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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: All in a Day's Work==
===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===
SD: 2260.160
MD: -6.1800
Scene: Corridor
<snip from Dan’s post.>
A few minutes later, he came back to the door and found it locked.
Obviously whoever was on duty here got back at some point while he was gone.
It took him a few minutes to disconnect the door from the physical lock and
the motor that pulled the door back. Now all that held the door up was a
thin track in the floor, he backed up, and started to run towards the door
with the intention of knocking it down. It didn't fall the first time so he
backed up again, ready to charge a second time. Suddenly, the captain came
into the corridor and saw DeSimms charging at the door with an Kalashnikov
and said, "Who the HELL are you?"
            “Lieutenant John DeSimms, Chief of Security.”  DeSimms answered
as he spun around at Steele’s approach. 
            “Sorry Lieutenant I didn’t recognize you from behind.”  Steele
had only met the man for 90 seconds after all.  Still he chided himself for
not recognizing the security officer.  “Planning on doing a little hunting?” 
He asked pointing at the weapon.
            Quickly DeSimms gave a rundown of his discovery and his
suspicions.  Steele rubbed his jaw and surveyed the carnage.  “We’re pretty
sure we have the issue localized however I think you’re right we need to
take a look.  Let me give you a hand.”  Reluctantly DeSimms put the ancient
weapon down and joined the captain at the door.  “Oh and by the way, I’ll
let you tell our engineer why his teams need to fix these doors.  Ready? 
            It took a few seconds but the two men were able to pry the
doors far enough apart that they could enter.  Steele started to go in
first but DeSimms made a point of pushing ahead and making sure the way
was clear of any lurking attackers.  What they found startled both men.
            “You’ve got to be kidding me.”  Steele growled.  “Campbell! 
On your feet!”
            Lieutenant Junior Grade Cory Campbell who had been
comfortably leaning back in his chair, feet dangling across his desk in
blissful slumber first tumbled to the ground and then bolted upright in
complete confusion.  “Commander…um Captain Steele sir.  How can I help
the captain?”
            Jack visibly restrained himself and DeSimms thought the
captain might be counting to 10 in his head.  “You can help me Mr.
Campbell by explaining yourself.  Starting with why the captain and
chief of security had to break into Auxiliary Control.”
            “Well you see sir I had the aux watch and as we are in
orbit of the starbase, well nothing is going on here and I’ve been
working on those computer upgrades you had mentioned.  You know changing
the voice, enhancing the personality etc.  Well sir I didn’t want to
have someone coming in and muck around with it while the computer was
crunching the numbers so I locked the door.”  Campbell finished as if
that was the end of it.
            “Locked the door?  The damn blast doors were secured and
the override wasn’t accepted.”
            “Well of course sir.  Last time I locked the door, I had to
make a quick run to the wardroom for a sandwich, well someone actually
got in.”  He replied indignantly.  “They didn’t touch any of the
computers but you can’t be too careful.”
            “I see.”  Steele replied and DeSimms shot him a look as if
to say You see?  Are *you* kidding me.
            “And the little matter of you sleeping while on duty and
cutting off a vital section of the ship what ever your reasoning’s?”
            Campbell finally started to look somewhat uncomfortable. 
“Yes well, sorry about that sir.  Its just I’ve been working on this
stuff non-stop for three days now.  The latest computations were going
to take 45 minutes to run and I know its wrong but I thought I’d take a
quick nap while I waited.  I was getting a bit punchy and I set the
board to alert me if anything came up.”
            “Accept for someone trying to get in.”  DeSimms growled.
            “True.  Sorry about that.  I guess I am just a bit more
punchy then I thought I was.”
            “Lieutenant,  here is what’s going to happen from here. 
You are going to first send all the information about what you have been
doing to the Chief Engineer.  It may tie into the problems that have
been occurring all over the ship.  Next you are going to clean this
place up and get someone to relieve you.  Once relieved you will confine
your self to quarters until I can come up with a suitable punishment for
you.  And assuming you still remain as a member of this crew you will
not continue with any further upgrades until you get approval from
Commanders Merrick and Th'elenth.  Is that clear Mister?”
            “Yes sir.  Very clear sir.”
            “Good.”  Steele spun around and stalked out into the
corridor with DeSimms close behind.  He noticed the look on the
CSO’s face. “Out with it lieutenant.”
            “With respect sir.”  He paused until Steele nodded. 
“Captain what the hell was that?”
            Steele actually chuckled.  “That lieutenant was Cory
Campbell.  And as to what he is I don’t know if I could actually
explain in one sitting.”
            “How about starting with how he is on a starship?  Sir.”
            “Two reasons.”  Steele answered as they began to walk
along the corridor.  “The first is politics.  I don’t have all the
fleet gossip but the gist of it is that his mother is a very old
friend of someone in the President’s office, rumour has it that it
is the president himself.  So for the most part he is hands off. 
            "You noticed his age.  He’s pushing 40 and has been in
the fleet since his early 20’s.  A bit old for a jay gee wouldn’t you
say?  He’s made lieutentant 5 times and been reduced in rank each time. 
Generally for transgressions such as this.”  It was at that point that
he decided that Campbell’s punishment would begin with being busted
back down to ensign. 
            “The second reason is the man’s a genius.  He has a way
with computers like no one else.  Really he should be at a research
institute or back at command but for some reason he loves ship board
duty.  Two of his promotions and several commendations came about
because of his quick thinking and ingenuity when he was the only one
able to save his ship.  Anyway he usually stays on a ship for a couple
of years before his CO is finally able to transfer him off.  In the
last 6 months Captain Sinclair had tried to get rid of twice but got a
big red denied stamped across his paperwork.  And that in a very small
nutshell is soon to be Ensign Cory Campbell.”
            “I see.”  DeSimms finally said. 
            “Now how about you?”  He pointed to the ancient rifle
slung over the man’s shoulder.  “You’re not one of those history buffs
who wants to live in the past.  I don’t seem to recall antique firearms
as part of the official load out for security officers.”
            DeSimms grinned.  “Well history buff to a degree.  I like
to collect ancient weaponry.  I have quite a collection.” 
            “Really?  I’d be interested in seeing that.’  Steele
replied noting John’s enthusiasm about the subject.
            “I don’t officially take over my duties until oh seven hundred
tomorrow so I haven’t had a chance to visit the armoury and sign out a
personal phaser.  When all the commotion broke out I decided to bring
along a weapon just in case.  Although given the age it may have been more
a club then a gun.  Mr. Campell is lucky.  If I’d had to break it over his
head I’d be severely annoyed.  It took me awhile to find this baby.”
            Steele actually laughed at the brief daydream of DeSimm’s
beating Mr. Campbell.  “Not quite the special forces is it?”
            “I didn’t expect it to be.”  DeSimms answered.  “But its
certainly been interesting so far.
            “It is that.”  Both came to a stop as they reached the
turbolift.  “Well Mr. DeSimms I have a meeting to attend and I should let
you get back to your unpacking.  Don’t worry it may take awhile but you’ll
get used to us.”  With a wave he stepped into the lift.
                        *****                          *****                          *****
<snip from Steve’s post>
"It's open." He said stifling another yawn.
Corbett watched the door slide open and Captain Steele enter the office.
"Captain Jack Steele, always an honor to host our commanding officer.
Please have a seat sar." He said motioning to one of the chairs in front
of his desk. Corbett realized he still had the half empty bottle of tequila
and two glasses on the desk. He also saw the that the Captain had noticed
"May I pour you a glass sar." Corbett said smoothly not missing a beat as he
picked up the Tequila bottle. "Where I come from it is unseemly for gentlemen
to carry on a conversation at this hour without a small libation."
            “Well I guess that answers my boot legging question.”  Steele
said as he dropped into the chair across from Stile.  He nodded to the doctor
who had the bottle poised over Jack’s glass.
            “Bootlegging captain?” 
            “Yes apparently a junior shuttle pilot diligently doing his duty
reported that you may have transported either dangerous substances or
contraband aboard my ship.”  He picked up the glass and downed it before
gesturing to the bottle.  “I take it this is part of the evidence.”
            “That it is.”  The doctor confirmed as he refilled the glasses. 
“But I do keep it for medicinal purposes only. And you sir look like you
need a little doctorin’.”
            “It has been a day that is for sure.  How are the men?”
            “Not good.  But they will be.  You can count on that.  May take
awhile especially for young Mr. Tanner but he will be back at it in four to
six weeks.”
            Steele nodded.  That was good news indeed and he could feel a lot
of the stress bleeding out of him.  “Do we need to transfer him to a starbase
medical facility?”
            Stile shook his head.  “Don’t need too.  It looks bad, hell it is
bad.  But the healing and the prosthetics are pretty straight forward.  I can
handle it here no sweat.”
            “If we leave him on base he’ll likely get poached by some other
ship.  That is a good news.”  He raised his glass in salute before gulping it
            “I aim to please.”
            “Well with that out of the way.  I officially have to investigate
the complaint against you.  But judging from that bottle I don’t think it will
take us too long to get rid of the evidence.”
Cory Campbell may or may not be a reoccurring NPC for us to play around
with…if any one is interested. ;-)
And a stern reminder to all of you <G>  Please include [ORIGINS] in your
subject line and please make sure you send your post to the HOOD list *and*
the ASR list  We don’t want to deprive them of
our adventures and more to the point we want to everyone to see how good we
are so people will be demanding to get aboard.  Still have two empty spots to
Also, quick questions.  We’ll be starting the mission this week.  It will
take a couple of ship board days to get from the Starbase to our destination. 
Do you want to have some time to work on CD or do you want me to set it up
that we start having arrived.  I’m easy so let me know if you prefer either.
CAPT Jack Steele