ORIGINS: USS Hood September 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Contemplating Mysterium==
===by Brian V. Mansur
SD 2260.252
MD 2.1435
Scene: Briefing Room, USS HOOD
Sean Merrick *hated* his lack of self control. He especially loathed
himself now that he had to now heroically exert it just to be presentable in
the briefing. Every 5 seconds he had to forcibly command his hand to
refrain from rubbing his eyes or neck or vulcan nerve pinch cluster ...
anything at all that would betray the hangover he had earned from downing
TWO BOTTLES of hard liquor.
Every time his eyes wandered over to Dr. Corbett, he fought the urge to
facetiously mouthe out, "You bastard."
Captain Steele, mangificient bastard that *he* was, looked as fresh as the
morning dew.
Maybe he doing drugs. No other reasonable explanation for him to look so
professional and pain free. Except perhaps that he hadn't drunk as much the
night before and was probably over the worst of his hangover.
Self-controlled Bastard.
Like a snapping twig, Merrick suddenly felt very sad. Thoughts drifted
between the details of what would have otherwise been an interesting
technical brief and his daily nightmares.
Figuring prominently into them was that cute asian from communications who'd
died right in front of him on Monil IV. For some reason, she'd replaced the
visions of Jeri dying on Vulcan. The woman had possessed a beautiful exotic
name that was difficult for him to pronounce. He had already forgotten it.
Somehow that didn't seem right.
The crazy pious Klingon had also been in his dreams. His whole long-winded
apologetic treatise had replayed in high bandwith fidelity. That's what he
got for being raised in a theistic religion.
Sorry to disappoint you God, but I still don't believe in you.
There had been a time that he had. In those days he'd found providence in
every good run of luck and rebuke in many a stroke of bad. It was laughable
superstition he now felt. And yet he figured he had been happier somehow
that way. Like a kid who still believed in Christmas.
And what did he say to that? Tough luck? That's just the way the universe
sucks? There was a label for that way of thinking: Stoicism. It was a
stark, unsatisfying label. When he tried to ignore the problem and just be
happy about what he could get out of life, he knew he was playing out
another label: Hedonism. He knew how gratifying that could sometimes be.
But the party always ended, the rush always faded, and the cold hard reality
of his lonely life eventually returned. And then everyone eventually died.
Wasn't there something better? Perhaps there was. Perhaps he'd
had it once and could go back to it.
Right. Sure. Whatever. And what about Jeri? And that comms chick? And 3
billion Vulcans etc etc etc? But if the answer was not in what he had once
believed in, what then?
NRPG: Character Developement.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick