ORIGINS: USS Hood October 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Feels Like a Bad B-Movie"==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.291
MD: 5.1550
Setting: Pyramid Object, Velorum IV
<<snip- from Brian's post, entitled "You Really Should Listen to the
"Is there a problem with your friend?"
The middle figure's head tilted ever so slightly and his face seemed to
dissolve from a somewhat saddened blank into a contortion of rage and pain.
"YOU DAMNED FOOLS!" an unworldly voice suddenly boomed from within him.
<<end snip>>
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth- not that any of him was really visible
inside of his thermal suit- was starting to wonder why they didn't just
shoot the crazy zombie-things before it got any worse.
However, Gar sensed that it might be a bit late for that.
Suddenly, an unearthly howl filled the room- not the howl of a creature, but
rather of wind...which might have been somewhat believable had they actually
been outside at this moment.
A lot of things were defying believability, in Gar's opinion, at the moment.
Merrick, DeSimms, Corbett and Gar all began to look around them, above them,
behind them, searching for any sign of what must be, given the level of
cacophonic noise filling the pyramid, the fire demon from the inner circles
of hell that was surely approaching to smite them with his flaming trident.
Instead, the man/zombie/undead thing that told them to leave and then called
them fools when they didn't swayed for a moment and then fell, eyes rolled
back into his head.
Merrick glanced over at Corbett, but the doctor wasn't having any of it.
"What do you want me to tell yeh- that thing was already dead according to
the tricorder," he said, pointing a finger at the blanched corpse not
laying, face up, on the ground. "It couldn't well die again."
"Are you sure the tricorder was working right?" Gar asked, now more than a
little cranky. "We've already seen them corrupt for no apparent reason--"
"Oh for the love of Pete..." Corbett grumbled, taking two steps over to the
body. "Look at him- he's stone--"
At that very moment, something completely unexpected happened- "unexpected"
because, to this date, they hadn't actually seen any evidence of this
happening to any of the previous victims.
The body exploded in a gory hail of flesh, sinew, entrails and blood- all of
which, of course, covered the Starfleet officers' formerly-spotless and
brand-spanking-new thermal suits.
DeSimms glanced over at Merrick and shrugged. "Well, if he wasn't dead
"I understand!" Merrick said, cutting the Security Chief off.
Stile, wiping viscera and bone from his suit, stood up, and took two steps
back until he was back with his crew mates. The four said nothing further,
instead regarding the two remaining less-than-fully-alive beings in front of
them with something akin to a combination of sympathy and horror.
Then, the being that was in the middle looked back up at the rest of them,
and said, in a most exhausted tone of voice, "Please don't do that again."
Merrick looked over at Gar.
"What if we don't know what we did?" the Andorran asked, antennae twitching.
MD 5.1550: The landing party gets a surprise they don't see coming.
All- Sorry- I couldn't help myself. I couldn't really think of anything to
contribute to the actual storyline...but given the way things were headed, I
couldn't resist.
Enjoy cleaning yourselves off...
Gorily Submitted,
- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer