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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Nightmares from the past, promises to the Future ...==
===by [[Martens_David|Martens, David]]===
USS HOOD: Nightmares from the past, promises to the Future ...
Scene: Appartment Lunar Colony
ARr'Rhiana was staring out the window , she did not noticed the crowd, she
inhaled deep and slowly the halicinations and daydreams began...
Flashback... date : 2177...
"... So tell me, ARr'Rhiana, why do you believe we should come to closer
contact with the Antarans?"
The young girl stood up next to her desk and looked to her teacher "It's just
the proper way to do, if we want to continue as member of the Star Fleet
Federation then we should be have as merifull and friendly people. It is
impoirtant not to hold any hatred. The Federation main standards are to keep
peace and freindly contacts with any reasonable race. If we show we can be
reasonable towards the Antarans, then the Federation will appreciate that and
help us."
She sat back down and looked with big innocent eyes to her teacher who clenched
her lips together in disagreement, yet also the teacher knew there was wisdom
and reason, and what was maybe more important, political correctness in the
words of the child.
"...very... interesting statement, Hemux. Indeed the Federationi does not want
another war and likes friendly co-operation between their members."
The teacher paused for a moment "... Just don't forget that we are Denobulans,
we have our own culture, our own habits, remember the Federations might have
other standards then we have. Never forget who we are! Now let again review
how the Earth race defines marriage, as a bond between two individuals.
Jern"dagh stop laughing, I know it sounds ridiculous, but we are here to learn
about other cultures..."
... Present...
Hemux shivers and blinked her eyes, why that memory came back to her so vivid
was unclear, she did not care much and took a new deep breath...
... flashback... Date: 2190...
"... I tell you, GrRonn'darg, it really is so... Federationists will talk to us
tomorrow. I heard it from the headmaster himself."
"Hemux, stop dreaming, why would Federation wants to talk to us?"
"They are negotiating new treaties between Denobulan and the Federation, they
need people to work for them. Our Academy is the perfect place to find people."
"Hemux, your hallucinating again? You really think they would wnat you to work
for them? Get three husbands and twelve children and then we talk again."
"You're a brute, GrRon'darg , Remember Phlox? He was Medical Chief on board of
the Enterprise. He came here a year ago to talk to us. He was Ambassador for
the Federation, he says they accept females on starships."
"Oohhh and Arr'Rhiana wants to be on a starship also ? Ok, ok , we will see in
a decade or two."
... Present...
Hemux rememberer, that was the first time she really was convinced she would
enter Star Fleet one day. That day, when her students made fun out of her,
pressed her onto the position of the Denobulan Female. She knew that day she
once would be more... The dreams came on her again...
... flashback... Date : 2205...
"...And this is Arh. Arria..." The aide looked helpless to ARr'Rhiana
"Arr'Rhiana Hemux, you can call me Rhiana, or Hemux, Sir." She said in perfect
Standard Terran to the new Ambassador for Star Fleet on Denobula as she bend her
head to her superior.
"Rhiana, your Terran is flawless, my compliments." The tall sapiens looked to
her with respect.
"Thank you, Sir, I also speak Klingon, Vulcan, Romulan, Orion and Antaran. And
several other language I have basic understanding and knowledge of speech, but
not enough to uphold long, detailed conversations."
The Ambbasador nodded to his aide "Take note of that, it might comein handy if
we go to formal diners or so. With her many languages she can easy translate
conversations. Are youalso familiar with say, science and tecnical vocabulary?"
Arr'Rhiana nodded "Yes, Sir, I done basic studies in science and engineering and
I am plannig to gain a degree in one or both fields some day."
"Some day? Your file states you're... 40 standard Terran years old ?"
Hemux gave him a slight smile "In Denobulan terms I am only a teenager, Sir we
have a lifespan that is four five times longer then homo sapiens."
The Ambassador had a discomforted look on his face "We prefer the term humans,
not Homo sapiens, Hemux. And I keep forgetting you Denobulans life so long, is
it true some of your people are more then 400 years old?"
Hemux nodded" I will remember, Sir. And yes, my great grandmother was 519 years
old when she died, and my grandmother is now 407 and she is still in perfect
health. She even remembers the last Anatran war from her childhood."
... Present...
She smiled , her first job in Star Fleet at least, that was how she remembers
it, it was not really Starfleet Offcourse. ...
... flashback... Date: 2219...
"Hemux, The chief wants to see you." Markus nodded to her as he showed her to
Chief Science Officer Landons office.
Rhiana sighed "What is the problem, Sir?" She asked Landon as he had closed the
door behind them.
Landon smiled, no problem, Hemux. I just want to compliment you on your latest
report and suggestions. Your idea's for terraforming under a Class F sun showed
to be most useful. I would like to have you as our representative on the next
Exo-Biology Science week. If you agree, you will meet the finest and best
scientist in Exo-biology there are in the whole Federation.."
Rhiana was stunned and nodded "I wil do so, Sir, Thank you for the honour..."
... Present...
Rhiana nodded, that was her first trip of Denobula, her first meeting with
scientists from all over the Galaxy. That was the day she decided she wanted to
be more a scientist then an translator, more an engineer then a housewife...
... flashback... Date: 2235...
"I can't, I can't leave them. My work here is to important." Alexander
Norvosky planted is hands on his desk. "Rhiana, I heve come to respect jur
opinions, but I say fis as jur superior, ju should go to Earf and join the
Rhiana was so upset that she didn't even noticed Alexander his Russian accent
became more heavy as his frustration raised also. He really was convinced of
his idea: She should join Star Fleet Academy.
Alexander sat down again and sighed "Rhiana, we can replace you here, our work
is mainly maintanance, upkeeping the ships that land here. You can do better.
Your ideas n Warp Dribve dynamics is very good, I do not understand half of what
you say, but each time you have prooven to be right in finetuning the engines,
replacing conduits or recalibrating the warp - coils. Star Fleet needs
inventive minds like yours. You should go."
She sighed "I will think about it." Was all she said.
... Present...
She still could hear Alexander singing the day she announced she was accepted
for Star Fleet academy and she would join the fleet. He became drunk on her
good-bye party. She was so pleased she had listened to him, and now... she
didn't know...
... flashback... Date: 2241...
"Ensign Hemux reporting for Duty, Sir..."
The tall human stood up from his chair and hodl out his hadn "Welcome aboard the
WARRANT, Ensign, glad to have you aboard. I have heard a lot of good from you.
Our Chief Science Officer will be pleased to have you in his section."
ARrr'Rhiana nodded and looked around so proud, she really was on a satrship, not
for training, not a simulation, but for real. The WARRANT so big, more then 200
metres long, going warp 5 easily. She was looking forward to study the new
worlds and new races they would discover. A new life had begun...
... Present...
She never had forgotten her first steps on the WARRANT. She still had
miniatures of that ship, she still knew the names of her captain, she still
remembered the first time they made first contact.
... flashback... Date: 2259...
"... Return fire, all phasors..." "We are losing shields, captain, starboard
engines have been damaged, she can't take much more."
ARr'Rhiana coughed as smoke filled the engineering-room and sparks flew all
around. Another hit and lights went dim.
[Warning, hull breach at deck 7 and deck 3, ...Warning, intruder alert, ...
Warning hull-integrity failing on decks 8 and 11...]
Hemux grabbed a phasor as a green Orion pirate showed up in engineering and
smacked one of her engineers aside. She lifted the weapon and fired it,
blasting the Orion to the side. A second and third Orion showed up from out of
the smoke, a fist hit her, she struggled, her face blew up in defense , making
them laugh, a fist hit again, darkness..."
... Present...
Tears dripped down her cheecks as the halucinations became more vivid, more
real, closer to her present days. Hemux shivers but she endured the rage and
apin, halucinations where good, they might help...
... flashback... Date: 2259...
She hit once, twice, three times and stepped back. The ugly Alpha Centaurian in
front of her blinked his eyes, spit out some blood and sank to his knees.
Cheers and laughs where around her as suddenly all sound dropped still. "What
is going on here?" Six Orion guards pushed themselves way through the crowd and
looked down to the fallen man and to the Denobulan female. "A troublemaker we
have here, right?" the commander said and snapped his fingers. They grabbed
hemux her arms, bended them far back as he slammed his fists in her stomach.
I don't like trouble. I don't like Denobulans, I don't like you." He said,
eavch time slamming his fist carefully in her kidneys, her liver, her sides.
"Bring her to the questioningroom, I think she need s a lesson."
Hemux shivered "no, no please, I won't cause any trouble, he sytared it, not me,
he wnated to rapeme."
The Orion laughed "So, what's the big deal? You're a female, you are born to be
She was dragged into a dark room, she knew what was to come, first the pain, the
scars, the fists and then ...stripped nude and then...
... Present...
Hemux scramed out loud and dropped to her knees, breathing heavy, a nurse came
in kneeling besides her.
" Easy, easy, it's all over, you are safe here." ARr'Rhiana cried, deep loud
cries for help, for comfort, scratching at her scars, her head filled with pain,
remembering each scar, each blow, each time she was raped, each time she had to
fight, even kill to survive. Memories and things she had done. Things no
doctor, no counsellor knew about. Dark secrets, no Denobulan worthy, what the
Orions had done to her, to the children in the camp, to her crew, she would not,
she could not forget.
She smiled to the nurse, "It's alright, I am fine. It was just... a
The nurse helped her to bed. "Tomorrow you have another session with the
counsellor, it will help, take a rest."
Hemux closed her eyes, she had cleared her mind, she had relived and survived,
from now on it would go better. Soon, very soon she would go out again, she
would be on a Starship again. One day she would be Captain of her own ship, it
did not matter how many decades it might take her, she would be Captain one day,
it was her Oath. And when that day came, a smile came on her face, Captain
Hemux, ...on that day Orion would pay...
Just Adding some background to my character...
All, meet Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux, Denobelan female, with a long lifetime already
passed, with dark secrets, dark desires and maybe even a hidden agenda for her
I think it will be fun!
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux