ORIGINS: USS Constellation Enlisted and Non-Com NPC Files: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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===Communications NPC's===
===Communications NPC's===
====CPO Eva Lynch, Chief Communications Technician====
[[Image:cpo_sec-eng_origins.png|Chief Petty Officer]]
* created by [ Roger Bedford]
I. Personal Data
Full Name:  Eva Lynch
Surname:  Lynch
Given Name:        Eva
Nickname: None
Current Rank:  Chief Petty Officer (E-7)
Current Billet:  Chief Communications Technician, USS CONSTELLATION NCC-1017
Species:  Human
Gender/Sex:  Female
Age:  49
A. Physical Description
HT: 5'7"
WT: 130 lbs
EY: Brown
HR: Brunette
SK:  Caucasian (pale complexion)
II. Biographical Notes
Eva Lynch has 30 years service. She has three children, two of whom are in Starfleet Academy, a boy third year
cadet and a girl who is a firsty, who are the light in her eyes. The oldest child, a son, is training to be a veterinarian
hoping to work with animals bred to survive off world on the Federation colonies. Eva can, it is alleged, take
wire crystals and a paper clip and build a subspace transceiver. She excels in situations where old school technology
baffles the current crop of technicians and communications officers trained only on the latest equipment.