out from the hatch, “I have an analysis, sir!”
“Go ahead, Lieutenant.”
“Whatever it was, it was only capable of low-warp speeds. It came out of about Warp Two close to the hull. The weapons it was using were of the old system that utilized Pulsed Lasing-”
“You mean, like on the old Earth-Fleet ships,” interrupted Cedria.
“Exacto,” exclaimed DeSimms, “It was similar to the directed energy weapons on the NX-class, from what I could hear. My analysis is that the Nausicans have somehow stolen old NX weapons systems from a Graveyard and reactivated them.”
Cedria said, “The speed was also similar to the cruise speed of an NX.”
“Which is now the cruise speed of a Nausican frigate according to SFIA reports.”
Merrick said, “So you think it's the Nausicans.”
“Yep. I guess they modeled their weapons and propulsion around the NX.”
“O.K. When Gar comes back onboard he can analyze the energy residue on the hit areas. Hopefully that will shed some light on the incident.”
“Speaking of that,” Interrupted Jefferson, “The DAMCON Teams need about 15 minutes to repair the transporters. Should I raise the away team?”
“Yes,” said Merrick. The familiar voice of Steele came on the line.
<<Ready for beam-up.?>>
“ sir. We got caught with our pants down,” said Merrick, “We got our asses handed to us. Transporters need about 15 minutes to repair. I'll have Jefferson send down a data package with the Damage Report.”
Merrick signaled Jefferson. She hit several keys, and the packet of data was transferred. The bridge could hear the sigh of Steele clearly through the comm. Line.
“DeSimms has an analysis. It is quite interesting.”
<<Lets hear it John.>>
“From what I can tell, Nausicans have stolen energy weapons and propulsion systems from decommissioned NX starships. Added them to their freighters to turn them into frigates.”
Everyone could almost hear the three men on the surface nodding. Finally, Steele responded, <<Keep all systems that are working on full alert. We can't talk about it on the air, but we don't think its the Nausicans, and you are damned lucky they only used the lasers.>>
Everyone was very worried now.
Respectfully Submitted
Daniel Belin
Lt. John DeSimms
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Leave No Quarter for Pirates==
===by Andy Catterick===
===by Andy Catterick===

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Looking for Answers==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Looking for Answers==