SCIMXFOR- Orestes Station Crew Biofiles: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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===Lt. Cdr Lucas Castillo, Chief Tactical and Security Officer===
===Lt. Cdr Lucas Castillo, Chief Tactical and Security Officer===
* played by [ Tim Cooke]
* played by [ Tim Cooke]
Lt. Commander Lucas Castillo'S BIO:
Name: Lucas Castillo
Service Number:SC-10150-9111STC
Age: 31
Race: Human
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 178 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Physical Description: Fair skinned, muscular build, athletic,
                      short hair, handsome looks, piercing eyes, tall.
      1" horizontal scar under left eye.
Birthplace: Tynina, Andor
Parents: Marcus Castillo (Father, Human - Unknown)
        Natalie Meredith Castillo (Mother, Human - Deceased)
Spouse: None
Siblings: None
Religion: Catholic
Education: Academy Graduate (Stardate 120410 With HONOURS)
                Academy Major(s): COMMAND/SECURITY
                Other Minors: PSYCHOLOGY/FORENSICS
                Notable Courses:
                -Administration/Logistics (Bottom 25%)
                -Alien Psychology (Top 3%)
                -Psychology (Top 25%)
                -Alien Languages (Middle 50%)
                -Archaeology (Third in Class)
                -Forensics (First in Class)
                -Small Weapons Technology (Top 10%)
                -First Aid/Medicine (Middle 50%)
                -Leadership (First in class)
                -Marksmanship (First in Class)
                -Negotiation/Diplomacy (Top 1%)
                -Planatary Survival Techniques (Top 25%)
                -Security Procedures (Top 2%)
                -Applied Sciences (Middle 50%)
                -Starship Operations (Top 10%)
                -Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics (First in Class)
                -Small Unit Strategy/Tactics (First in Class)
                -Starship Defense Systems (Top 5%)
                -Unarmed Combat (Second in class)
Current Assignment: GOLD Fleet Command, ORESTES Station
Current Position: TAC/SEC, ORESTES Station
-SD 120410      Graduated Starfleet Academy with Honours
-SD 120411.0735  Assigned to Starfleet Headquarters Starfleet Security Forensic Team
-SD 130122.0700  Promoted to Lieutenant (JG)
-SD 130511.0928  Reported to Starbase 424 for re-assignment.
-SD 130514.0730  Assigned to Security as Forensic Specialist for Archaeology Dig on Sierra VI.
-SD 140931.0954  Transferred to USS HECATE as Chief Tactical Officer.
-SD 151001.0900  Promoted to Lieutenant.
-SD 160610.1225  Assigned to USS HECATE as Chief Security Officer and Tactical Officer.
-SD 171214.1600  Transferred to the USS VENTURE. Assigned as Chief of Security.
-SD 190323.1000  Transferred to the Starfleet Intelligence Forensic Team.
-SD 200411.0715  Promoted to Lt. Commander.
-SD 201231.0900  Transferred to the USS INDEPENDENCE. Assigned as Second Officer.
-SD 220301.1010  Transferred to the USS RESOLUTE. Assigned as Acting Captain to return ship to
        ORESTES Station after refit and shakedown cruise.
-SD 220312.1132  Transferred to ORESTES. Assigned as Chief of Security and Forensic Expert.
Born to two influential civilian experts in forensics and archaeology, Lucas Castillo spent
most of his early life on the "road", exploring the myriad planets throughout the
Federation. Born on Andor, the formative years of his life we immersed in the lore
and traditions of the Andorian Warrior Culture, and his "God Parents" were, in fact,
Andorians. His God Mother was T'Chaala Sin'Charath, a Starfleet Captain at the time
and the woman who sponsored his placement in the Academy.
Although interested in the forensic exploration of planets and people, Lucas was
also interested in self defense and martial arts. A fast learner, every planet he went
to allowed him to study the planets martial history, their culture, psychology and
even their strategy/tactics when confronted by conflict.
When old enough, Lucas submitted his application for Starfleet Academy, feeling his
talents would be useful for the Federation and Starfleet. The sponsorship of now
Admiral Sin'Charath helped him get in, but it was his intelligence and people skills
that allowed him to succeed, as well as his background in his chosen field.
Graduating, he was assigned to the Starfleet Forensic Team and spent his first
few years working with experts in the field of "Interstellar Forensics". When it
came time to go out and serve on a starship, he succeeded. Although his career
as a Starship Officer wasn't the "stuff of legends" he made a reputation for
getting along with everyone, following orders, and becoming invaluable to exploration
missions. Lucas was always included on Away Missions, not just for his skills as a
security officer but for his way of "getting along with" people, be they
new aliens or "old" friends and allies.
Lucas was involved with 7 First Contact Missions and every one of them were successful.
This makes him invaluable to any Command Officer.
Now assigned to command the USS RESOLUTE to return her to ORESTES Station after
undergoing a refit and shakedown cruise, Lucas is looking forward to his new assignment
on ORESTES Station.
Psych Profile:
  Lucas Castillo is an interesting character. His personality and background are
interesting to say the least. He seems to get along with anyone with relative ease. He
is just as easy discussing art and science with a Vulcan as he is sharing Blood
Wine with a Klingon! He is a social "butterfly" and this makes it very easy for
him to absorb and observe everyone around him. Charming indeed!
Lucas has been having difficulties with the disappearance of his father and death of
his mother, and I have assigned him to see me over the next few months at least once
a week to discuss this and get over this tragedy.
Lieutenant Anastasia Constance

===ENS Xavier Miles, Flight Control Officer===
===ENS Xavier Miles, Flight Control Officer===