ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Lower Decks Part II==
===by David Kiel===
SD: 2261.079
MD: 2.0915
Cedria slid her chair over to where the others were talking. "The nacelle is a
total loss, its full out vacuum breach and even so they can't stop some of the
plasma fires."
The two humans looked at her suspiciously, she was a Trill after all, just like
the NAV they had just been discussing. Lowl considered her for a moment, and
then smirked, the Trill NAV was a dead man walking. It didn't matter what she
said to anybody. "Steele will have the NAVs head for that."
Cedria looked around. "It should have happened by now. It should be right here
in the commissary as a lesson of what failure gets you."
Campbell looked around too. "She's right. It should have been done by now."
"Perhaps the Captain is too worried to take care of things. Perhaps the ships
of this universe are stronger than we thought?"
Lowl spat at the notion and scowled. "These gutless cretins are no match for
Hood. If the Captains letting Zade spin in the breeze he has his reasons."
The three were silent for a few moments. Campbell nodding at the other mans
words. Cedria let them think a moment and then spoke. "Maybe the Captain wants
to see who will step up? An ambitious man would step in and create his own
opportunity out of Zade's failure."
Their eyes lit up at the notion, Lowl actually grinned as he contemplated the
possibilities. Everyone on the bridge would have to be extra vigilant, it made
for a sharp duty team. Nothing like the fear of savage violence to prepare
yourself for battle.
Cedria stood, saying loud enough for some of the other tables to hear as well.
"Yep. I'd say the Captain would definitely notice the person who took care of
this little problem for him." She walked out of the commissary as the murmuring
began in earnest. She had more junctions to compromise on her way to control of
the shield matrices. Setting the ball rolling downhill towards Zade was just a
little icing on the cake.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: On the Verge...==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: On the Verge...==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Murder Most Made to Order==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Murder Most Made to Order==