ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Deus ex Machina==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.059
MD: 1.1907
Setting: Main Engineering, O-Deck, TSS HOOD
Gar Th'elenth holstered his phaser without so much as an acknowledgement for
the life he had just char-broiled.
"Anyone else want to tell me what we can't do?" he growled as he punched
buttons on his status display.
No one said a word, and instead simply just scurried off to their duty
"And take this carcass with you!" Gar shouted, nudging the blackened lump
that had been one of his warp systems ratings.
A couple of his staff quickly ran over and carted the body away, not daring
to make eye contact as they did, lest the temperamental Andorian shot
someone else.
He adjusted his eyepatch, and began to study the readings in front of him.
Unfortunately, they were the same as they had been a minute ago...and unless
the properties of physics were significantly different in this universe than
his own, they **wouldn't** get any better on their own...
Exactly as he and Zade had planned.
<<snip- from Steve's "Another You Another Me" with a change in perspective>>
Suddenly, the comm panel chirped. [[[Gar,]]] came the Captain's icy voice.
[[[Status report and none of your bullshit this time.]]]
Gar's lips pursed tightly as his antennae swept dangerously back. "The
dilithium chamber took a hit when we activated that Tholian device. It sent
a power spike through the antimatter chamber and fused four of our crystals.
All that's left of them is a charred lump."
The captain's response was predictable- immediate, angry and stupid. [[[I
don't think I need to tell you your job mister. Utilize the crystals we
keep for backup.]]]
Gar fought back the urge to curse the idiot in command. "I would sir, but
you traded them to the Cardassian slavers in exchange for information on
that damn ship's whereabouts." The Andorian knew he was pushing the
Captain's buttons by mentioning "that damn ship," but Gar didn't care; it
was his glory-seeking that got them into this mess in the first place.
<<end snip>>
He awaited a response, but when nothing came, he closed the channel.
Gar touched a few buttons on his console again, sending out work orders to
the damage control teams dispersed throughout the ship; there would be
meters of fried conduit to replace, overloaded junctions to fix...
However, he knew it was, essentially, all for naught, a thought which made
Gar very happy. It was only a matter of time before Steele did something
monumentally dumb in an effort to either grab more power or take out one of
his rivals...
...And they'd be ready for him. Everything was in place; next time they
went to red alert, Steele, Merrick, DeSimms- all of them- would get a nice
Andoria, Trill, Tellar, Cait- all would shake off the noose of Terran
sovereignty that had slowly strangled them for decades.
Turning his head, making sure no one was watching, he pressed another
button, one which would let Cedria Quell and Hemux that all was ready on his
end without anyone being the wiser.
MD 1.1907: The anti-Gar muses over their current situation on the TSS-HOOD.
I know Dave said he was going to re-post his "triad" posts because of their
mentioning of Veld, but I thought the premise was solid and wanted to tie
into it. This also tied into what Dave has Hemux doing. So...I guess we're
all conspirators together.
Viva la Resistance!
I did have to stop here, as I'm still piecing things together in OUR
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer