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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: “Facing Yourself Is Never Easy - JP==
===by Brian V. Mansur and Steve Apple===
SD: 2261.075
MD: MD: 2.0900
Scene: Celes II, Mining Facility
<Snip from Brian’s Post “Not Much Time Left”
Neither of them noticed the faint electric hum of a transporter beam several feet down the hall. Too bad for them that it took about five seconds more for them to round the corner of the door. Steele was the first to react.
"FRAKING GAW...." he began.
He was looking right at himself. And this universe's Steele evidently had completely expected to see someone there because he already had his weapon pointed right at them.
A stun bolt took Sean down instantly. Steele was fumbling for his own pistol when a second shot tagged his arm, crumpling him to the floor in a dazed heap. Moments later, a boot pressed harshly down on the mirror Steele's neck.
"You fraking bastard," Captain Jack Steele of the USS HOOD venomously spat at his doppelganger.
It took a minute, but off in the distance, the pitiful cries of Mr. Abrams slowly quieted to mere whimpering.
End snip>
Corbett immediately rushed forward and checked the two stunned officers from the Multiverse. “Merrick is unconscious and Steele is barely conscious, but otherwise neither is hurt.” He reported.
Steele lowered his weapon. “Mr. Sahel,” He said to the Vulcan in charge of their security escort. “Take Dr. Corbett and Commander Gar and find out where that whimpering is coming from. Don’t take any chances. Stun first and ask questions later, understood.”
“Aye sir,” The Vulcan said and motioned for the doctor and engineer to follow him.
The three officers quickly made their way to an office off a hallway to the left of the refineries entrance. They could hear shouts and whimpers coming through the door. Sahel held up three fingers and with sign language began the countdown. The officers had weapons extended and upon Sahel’s mark Gar kicked the door open.
Corbett immediately saw a fat humanoid whimpering in a chair, his doppelganger standing over him shouting. Without thinking he depressed the firing button on his phaser and rushed forward. He stopped short when he saw the Andorian lying face down on the floor.
“What the fu…”
“No no please wait.” A very lucid Mr. Abrams yelled putting his hands out and interrupting Stile. “He didn’t hurt me.”
“You’re bleeding sar, so excuse me if I’m a bit skeptical.” The doctor said running his scanner across the director’s face.
“Something isn’t making sense here.” Gar remarked checking on his own doppelganger. What happened?”
“The cowboy shot the Andorian when he tried to inject me with a hypo.” Abrams tried to get out in wheezy voice.
Corbett looked up from his scan at Gar. “Is he dead.”
“No merely stunned,” The Andorian replied.
“Sir,” Sahel said calmly to Abrams. “Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what exactly has happened here.”
“This man.” Abrams said pointing at Corbett then shook his head and pointed at the unconscious cowboy. “No I mean that man; he dragged me into this office for what I thought was going to be torture. They wanted me to give them crystals, but I told them that the Federation had already picked up their quarterly quota and that I didn’t have any more. Their Captain struck me and said if I didn’t hand over the crystals he wanted then they’d kill me.”
“His nose was broken, but it looks like Dr. Jekyll over there used an osteoregenerator on him.” Corbett said looking at Gar.
“Yes yes the doctor dragged me in here and phasered the other when he tried to give me a truth serum. He said that I needed to continue whimpering if I wanted to stay alive. He told me that they were not star fleet from this universe and that the Captain would kill me or worse if he didn’t get what he wanted.”
“And you did what?” Corbett asked checking on his double.
“I gave him four crystals, they’re in his bag.” Abrams sobbed.
“It’s alright now, you’re safe.” Corbett said injecting the fat little man.
Abrams immediately stopped sobbing and his face took on a euphoric smile.
“Mr. Abrams, can you hear me?” Corbett asked.
“Yes.” He said in a far away voice.
“Good, I want you to listen to me very closely. You had a very pleasant visit with the Star Fleet officers, but fell during a tour of the plant. You got a broken nose, but it was fixed for you and you are very grateful, do you understand.”
“Yes very grateful.” The director said in that same strange far away voice.
“Dr. may I inquire just what you did to him?” Sahel asked.
“I gave him a memory blocker.” Corbett said pushing his hat to the back of his head. “He’ll wake up in an hour or so and remember only what I told him.”
Gar nodded and then picked up his double and headed back toward the Captain and rest of the landing party. Corbett hoisted his doppelganger as well and followed.
Steele swung around, his weapon raised, but lowered it when he saw his men carrying their doppelgangers accompanied by Sahel. “Did you find the source of that whimpering?”
“Yes sir it was the plant’s director.” Sahel said rejoining his men.
“Well where is he? Is he alright?” Steele asked 
“He’s fine, he sustained a broken nose, which is already fixed.”Corbett said as he and Gar dropped their doubles next to their crewmates. “I gave him a memory blocker; he’ll wake up in an hour and not remember any of this happened.”
Steele nodded. “Our security chief was right they are hostile. They tried to attack the ship, but Zade held her own.”
“Sir,” Gar said concerned.
“She’s intact Gar, no real damage done, though the transporter is temporarily off line.” Steele said smiling at his Engineer’s worry for his ship.”
“Any casualties?” Corbett immediately asked.
“None that I know of.” Steele said then stepping over to his still dazed double. “Stile with me, I want you to give him something to make him more alert? I want to know how many ships we’re facing and just what their mission is.”
Corbett opened his med kit and drew up a stimulant that he injected into the other Steele. Within seconds the other shook his head and leapt at Stile enraged. Sahel had already anticipated that move and roughly pushed the Captain back down.
“Don’t touch me you diseased ridden piece of shit.” The other Steele spat at the Vulcan, who merely lifted an eyebrow in fascination.
“I should have guessed that you weaklings would have embraced them.” Blackjack Steele sneered to his counterpart.
“I want to know what your mission is and how many ships you brought with you?” Jack asked the man calmly.
“You are pathetic.” Blackjack said with contempt. “You may look like me on the outside, but…”
“But what?” Steele answered menacingly.  “That I won’t shoot you for the safety of my ship and this universe? I guarantee you it’s not a theory you’d want to test.”
Blackjack immediately calmed and even smiled. “I know when you’re bluffing.”
“Once again Captain,” Steele asked. “What is your mission and how many ships are with you.”
“Kiss my ass.” Blackjack said and leaned back closing his eyes.
“Stile,” Steel said turning to the doctor. “Inject him with a truth drug.”
Corbett shook his head. “I don’t think anything I have will work on his neurophysiology. A stimulant is one thing, but the complex formula of a truth drug is quite another.”
“Damn it I need answers.” Steele said through gritted teeth. “How long will it take for you to synthesize an agent suitable for him?
“A couple of hours at the very least.” Corbett answered.
“We don’t have that kind of time.” Steele sighed.
“Perhaps I might be able to help sir.” Sahel interrupted.
“How?” Steele asked.
There is an ancient Vulcan technique.” Sahel said then paused. “It is a deeply personal thing, part of our private life, and generally not shared with outsiders. It is called a mind meld.”
“A what?” Steele asked.
Corbett quickly stepped in. “It’s dangerous enough when done between 2 Vulcan’s, but when initiated with a human. I can’t let you…”
“What the hell is a mind meld?” Steele demanded.
“It’s a way of sharing consciousness.” Corbett said trying to save Sahel the embarrassment of explaining. “It allows the sharing of memories and experiences.”
“Will they in turn know our secrets as well? Steele asked directing his question to Sahel.
“Only if I leave my mind unguarded.” Sahel answered. “I can do this Captain and get the answers you seek.”
Steel looked over at Stile and saw the concern written on his face; however, he saw little choice. “I’m going to allow it. Your objections are duly noted doctor.”
Sahel nodded and crouched down to the sitting man and placed his fingers at different points on Blackjack Steele’s face. “Don’t touch me...” The Captain screamed and tried to fight.
“My mind to your mind.” Sahel whispered his free hand grabbing the back of Blackjack Steel’s head so he couldn’t escape. “Our minds are merging, our thoughts are joining.”
Both Corbett and Steele watched as Blackjack’s body relaxed. It seemed to be working. “Yes,” he whispered.
“Our minds are one, our thoughts are one.” Sahel intoned his body stiffening.” Show me.” He hissed.
After a few minutes both Blackjack Steele and Sahel screamed and came apart. Steele collapsed and Sahel staggered back into Corbett’s arms.
“What the hell just happened?” Steele demanded of his Chief Surgeon. “Stile?”
Corbett laid Sahel on the ground and passed his scanner over him. Satisfied he turned his attention to Blackjack. “He’s in shock Jack, but I can stabilize him. I told you the meld was dangerous.”
“I knew the risks doctor.” Sahel said standing. “Captain we need to find and destroy that ship.”
“I take it what you learned is worse than I imagined.” Steele offered.
“Yes sir. The universe is a vast place and holds many fascinations. This man’s universe is not so very different than ours.” Sahel said straightening himself, his emotionless demeanor returning.
“Mr. Merrick and Mr. Gar. I think you should hear this as well.” Steele said calling his men over.”
Corbett joined them as well and waited for Sahel to tell them what he learned.
“Their universe was identical with ours until approximately 2160 when Vulcan refused to join the Earth Alliance against the Romulans. My people felt the more logical course was to stay neutral and try and broker a peace between the parties.”
“I think I’m starting to understand why he treated you like a pariah.” Corbett interrupted.
“Indeed doctor. In his universe my people never took part in the coalition and were not present at the battle of Cheron.”
“So the Romulan’s won.” Merrick said.
“Yes they did and Earth paid heavy reparations in territory and precious resources. However, just like here a neutral zone was established and the parties remain embroiled in a cold war.”
“That doesn’t explain their bad manners.” Corbett replied sarcastically.
“This might.” Sahel continued. “A pro-human group called the Son’s of Terra rose to a position of power in Earth’s government. They used brutal tactics and fear to subdue the people of your planet and quietly began an arms buildup. When the time was right they launched a campaign against Andoria first then Tellarite. Once they had secured those peoples and planets they launched against Vulcan. One hundred star ships from all 3 star systems converged on my planet and destroyed our planetary defense forces and then the planet itself. They wiped my species from existence. Reckoning they called it for the traitorous act that led to their defeat at the hands of the Romulans.” 
“That would explain their technology.” Gar added. “A lot of what we use today is built on a Vulcan foundation, while theirs is more human.”
“That still doesn’t explain the hostility and the psychoses.” Steele said shaking his head.
“I think it does Jack.” Corbett responded. “Western Europe went through a similar period in the mid twentieth century. A small band of hate mongers played on a desperate people using a climate of fear and intimidation to get into power. They were brutal and psychotic and brought about World War II as well as genocide on a scale never seen before. The people in those countries weren’t evil, but they were swayed by false promises.”
“Ok enough of the history lesson,” Steele said. “I want to know what they are doing here and if there is more than one ship out there.”
“History is the key here sir. The Son’s of Terra began all of this. They renamed the United Earth the Terran Sovereignty. They waged a lightning war against everyone around them, but they still have one enemy they haven’t yet defeated.”
“The Romulans.” Corbett added.
“Yes sir. They like us have a Star Fleet that is very powerful, but not yet ready to reengage the Romulans.”
“I’m not sure I’m following you here Sahel.” Merrick said unsure of where the Vulcan was taking them.
“The Sovereignty destroyed a race called the Tholians and recovered a transdementional drive. Their leader, the Sovereign Prime, tasked the HOOD with finding universes with weaker forces they could conquer in order to exploit the resources of the conquered universes to feed their war machine.”
“So the Sovereignty’s HOOD was sent as a scout ship, a prelude to an invasion.” Merrick mused.
“Yes sir. However, what I gather from the Captains counterpart is that there are rival factions within the Sovereignty’s fleet. Captains of Flagships are like mini chieftains vying for personal power. The device was stolen by a rival to their Captain Steele. He was hoping to bring news of new worlds to conquer to the Sovereign Prime instead of Steele. That Captain came here first; however, this Tholian device he used crippled his ship’s power supply. He made it back, but just barely.”
“The CONSTELLATION.” Gar remarked.
“Yes sir.” Sahel confirmed. “Upon her return to her universe Captain Steele and the HOOD reclaimed the device and took up their original mission. The device crippled his ship as well, which was why his landing party was here trying to get replacement crystals.”
“Let me make sure I understand you.” Steele said pacing. “That other HOOD came here with a stolen transdimensional drive looking for new worlds to conquer. There was another ship and it has returned to its universe so were only dealing with the Sovereignty’s HOOD.”
“I believe I said that Captain.” Sahel answered.
“Can they do it?” Steele asked his pacing ceased. “Could they destroy our forces?”
“I believe so.” Sahel said. “From what I saw in your counterparts mind, their weaponry and shields are superior to ours. If they perfect transdimensional travel and duplicate it throughout their fleet then yes they could subjugate us.”
“Then I don’t see any alternative.” Steele said. “We need to sabotage that device in such a way that they abandon thoughts of using it again.”
“Any idea how you want to accomplish that Jack?” Corbett asked.
“We’ll have to board the ship to do it.” Steele answered.
“Why not try and hunt her down while her power is crippled.” Merrick offered. “In her current state I doubt she’s a match for the HOOD.”
“Destroying the ship might not deter them Commander.” Sahel said. “The Sovereignty’s HOOD has a scientist aboard who has been studying the transdsimensional drive working out a way to duplicate it. If that scientist is far enough along then they may have detailed schematics of the device and could build another. We must assume that the other ship, the CONSTELLATION has similar data.  The logical course would be as the Captain said to sabotage it in such a way as to force them to abandon its further use.”
“You mean get them to think the technology is inherently incompatible with theirs?” Merrick asked.  “I don’t see how that would work in the long run.  More likely than not they would keep at it and eventually figure out how to perfect it.”
“Perhaps, perhaps not.” Sahel suggested.  “Their culture does not allow for much trial and error before failures are met with decisive ... punishment.  But in any case, a ruse to make them think the technology worthless is not what I meant. 
Steele smirked.  “That’s what I meant.”
“With respect sirs, the technology has the means of affecting the barrier between the universes.  From what I deduced from that Captain Steele’s knowledge of the device, it could be made to permanently seal off this universe from theirs.  At least it could in this region of the galaxy for thousands of light years around.  Perhaps hundreds of thousands.” 
“I’ll go Captain.” Corbett said, “Given my personality I’m sure I could blend in with their crew easily.”
“Thanks Stile.” Jack smiled. “But unless you have an MOS I don’t know about, the technical aspects would be beyond you.”
“I’ll go.” Gar said. “It’s an engineering issue anyway.”
“Then it should be me.” Merrick said. “As the former CEO and current XO I can move about the ship easier than you.”
“A nice sentiment all of you, but as Captain this falls to me. This may be a one way trip.”
“The odds of only one of you succeeding are 13,424.639 to 1. However the odds do increase significantly if more than one goes.”
“Walking computer.” Corbett muttered. “I’m going with you Jack and that’s that.”
“We are as well.” Both Merrick and Gar added.
“No this is a one way mission.” Jack said though he knew it wouldn’t matter.
“You said that already, my money’s on Gar to figure out how to transport us back aboard our own ship.”
“Thank you.” The Andorian said bowing his head.
“Alright.” Steele agreed then turned toward the Vulcan. “Mr. Sahel when the transporter is back online beam the prisoners aboard and brief the Security Chief and Lieutenant Zade. Tell her and Lt. Hemux to find a way to stay close to that ship.”
“Aye aye sir.” The Vulcan answered.
Steele gritted his teeth and said. “Here goes nothing. Good luck gentlemen.” Flipping open his communicator he took on the countenance of his counterpart. “Steele to HOOD.”
[Zade here sir.] Said a distinctly male voice.
“Mission complete, beam us up.” Steele answered though he was confused by the male voice. Perhaps things weren’t as identical as they assumed.
[So you obtained the crystals then sir?] Zade asked.
The crystals, he had forgotten about them. He would have to tell this man something.
Corbett grabbed his counterpart’s bag and opened it so the Captain could see the dilithium.
[Sir?] Zade asked after Steele hesitated in answering.
“I’m here Lieutenant,” Steele said recovering. He knew now was the time to see if he could pass as his doppelganger. “I was puzzling out whether or not to shoot you when I return for second guessing me.”
[Apologies sir, I merely inquired so I could let engineering know to expect the crystals.] Zade lied smoothly.
“We’ll discuss it later.  Now energize.”
<NRPG> Just so we’ are clear. The USS HOOD team is beaming over to the TSS Ship to sabotage the transdimentional drive. The hope is for the device to explode and permanently seal any breach between universes rendering it useless and unusable to the Sovereignty. On the other hand the TSS crew will be beaming aboard the USS Hood as prisoners. Now let’s have some fun.
Respectfully Submitted Jointly,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Trying to Deal==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Trying to Deal==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Poker With Blackjack...==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Poker With Blackjack...==