ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Lower Decks==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.079
MD: 2.0915
Scene: Rec deck, TSS HOOD
"Hey!  Gene.  Over here."  Gene Lowl looked up from the food replicator where he just ordered a juice and nodded at Cory Campbell.  Once Lowl had sat down he leaned forward.  "What have you heard?"  He asked quietly.
Gene sipped his juice and looked around the room.  If there were listening devices here he would have talked himself into punishment and death a dozen times over.  "We were in a battle."
"No kidding."  Campbell said rolling his eyes and keeping a clamp on his nervousness.  "The whole frakkin ship knows we were in a battle.  What with all the bouncing around, the smell of burning flesh and the sections that are being held together with forcefields and gum.  What happened?"  What he really wanted to ask but couldn't bring himself to was 'who attacked us?' and 'Did we win?'
Campbell had served with Steele for a long time.  In all that time they had never lost a battle.  There had been times when things had been dicey but BlackJack Steele had always pulled them through.  Maybe he had this time once again but if he had where was the triumphant speech?  Steele always addressed the crew and regaled them with the details of the battle.  On special occasions he marched enemy officers through the ship.  He would leave them chained on the rec deck or allow a crewman who had distinguished himself to control the agonizer on the enemy captain.  It was one of the reasons why the rank and file of the lower decks were so loyal to their captain.  But this time the battle was only met with silence.  He leaned even closer to Lowl.  "C'mon Gene, you're security you guys always know the score.  They never tell us anything."
"Captain wasn't on the ship when we were attacked.."
"Attacked!  Who the frak would attack a Starfleet ship, especially this one?"
"Are you going to let me finish?"  Gene asked tersely.  He waited for Campbell to nod before he continued.  "Most of the senior officers were down below.  The NAV was in command."
"The Trill!  What the frak was he doing in command?"
"Cause thats who Steele left in command."  Gene answered in exasperation.
"Who attacked us?"
It took Gene several seconds before he was able to answer.  "Another starship, according to the chief it was another HOOD."
"Another HOOD, how can that be true?"
"You remember how everyone got all dizzy and the ship seemed to go upside down for a few seconds?"  Campbell nodded.  "It was cause of that device.  It was able to but us through some sort of interdimensional jump."
"Jump to where?"
"Another universe, a parallel universe.  I guess its mostly the same but different too.  Captain Steele's mission is to perfect the transit and establish a beachhead in this universe."
"We have to fight ourselves?"
Gene nodded.  "Ourselves from another universe.  But here's the good part, they're weak.  They live in a Federation based around peaceful coexistence and cooperation."  He chuckled at the thought.  "Its going to be a cake walk."
It hasn't been so far.  Campbell thought to himself.
CAPT Jack Steele

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Lower Decks Part II==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Lower Decks Part II==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: On the Verge...==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: On the Verge...==