ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Leave no Quarter for Pirates==
===by Andy Catterick===
Scene: Inside the Asteroid
<snip from Dan’s post.>
<<Ready for beam-up.?>>
“ sir. We got caught with our pants down,” said Merrick, “We got
our asses handed to us. Transporters need about 15 minutes to repair. I'll
have Jefferson send down a data package with the Damage Report.”
Merrick signaled Jefferson. She hit several keys, and the packet of data
was transferred. The bridge could hear the sigh of Steele clearly through
the comm. Line.
“DeSimms has an analysis. It is quite interesting.”
<<Lets hear it John.>>
“From what I can tell, Nausicans have stolen energy weapons and propulsion
systems from decommissioned NX starships. Added them to their freighters to
turn them into frigates.”
Everyone could almost hear the three men on the surface nodding. Finally,
Steele responded, <<Keep all systems that are working on full alert. We
can't talk about it on the air, but we don't think its the Nausicans, and
you are damned lucky they only used the lasers.>>
Everyone was very worried now.
Jack looked back at Gar and Stile.  “What do you think?”
“I think whoever it was they were damn lucky that the HOOD was in the middle of the asteroid belt so we couldn’t get a sensor lock on
them as they warped in.”  Gar mused darkly wishing untold amounts of evil on anyone who inflicted damage on his ship.
“Or they had some sort of cloak?”  Stile offered.  “But then again if they could afford to pay for a stolen cloaking device you’d
expect they’d have more to shoot with then lasers.  Maybe it was Nausicans.”
“Well we won’t get any answers sitting down here.”  Jack growled just as determined as Gar to throttle whoever it was who took a shot
at his ship.  He flipped his communicator back open.  “Sean whats the status on the transporters?”
[Still looking at minimum 15 minutes captain.]
“What do sensors have?”
[Three ships making a run for it at slow warp.  Two ahead of our attacker who is trying to catch up.  Nothing else in system.]  The
last statement came with the sting of embarrassment.  Sean had let a ship get in close enough to attack the undshielded HOOD.  They
were lucky the damage had been minor.
“Send down a shuttle.  The second we’re back aboard get us underway after those pirates.”
Ten minutes later Jack, Gar and Stile strode onto the bridge.  Jack dropped into his chair, Gar took the engineering console and Stile
sat at the extra science station.  Jack couldn’t quite remember if the doctor had been on the bridge before.
“We’re three minutes to intercept on the one that hit us.  I’ve ordered her to stand to and prepare to be boarded but there’s been no
reply.  The other two are a minute ahead.”
Jack looked over at Yoshi who shook her head.  She had continued to hail the fleeing ship and there had still been no response.
“Status change!”  Lieutenant Zade suddenly announced and all eyes snapped to the tactical display where the two lead ships had suddenly
reversed course and were now heading directly back at HOOD.
“You’ve got to be kidding.”  Jack said more to himself as he picked up the coffee cup that Yeoman Greene had placed on his arm rest. 
“Confirm specs on those two ships.”
Zade peered into her tactical computer.  “From mass and configuration I’d say they were comparable to a second generation corvette. 
Light shielding, lighter armour and lowgrade weapons.  Not a threat.”  She concluded.
Jack looked over at his comm officer.  “Open a channel.  This is Captain Steele of the Federation Starship HOOD.  You are ordered to
power down your engines and prepare to be boarded.  You have fired upon a Starfleet vessel and I am informing you that failure to
comply will be met with deadly force.  This is your only warning.”
“They’re picking up speed and channeling all other power to weapons and their fore shields.”  Zade reported as she continued to stare
intently into her computer.
“Lieutenant if they haven’t cut their engines you are to fire once they are within 200,000km.”
“Aye sir.”
Jack found that he was hoping the Nauscians would not break off.  He didn’t really care either way about Nauscians but he did have a
hatred for pirates.  He had seen enough atrocities as a junior officer that he had no doubt that one less pirate in the galaxy was a
good thing.  Two ships full of them would be a blessing.
Hi guys got to stop this here as I am heading home.  If no one else does I’ll pick it up in the am…but if you do could you please leave
the third, bigger one for me I have a cunning plan.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703