ORIGINS: USS Hood May 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Carry the News II==
===by Dave Kiel===
SD 2261.140
<snip from `Where the Action Is'>
"One moment." LT Hemux's hands danced around the scanner controls.
"One shuttle, bearing 114 mark 13. All systems are down, but I
still read seven life signs aboard."
Finally, some good news. "All right!" exclaimed Zade. "Helm
maneuver us into transporter range."
The good news was cut short by a beep on Tamura's board. "Uh,
Lieutenant. USS HALIFAX is hailing us. They're sending a command
challenge." A command challenge was a set of personal recognition
codes uniquely chosen by the captain and first officer. It was
used by Star Fleet captains to help identify personnel in the event
the officers' identifies were in question. A proper response
theoretically identified the proper person; a special improper
response indicated the person was under duress; and of course an
improper response meant the person was an imposter.
"And they're coming in with shields up and weapons hot," noted
<end snip>
Cedria looked to Tamura. "Send the request to the Captains console." She
walked over to the chair and leaned over to tap in the required codes. They
would identify her as acting CO while letting Halifax know the ship was at least
presumably under federation control.
"Hail them."
"On screen, lieutenant." Tamura indicated.
Cedria turned and looked, a smile of recognition on her face at the sight of the
middle aged captain of the Halifax. "Little Stevie, how long has it been?"
The flustered CO of the Halifax looked positively nonplussed by the strange
young woman in command of Hood. He assumed his hearing was faulty and tried to
assert control of the situation. "Ahm, yes, this is Captain Steven Morris of
the USS Halifax,…"
"Lieutenant Cedria Zade, acting CO, USS Hood. You knew me as Prime Minister
Devan Zade, I worked with your father on Federation matter on Trill. You stole
a tongfruit from my desk."
She saw a snicker from one of his officers in the background as he stared
bewildered at her and attempted once more to alter the tone of the conversation
to one more suited to the aftermath of a battle. "I, uh, where is Captain
"We aren't sure yet." She stepped down to the nav console and looked over the
readings. "Your sensors should detect a shuttle warp signature at one six eight
five two by aught four four six four. That shuttle could be carrying Federation
crew under duress, Im sending you logs and sensor info now so you know what you
might be dealing with. The enemy looks a lot like us, more so than you would
expect. We will handle rescue efforts here if you can find that shuttle, sir."
She added that last part as deference to his obviously rattled sense of decorum.
He looked to his con, Cedria heard the phrase `confirmed the warp signature' as
Captain Morris looked back. "Very well, we'll fetch your shuttle for you."
The screen resolved back to the dying alternate Hood and the Halifax, turning
its single nacelle powering to life and launching it out after the shuttle.
Cedria looked over at Hemux, see if you can get a lock on the people in that
The science officer tapped her display and muttered and then looked up for a
moment. "Transporting now—hold, Im showing a massive power,…." A blinding
white light flashed and new klaxons sounded as TSS Hood obliterated herself.
<snip from `Into the Fire'>
Suddenly, Gar felt a tingly sensation come over him, one with which he was
imminently familiar. However, instead of the normal brief moment of
discontinuity followed by re-integration, nothing happened.
"Someone's trying to beam us off the shuttle," Gar said.
"So what's the problem?" Merrick asked.
"I don't know," Gar said, as he felt the tell-tale tingle again. This time,
however, he noticed that everyone seemed to shimmer for a moment.
"That was a wide-beam attempt," he said. He looked down at his console, and
his blue hue paled about his face. "Captain, the HOOD's about to blow!
At that moment, the shuttle lurched again; for a brief moment, the force of
the lurch overwhelmed the weakened inertial compensators, working now on
only emergency power, and every person on board were slung sideways over
their seats, with only their belts saving them from being tossed around like
so much flotsam and jetsam.
As they began to right themselves, another impact slammed into the
unprotected shuttle, and threw them forward. This impact was not so gentle
as the last one, and all of the repairs Gar had just finished making seemed
to come apart in a half-dozen explosions and small fires within the craft's
What consoles had been working were no longer.
More importantly, what power there had been was no longer either...which
meant no lighting, no engines...and no environmental systems.
But they were still alive.
Gar quickly unstrapped himself once the ship had settled some, and climbed
under his console; opening the access panel simply produced another arc of
electromagnetic plasma, barely missing his exposed hands.
"That's it, captain- I can't do a thing with her," he groused.
Gar got up, and coughed as he waved away some of the smoke from his face.
"So why are we still here?" he asked, eyes towards the Captain. "Where's
OUR HOOD- you know, with transporters, the whole 'cavalry over the hill'
thing you pinkskins are so fond of making movies about?"
Steele coughed a couple of times himself. "I don't know, Gar," he said,
glancing at the dead viewscreen in front of him.
"Wherever they are, I hope they get here soon."
Stile waved away more smoke. "Truer words were never said, sar," he said.
<end snip>
The little shimmering beads of transport energy returned, curling around their
bodies at that moment. After a bit-parcel of cold oblivion they rematerialized
in transporter room four on the USS Hood.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,
Cedria Quall
Trill Assassin, The Resistance

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Trill Assassin, The Resistance
Trill Assassin, The Resistance

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Pushing Mother to the Edge==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Pushing Mother to the Edge==