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===LT Marion Elizabeth Shelby, Operation Manager===
===LT Marion Elizabeth Shelby, Operation Manager===
* played by: [ Bechtoldt, Antje]
* played by: [ Bechtoldt, Antje]
* update: SD 211232

NAME: Marion Elizabeth Shelby
CURRENT RANK: Lieutenant
RACE: Human
AGE: 26 Human Standard Years
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5´8"
WEIGHT: 125 pounds
HAIR: brown (braided)
EYES: green
PLACE OF BIRTH: London, planet Earth (Sol III)
MOTHER: Nora Shelby-Hyde, Physician, considered deceased
FATHER: Maxwell Shelby II, Starfleet Admiral, considered deceased
SD 170101 Graduated from Starfleet Academy (parallel universe)
SD 170104 Assigned as OPS - USS SORANUS (parallel universe)
SD 170720 Fell through the Rabbit Hole when her dimension collapsed
SD 170805 Retrained by SF in mainstream ASR universe
SD 170813 Assigned as OPS - MARRAKESH Station
SD 171030 Promoted to LT <jg>
SD 180810 Assigned as OPS - USS DAEDALUS
SD 190803 Promoted to LT
SD 211005 Assigned as OPS - USS PERSEPHONE
Marion Shelby was born in a parallel universe into a similar but slightly
different version of the Federation.
Some children grow up in the shadow of a successful or celebrated parent. Marion
Elisabeth Shelby grew up in the shadow of a long family line of overachievers
that stretched back (albeit tenuously) to General Jo Shelby the Confederate
cavalry leader who refused to surrender after the American Civil War was over..
Her father is a Starfleet admiral and diplomatic envoy on Bolius, his father
commanded a battle cruiser during the Dominion War and her grand-aunt helped
dispel the Borg invasion of the Federation. Likewise her mother is a renowned
physician from a wealthy British family.
With a family tree like this Marion was doomed to greatness from the moment she
was born since her parents would accept nothing less than excellence from their
child.. To this day rumors persist that Marion's mother underwent several
treatments that toed the line to genetic enhancement during her pregnancy
although medical tests at Starfleet have been inconclusive.
Mom and dad decided even before Marion's birth that her daughter would join
Starfleet or at the very least the Marine Corps and they pushed her toward that
goal as soon as she could walk and speak.
They called it "making the best out of her potential", rationalizing that their
daughter would become a spoiled rich child otherwise. Luckily Marion was both
bright and eager enough to meet their expectations. She became a successful
fencer and show jumper while her school grades allowed her to enter Starfleet
During the next four years Marion practically lived and breathed for the
approval of her family and the challenges Starfleet offered. In time she
actually found that she liked the command track which gave her grades another
push upward. Her single minded pursuit of excellence made her popular with the
instructors but her often cold and abrasive personality kept the other cadets as
arms length and earned her nicknames among which "Vulcan Ice Queen" was one of
the nicer ones.
However, even the facts that she graduated at the top 5 % of her class and
captained the Academy fencing team in her last cadet year barely earned her an
approving nod from her father.
Her first assignment was the USS SORANUS where she served as OPS until the ship
together with a few dozen others vessels and space installations was thrown into
another universe - the universe of ASR. Before long the "people from the other
side" became informally known as the "rabbit holers". After a period of
retraining in what was a new Starfleet for her Marion resumed the position of
OPS but not on the SORANUS but on a half-derelict space station named MARRAKESH
that had also made the dimensional jump.
For some reason Admiral Maxwell Shelby II, counterpart of the man who used to be
Marion's father in her own continuum, arranged for her to be transferred to what
could be considered a more prestigious assignment - Operations Manager of the
After a mission that involved a Klingon mining colony, Captain Harris´ infant
child and hordes of murderous genetically engineered monsters Marion earned a
swift promotion to full Lieutenant.
Upon their return to GIBRALTAR the DAEDALUS crew fought a non-corporeal emotion
vampire who had descended onto the space station causing large-scale death and
mayhem.. Under the control of that emotion vampire a GIBRALTAR officer carried
out two almost successful assassination attempts on Shelby. The experience left
her in a precarious unbalanced state of slight paranoia that would probably
worry her counselor - if she would visit one.
Professional Skill Profile:
Helm and Navigation
Tactical Operations
Political Sciences
Administration & Personnel
Racial and Cultural Background:
Marion Shelby was born and raised on Earth and educated on private schools in
Great Britain (Earth) before joining the Academy. See Background section for
more details
Medical and Physiological Background:
During her third year at the Academy Marion underwent extensive genetic
screening to confirm or deny rumors that she had been genetically enhanced as a
child. The doctors noted a remarkable stable genetic structure and a
well-above-average IQ but in the end they could not make any conclusive
diagnosis. Finally the board of instructors decided to give the promising cadet
the benefit of doubt and allowed her to continue her studies. Marion still feels
greatly embarrassed by the procedure and only recently did she find out who of
her fellow cadets spread the rumors in the first place. Only years later in
in-depth physicals aboard the USS SORANUS finally proved conclusively that
Marion´s genes had not been artificially enhanced.
Marion was showered by her parents more with demands and expectations than with
parental love. As a result she has grown aloof, remote and demanding not because
she's a bad person but because she knows nothing else.
Nothing but top performance in herself and others is good enough for her. She
cares for others but more out of a sense of duty than out of heartfelt empathy.
Even her two serious relationships were based more on physical attraction than
real deep feelings.
In a less enlightened century than the 24th others might have called her a
bitch. Even in the 24th century many do.
Marion comes across as aggressive, ambitious and tenacious. Patience with what
she perceives as incompetence or lack of dedication is not her strong suit.
However, no one can argue that she is top in her profession and calm under
Having practically grown up around the brass she is unafraid to speak her mind
around superior officers. As much as Starfleet values professionalism and skill
her quest for personal perfection and parental approval concerns the Academy
counselors but they hope that her hard demeanor will soften once she is exposed
to real life. In fact, her last counselor suggested to put her into the front
line far away from contact with her father.
Yoga, Karate, Self-Improvement
"I would describe Ensign Shelby as a driven person, driven to achieve success
and be the best in her case. While extraordinary achievement is a hallmark of
Starfleet officers, I'm somewhat concerned about the single-mindedness of her
pursuits. The Ensign would be well-advised to learn how to relax and how to
value friendships."
LT Liotta, Assistant Counselor, Starfleet Academy
"Considering that she had been thrown out of her own space-time continuum and
lost all her friends and family, in fact her very reality Ensign Shelby has
adjusted remarkably well to her rather extreme situation. In fact, it seems to
me she adjusted too well all things considered."
LT CMDR Hix, Counselor, Starbase ALPHA


===LT Abriel Nei Dobrusk Lafiel, Chief Science Officer===
===LT Abriel Nei Dobrusk Lafiel, Chief Science Officer===