ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ready to Beam Down==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.69
MD: 2.0800
Scene: Transporter Room one, TSS HOOD
Jack Steele of the Sovereignty ship HOOD looked down at his uniform with bemusement.  “I feel like I should be climbing into bed not going on a mission.”
His three companions chuckled as they stepped up onto the transporter while he leaned over the transporter console and opened a channel to the facility below.  “HOOD to Director Ambrams.”
[Abrams here.]
“As promised director we are ready to beam down.”
[Fine captain, that’s fine.  I’m looking forward to meeting you.]
“And I you.  See you shortly, HOOD out.”  Jack looked up and smiled at his officers.  “One big happy family.”  He added as he joined them on the transporter pad.  He had initially thought Merrick’s suggestion had been foolish but now he was seeing the wisdom in it.  For the thousandth time he promised to remind himself just how valuable his friend was next time he considered killing him.  Afterall as good as Merrick was he wasn’t the best first officer in the fleet by any means but he was undoubtedly better then whatever crap command would dump on him.  And there was no way anyone would sign off on promoting Gar to first officer on a starship.  He was lucky his Andorian ass was even aboard.  It didn’t matter that he had the skills and experience to be here he was still from a barely tolerated planet.  Feeling magnanimous he slapped Merrick on the back as he took his place.  “This was a good idea exec.” 
Sean bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement not exactly sure the best way to answer.
“By the way.”  Jack continued taking the phaser from his hip.  “How do these compare in terms of power to our own weapons?”
“These models are not nearly as powerful as our standard issue weapons.  They also have many more settings based around the two base stun and kill.”  Gar answered promptly.  His answer was in fact the truth but he was certain that the real phaser weapons from this multiverse were likely more powerful and dependable then their own.  But he wasn’t about to volunteer that information.  The captain was in a good mood and there was no reason to jeopardize that over something that really didn’t matter.
“Stun?”  Jack asked incredulously.  “Why would you ever need to that?” 
“Standard procedure over here.  Killing is a last resort.  They prefer diplomacy first and last.”  Stile explained.  “Even when they have to use force they tend to temper it.”
The grin on Jack’s face grew wider.  “I’m really going to like it here.  Energize.”
Just moving things along a bit.
I the MD makes sense.
Captain Jack Steele

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Shadowcloak==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Shadowcloak==