ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.68
Scene: Port Aldeberean
It had been a long 4 days and as Lieutenant Kim Steering stepped off the transport pad her main thought was checking into a BOQ and having a very long sonic shower.  The excitement of her first command had worn off somewhere around Day Two and then it hit her that she was stuck on a cramped, dank Nauscian freighter that was basically flying itself to its destination.  There hadn’t even been a peep out of her prisoners to make things interesting.  It was surprising how disappointed she was with the whole operation.
But it was behind her now.  An official atta-boy would likely be placed on her fitness report.  But that didn’t matter.  All that mattered was a shower, a good meal and a long sleep.  She could worry about getting her crew back to HOOD in the morning.  They deserved 24 hours of what ever made them happy just as much as she did.  And that, she realized was probably the best order she had given in the last four days.
“Excuse me, Lieutenant Steering?”  A young rating who seemingly appeared out of nowhere asked breaking into her daydream of all things pleasurable. 
“Yes, I’m Steering.”
The rating nodded with a look that said he was surprised she managed to get that question correct.  “If you’ll come with me lieutenant you’re needed in BuPers right away.”
“Understood crewman.  I’ll just pause long enough to get my self cleaned up and put on a new uniform and be there presently.”
The rating shook his head sadly.  “Sorry Lieutenant.  Captain Nixon said immediately.  With the captain immediately means immediately.  Presently is never involved.”
Kim smiled serenely as she pictured herself throttling the crewman.  “Very well, lead on.”
Two minutes later Kim found herself at attention in front of Captain Nixon wondering if they way she looked or the way she smelled was worst.  Probably the smell.
“I appreciate you coming so quickly lieutenant but I would have understood if you’d taken a few minutes to make yourself more…presentable.”  Nixon looked like he had been about to offer Kim a seat but had thought better of it.
It was definitely the smell.
“My apologies sir but I didn’t want to keep you waiting.”
“Yes, well,”  He suddenly thrust out a red datachip.  “Your new orders.”
“Orders?”  She asked completely confused.  Lack of sleep had that affect, but so did BuPer offers who believed in few words.
“You’ve been transferred to USS LEXINGTON as her Navigator.  Effective immediately.”
“I’ve been transferred?”  She asked.  “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
“LEXINGTON just got herself a new commanding officer and he apparently requested you specifically.”  Nixon shook his head surprised at the whole thing. 
“Who did sir.  Who is LEXINGTON’s new CO?”
“Couldn’t tell you.”  Nixon answered, his frown deepening.  “This whole thing seems to have been thrown together quickly.  I have no other information.  Now then, you’re transport leaves in 22 minutes.  Commodore Stockwell is aboard and I don’t know which he would find more annoying being forced to wait for a junior officer or being cooped up in a courier ship with someone as, well as dishelved as you are.  If you hurry you may be able to make sure you don’t find an answer to either choice.  Dismissed.”
Hello LEXINGTON crew.  My rushed, on my way post.  If it wasn’t tonight it likely wouldn’t have been til Sun/Mon.
I look forward to writing with all of you.
HOOD: Sadly Kim will be moving over to LEX.  But don’t worry I will start up another HELM NPC with a name just as brilliant as Steering…maybe Driver.  Yes I am a genius! ;-)
LT. Kim Steering
LT. Kim Steering

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Shadowcloak==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Shadowcloak==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Mr. Abrams==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Mr. Abrams==