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===by [[Catterick_Andy|Catterick, Andy]]===
SD 2260.120
Scene: E Deck, USS HOOD
            Steele walked through the corridors of HOOD with his mind
racing.  He hadn’t really come to terms with the assignment Palmer had
just dropped on him.  But all the things he knew he had to do were
beginning to nag and that was helping accept the new reality.  At least
the most pressing one was something that could be solved easily enough. 
Or at least he thought it would.
            Entering his cabin he spun the viewer around and hit the
white com button.  [Bridge, Crewman Johnson.]  The rating covering the
comm station answered.
            “Mr. Johnson could you page Commander Merrick and have him
report to my quarters?”
            [Yes sir.]
            A drink.  He had better have a drink he thought as he set out
two glasses and filled them both.  It didn’t take long for his door
chime to announce Sean’s arrival.  Jack smiled at that.  No doubt the
ship’s jungle drums had begun the second he had stepped aboard.  By now
everyone would know he had returned and with him news of their collective
            The door slid open and Sean looking more apprehensive then he
had expected walked in.  He took a look at Jack a quick look down at the
two glasses and looked back up to Steele.  “How’d it go?”
            “Well its over.”  Steele replied quietly.  He gestured to the
seat.  “You’d better sit.”  He advised as he dropped into his own.  “The
good news is that I have been acquitted.  All charges dropped."
            “That is good news.  I told you there was nothing to worry
about.”  He raised his glass in toast.  “To the wisdom of Starfleet.”
            “And to the impeccable timing of Prime Minister Travil.” 
Steele added before downing his glass.  He refilled both and then put the
bottle away.
            “So whats the rest of it?  Or don’t I want to know?”
            Jack grinned.  “Oh hell I was going to string you along for a
bit but its such a relief that I’m not packing my bags its just not in me. 
The short version is that Admiral Palmer bumped me to O-6 and has given me
            “That’s outstanding!”  Sean beamed as he raised his glass
again.  “This certainly calls for a toast.
            “Hold on.”  Jack interjected.  “You might not be so happy in a
minute.  We’re sailing again in two weeks and this ship and crew need to be
100%.  I don’t even know where to start but we’ve got to begin to put things
back together.  The last mission was declared a success but you and I both
know it doesn’t feel that way.  Not to us and not to the crew.  The loss of
the captain and the others so soon after this ship was comissioned was a
kick in the guts to not only morale but to our confidence.  I need to rebuild
that and do it as a new captain and with new officers.  I can’t do it alone
Sean I’m going to need your help.”
            “You’ve got it, you know that.”
            “I do know that.  That’s why I told Admiral Palmer you were my
only choice for First Officer.  Will you help me?”
Brian: Still time to run away screaming.
All: NRPG to follow
Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele
