ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting Ready to Move On==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.050
Scene: Briefing Room One
“And that is what we are up against.”  Jack said after reviewing the security component of the orders he had received..  “I’d like to remind you that none of this can leave this room.”
Sean shook his head.  “It’s going to.  As soon as we come up against a CONSTITUTION class vessel that clearly doesn’t belong in this universe the whole crew is going to know.”
“I know.”  Jack sighed.  “I have forwarded that, and many concerns to Starfleet Command but so far I have had no reply.  It is beginning to sound like a canned response but this mission was obviously thrown together in a hurry and involves Starfleet Intelligence which would explain the emphasis on operation security.”
“You mean ignorance.”  Gar groused.
“Be that as it may most of you aren’t supposed to know so the crew definitely, for the time being, can’t know.”
“So what is our plan of attack?”
“The original mission parameters are legitimate and we are going to stay on schedule.  Our next stop is the New Naticoke Mining Facility where we will deliver supplies, our medical staff will make the proverbial house call and engineering will help with any repairs and upgrades.  But we will obviously be keeping our eyes open for anything that doesn’t belong.  There may not be any further incursions.  Or they may be somewhere else.”
“Why are they here?  I mean here overall and here in this sector?”
Jack shook his head.  “I think here because it is a fairly out of the way sector,”
“And its mineral rich.”  Gar added.  “What ever they are doing will likely suck up a lot of energy which means they may need a way to replace their dilithium.” 
“Wouldn’t you just bring it with you?”  Steering asked.
“Perhaps its not in such abundance or readily available wherever it is they are coming from.”  Zade answered. 
“Alright I want to warp out of here in no more then three hours to stay on schedule.  In the meantime we need to deal with the Nauscians.”  He looked over at John and Sean.  “Commander I want you and Mr. DeSimms to question the Nauscian captain and find out what if anything he knows.  That was a lot of dilithium he had hidden away.  If that was a payment I want to know who paid him and if it was a delivery I want to know where he was taking it.  I don’t need to remind you both to remember the Geneva and Deneb Accords.” He held both their eyes for a moment.  “However you can remind him that piracy carries a very stiff penalty and any information he gives us will help to mitigate his sentence.”
“I don’t like the idea of carrying around a bunch of pirates for the duration of this mission.”  Merrick said.
“Agreed.  So we aren’t.”  He turned to Kim.  “Lieutenant in three hours you are going to take the prisoners aboard their ship, seal them in their hold after ensuring they won’t be able to give you any troubles,  and transport them to Starbase 19 in the Aldeberan system.  At warp five it should’t take more the four days to get there.  Take an engineering team and a large security detachment as well as any crew you think will be necessary.  Draw up your personnel and supply requests and have it to Commander Merrick within the hour.  Understood.”
“Yes sir.”  She replied half eager at the responsibility and challenge and half fearful of the same. 
“Is there anything else?”  Jack asked the group.
Just a quick one getting all of the characters on the same jumping off point.  Feel free to expand on the meeting discussion.  I know there are angles I didn’t cover so feel free...
Dan B: Didn’t know if DeSimms would want to stay with HOOD or go with Steering and the Nausicans, so your call on that one.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Indulgence==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Indulgence==