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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Dangerous Liaisons" (RESEND)==
===by [[Lusby_Scott|Lusby, Scott]]===
SD: 2260.159
MD: -6.1400
Setting: Main Engineering, O-Deck, USS HOOD
<<NOTE- this post was resent because I missed a detail in Dave's last post.
Sorry for cluttering your mailbox.>>
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth was having a hell of a day. In a good
It had taken some time for things to calm down in Engineering; three Chief
Engineers in the space of a few days, one of whom died while on duty, is
enough to rattle any department's cage. But Th'elenth was impressed by the
level of professionalism in his department. It was a little thin on
experience- as to be expected when promoting two new Chief Engineers from
within in the span of a few days- but it was long on work ethic and a desire
to "get it right." That, above all, Gar liked.
Too many engineers- in his mind, anyway- played fast and loose with repairs;
"as long as it works" was a motto he'd heard more than once in his days. And
when in the midst of battle, that attitude was certainly a necessity more
often than not...
...but battles end, and that's when the time came for more "permanent"
solutions. Like the work one of his teams was working on now.
Gar stood next to Commander Merrick, the new First Officer and Chief
Engineer before Commander Phillipa, and gazed at the main display in
Engineering, located in a central location near the warp core, and tried to
look more calm than he was as he watched the team's progress on the monitor
in front of him.
They were replacing a patched section of one of the two main EPS relays- one
of the relays that moves the electro-plasma created in the warp core by the
electromagnetically-controlled annihilation of deuterium and anti-deuterium-
out of engineering, up each of the support pylons, and over the warp coils
in the nacelles. The breached section was inside the damaged port pylon,
and now that the pylon itself was fixed and stability returned to the
nacelle, it was time to tackle the heavy conduit.
With the warp core down, the risk of being exposed to the deadly delta
radiation from warp plasma was eliminated, as was the off-chance of making
contact with the high-pressure, high-temperature plasma.
But there were ALWAYS dangers, Gar knew.
And one was about to happen.
They had just finished replacing the conduit, and the teams had made neat
work out of welds needed to connect it into place- clean beads, strong
coverage- and they were shaking hands and patting themselves on the back fro
a job well done when they came down to Gar.
"OK Chief- let's bring the core back online and see how well you did," Gar
said, glancing at Merrick as he folded his arms across his chest.
Chief Tanner nodded, "Aye, Commander," he said, taking his heavy plasma
welder unit and, tossing it over his shoulder, walked the few steps to the
core's controls.
Tanner, focused completely on the start-up process for the core, had begun
to swing the plasma welder off his shoulder again.
Tanner had not taken note of where he stood, and neither Merrick nor Gar
were quick enough to complete their simultaneous warning. "Chief, be
At that moment, his heavy welder struck the outer casing of another set of
conduits running through the warp core- the plasma coolant for the warp
core. Tanner, feeling the impact, turned around and bent down to grab and
stabilize his equipment...
The conduit didn't shatter; instead, a spider-web-like crack appeared in the
plastic. With a small hole in the middle...
Small amounts of coolant began to leak from the small hole...
Tanner screamed, trying to cover his face as the coolant ate away his hands.
Th'elenth's orders pierced the Chief's cries. "Ventilation systems on
full!" he shouted, "Reverse the flow in that conduit- clear the system now!"
At the same time, Gar shut down the core; the last thing he wanted was to
compound a bad situation by overheating the core by stopping the flow of its
However, as he did, an adjacent console exploded, throwing shards of plastic
everywhere, and releasing an arc of electro-plasma across another engineer's
hands. The man- Pethukov- screamed, and dropped to his knees, cradling his
burned hands.
Th'elenth heard Merrick shouting orders into the nearby comm panel. "Trauma
team to main engineering. I repeat trauma team to main engineering on the
The Andorian met the First Officer's gaze; both men now wore the mask duty
on their faces, and, as Merrick moved to assist in the care of Tanner and
Pethukov as they waited for the trauma team to arrive, Gar dealt with the
smoldering engineering station, wishing the ventilation systems would work
The damage, however, had been done.
<<tag Steve/Andy>>
Steve/Andy- I know we said this might be a JP...but this grew long enough on
its own. Sorry, Steve...but I DID at least leave you a perfect place to
jump in and show off some doctorin' skills. ;)
I wanted this to be a freak accident. We've seen coolant conduit rupture
before, so I figured it could happen. Hope this works for you guys.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineering Officer