ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Looking for Answers==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.047
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
“They’re picking up speed and channeling all other power to weapons and their fore shields.” Zade reported as she continued to stare intently into her computer.
“Lieutenant if they haven’t cut their engines you are to fire once they are within 200,000km.”
“Aye sir.”
Jack found that he was hoping the Nauscians would not break off. He didn’t really care either way about Nauscians but he did have a hatred for pirates. He had seen enough atrocities as a junior officer that he had no doubt that one less pirate in the galaxy was a good thing. Two ships full of them would be a blessing.
“Firing.”  Zade suddenly said in a voice that was eerily calm amongst the tension on the bridge.  All eyes watched as the ventral phasers scored direct hits on both corvettes.  Barely a second later a torpedo spread leapt away.  If the two ships had been farther apart one might have survived this first attack but neither was so lucky.  Both ships went up in a brilliant flash that HOOD raced through.
“Good shooting lieutenant.”  Jack commended calmly, as he forced down the jubilation he felt.  His greatest desire was to leap from his chair and cheer.  He knew it would of course be completely unprofessional but is hard to fill anything but satisfaction.  Instead he turned to his comm officer.  “Ensign open a channel.”
“Channel open.”  Hoshi confirmed.
“This is the Federation Starship HOOD. You are ordered to power down your engines and prepare to be boarded. Failure to comply will be met with deadly force. This is your only warning.” 
“Target is increasing speed.  Estimate weapons range in 37 seconds.”    The seconds ticked by as the bridge crew watched the distance shrink on the tactical display.  Finally Lieutenant Zade broke the silence.  “Coming up to weapons range.”
“Hold your fire.”  Jack ordered as he leaned forward in his chair.
“Range now 175,000 kilometres, 150, 000 kilometers, 125,000 kilometers.”
“Lieutenant can you fire a few shots that will scorch her paint?”
“Yes sir.” 
“Captain we are being hailed.”
“On screen.”
“What gives you the right to destroy my ships and threaten this vessel human!”  The Nauscian demanded.
“Your ships fired on a Starfleet vessel and were under suspicion of engaging in piracy.  They were ordered to heave to and be boarded and were warned of the consequences.  They failed to take my warning seriously.  You have ten seconds to cut your engines and drop your shields.  I trust you understand the consequences?” 
“Your ship fired first human and I will see that you will answer for your crimes.  I will drop my shields and surrender. I have no choice.”
“You will not attempt to destroy your cargo or damage your navigation computers.  Failure to comply with these orders will be summarily dealt with.”  Jack warned.  HOOD out.” 
Jack looked over to Hemux.  “How many aboard?”
“Nine Nausicans, three Orions and a Tellerite.”
“Bridge to security.”
“Security.  DeSimms.”
“John I’m going to beam the crew of the frigate over onto our cargo deck.  They don’t know they’re coming and I imagine they won’t be very happy.”
“We’re on our way.”
Jack looked over to Sean.  “Commander you and Lieutenant Zade will take a security and engineering detachment over to the ship and secure it.  Strip it down I want to know what they’re carrying, where they’ve been and what they’ve seen.”
“Security is in place.”  Hoshi confirmed.
“Bridge to transporter room, energize.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ship Boarding==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ship Boarding==