SB SAIKAI Crew Biofiles: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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Vanessa Hanford is a quick study. She adapts to her surrounding.
Her nickname in StarFleet Medical was 'Hot Hand Hanford' because
she was not only the best but the fastest with the dermal regenerator

She is able to communicate well with patients and colleagues. She has shown
leadership in her department.
Often it is said she wears her heart on her sleeve, but if truth be said,
it's worn in her eyes.
VI. Recent Fitness Report
Medical History
2387 Born in Haven Hospital, Haven, Kansas, Earth
2387-2397 Completed Childhood Vaccinations
2388 Hospitalized and operated on for swallowing foreign object.
2407 Broken tibia (sking)
2495 Papsmear
2411 Birth Control
2414 Birth to First Child
2414 Yearly Physical
2415 Yearly Physical
2416 Yearly Physical
2416 Vaccination
2417 Birth Control
2417 Yearly Physical
2417 Vaccination
2418 Yearly Physical
2418 Pregnant
Blood Type: O postive
Identifying marks:
A strawberry mark on her upper right bottucks
VII. Fitness Report
Ensign Hanford is average in the fitness program. Her lack of
interest in sports in general kept her from accelerating in competions.
- Lieutenant Herald Ferguson, Medical Officer, Star Fleet Academy
Lt Hanford has taken up jogging and has improved her stamina and physical strength.
However she appears to using its a form of therapy since the loss of her husband.
- Lieutenant David Graham, Medical Officer, Star Fleet
VIII. Psychological Profile
Vanessa Hanford is a strong yet gentle woman who sees life thru
positive point of view on an outward appearance. She has a sweet
disposition and calm spirit. However in saying this, she does appear
to be able to express some anger and allows herself room for
imperfections. She is too hard on herself at times and this sometimes
cause her to doubt her own value and worth.
Vanessa has shown a lack of ability to over come the loss
of her husband. She has a tendency to bury her true inner emotions
with her pollyannaish style. Preoccupied helping others and mothering
them comes naturally from within her but can be unhealthy. This cause
and effect of not putting her own needs first can cause an adverse effect
in the future.
Watch for over working. Vacations and leave have been so few and far
Lieutenant Commander Donna Carlise, Counselor, Star Fleet Academy
Vanessa Hanford has come a long way since her leave of absense. She seems to
be adjust to widow. She is still a little underweight but her mental state has
definitely improved. She appear more relaxed and at peace with her life.
Lieutenant Solaren K'taenlen, Counselor, USS BURKE
Vanessa Hanford has blossomed since she first arrived on the ship. She has
found true love for the second time. Steven E. Paris and Vanessa Hanford
have been excellent therapy for one another.
Lieutenant Lili Kolani, Counselor, USS COVENTRY
IX. Current Recreational Interests
Vanessa Hanford reads, paints and draws for relaxation. She loves
playing the violin and singing for pleasure. Her favorite sport is
tennis and jogging.
X. Miscellaneous Information

===LT Torenn, Chief Engineering Officer===
===LT Torenn, Chief Engineering Officer===