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== Sicknesses/Diseases/Syndromes ==
== Sicknesses/Diseases/Syndromes ==

Latest revision as of 08:38, 30 January 2010

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Star Fleet Medical Terms


Aging Sickness:

Disease encountered by the crew of the Original Enterprise on the planet Gamma Hydra IV. A virus caused premature aging amongst the crew. The cure was later found to be adrenaline.

Altarian Encephalitis:

A retrovirus that incorporated its DNA directly into the cells of its host. The virus can lie dormant for years, but activate without warning. Victims would be pyrexic and comatose and would suffer from widespread synaptic degradation. Long-term memory, usually from the moment of the infection, would be destroyed.

Anchilles Fever:

Deadly disease capable of spreading rapidly in a planetary population and causing widespread and painful deaths in the millions.

Andronesian Encelphalitis:

A disease transmitted by airborne particles.

Aphasia Virus

A virus genetically engineered by Dekon Elig and spread by an "aphasia device". It causes dysfunction of the brain function concerned with communication. Those afflicted spoke and perceived all language as gibberish; if not cured, they would eventually have died.

Arethian Flu:

Viral disease.


A pathological condition in some humanoid species characterized by the hardening of the arteries and accompanied by the deposit of fat in the inner arterial walls.

Ba'ltmasor Syndrome:

A disease that afflicts Klingons, which requires regular treatments given by injection.

Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome:

An intron virus that causes humanoids and other animals to develop structural and behavioral characteristics of earlier evolutionary forms.

Bendii Syndrome:

Rare illness that sometimes affects Vulcans over the age of 200. The disease is characterized by gradual loss of emotional control; victims exhibit sudden bursts of emotion and irrational anger.

Blight, The

The name given by the natives of the Teplan system to the disease that they were infected with by the Jem'Hadar as an example to all who defied the Dominion. Everyone there is born with it. In the asymptomatic stage, the victim has blue lesions on the face and body, which turn red with the onset of the terminal stage, known as the Quickening; death soon follows.

Biomemetic Fluctuation:

Medical reading in Founders that are indicative of dangerous instability of the morphogenic matrix.

Cartalian Fever

A deadly viral plague.

Coleibric Haemorrhage:

A fatal condition in Cardassian physiology.

Correllium Fever:

A disease that struck the planet Nahmi IV.

Cygnian Respiratory Disease:

A disease of the respiratory system.

Cytotoxic Shock:

Prostration of bodily function caused by high levels of cytotoxins.

Darnay's Disease:

A deadly ailment that attacks the brain and nervous system of its victims.

Dermal Dysplasia:

Skin disorder caused by an overexposure of the epidermis to hazardous levels of thermal and ultraviolet radiation.

Dorek Syndrome:

A rare, incurable, fatal disease which strikes one out of every five million Ferengi.


Phase during the Ocampan Lifecycle in which the female's become fertile. Only happens once.


Psychological term that literally means conversion into the opposite.


An abnormally high count of serum eosinophils, a type of humanoid white blood cell.

Forrester-Trent Syndrome:

Degenerative neurological disorder. It is very rare, but if left untreated, can result in paralysis and even death. The syndrome is usually hereditary but can be activated by a random mutation. A neurostabilization regimen can stabilize or reverse the disease.


Medical condition in which intercellular pressures are unstable.

Hesperan Thumping Cough:

A flu-like affliction.


Contraction for holodeck addiction. A psychological condition where an individual becomes so caught up in holographic simulations that the real world becomes unimportant.


Holotransference Dementia Syndrome.Medical condition in which a person becomes so disoriented within a holographic simulation that they lose their sense of identity and start to think that they are part of the program.


Abnormal neurological condition during sleep.


Biochemical condition that plagued the people of planet Scalos due to radiation poisoning of their water supply. Hyperacceleration of biological processes caused an individual so affected to experience one second as if it were an entire hour. Outsiders who were accelerated, quickly burned out, dying in a very short period to time due to cell damage.

Iresine Syndrome:

A very rare neurological disorder in humanoids characterized by a peculiar electropathic signature in the thalamus, and a severely decreased histamine count. Victims of the disorder, first identified in the 23rd century, would fall suddenly into a coma for approximately 72 hours. Diagnosis could be confused by the presence of any of 22 different substances that left electropathic residue resembling that of this disorder.

Irumodic Syndrome:

Degenerative disorder that causes progressive deterioration of the synaptic pathways. The disease can cause senility and eventually death. Treatment of choice for the disorder was peridaxon, though this was simply palliative; no cure existed.

Iverson's Disease:

A chronic disease that causes fatal degeneration of muscular functions in humans. Iverson's disease does not however, impair mental functions.

Kalla-Nohra Syndrome:

A chronic pulmonary disease unique to both Bajoran and Cardassian who survived a mining accident.

Lacunar Amnesia:

Type of amnesia that occurs when a patient witnesses an act of violence so terrible that the patient rejects the reality of the situation.

Larosian Virus:

A virus that stimulates overly amorous behaviour.

Lavodian Flu:

A virus.

Mendakan Pox:

A childhood ailment.


A disease that afflicts those who were exposed to the Metrion Cascade.


A genetically engineered virus designed to kill only people with a specific DNA sequence.

Morphogenic Virus:

A virus engineered by Section 31 to kill the Founders, with symptoms including the inability to shapeshift, pain and peeling skin.

Mutagenic Retrovirus:

A biological weapon of mass destruction.

Neural Depletion:

Complete loss of electrochemical energy of a humanoid brain, resulting in the death of the victim.

Neural Metaphasic Shock:

A potentially fatal failure of the neurological system in humanoids.

Orket's Disease:

A childhood virus that swept through Bajor work camps during the Occupation.

Phage, The:

Disease that affects the Vidiians. The Phage attacks their genetic structure and breaks down the code, leading to organ failure and ultimately death. There is no known cure at present.

Phyrox Plague:

A disease that broke out on the planet Cor Caroli V.

Plasma Plague:

A group of deadly virus types. An unclassified but extremely virulent strain of plasma plague threatened the densely populated Rachelis system in 2365.


An affliction that causes an abnormal increase in red blood cells.

Pottrik Syndrome:

A disease similar to Kalla-Nohra.


Experienced by adult Vulcan males every seven years when the need to procreate overcomes them and if left unattended will result in death.

Psi 2000 Virus:

A water based disease organism originally found on the planet Psi 2000 in 2266. This virus infected members of the Federation science team stationed on that planet, causing suppression of their inhibitions, and ultimately their deaths.

Redellian Brain Fever:

A contagion unique to Bajor.


A Taresian virus capable of implanting Taresian DNA into an alien body which then "overwrites" itseful upon the host DNA, thus transforming the host into a Taresian.

Rigelian Fever:

A deadly disease resembling the bubonic plague . It does have an antidote (ryetalyn) but the disease typically lasts for up a minimum of two weeks and is completely debilitating during that time.


A disease that sometimes affects Klingon children, somewhat similar to terrestrial measles.

Rudellian Plague:

A plague unique to Cardassia.

Rugelan Fever:

A disease which causes a deep coma in Trills.

Sakuro's Disease:

An extremely rare disease, which can cause intense fever, weakness, and death if not treated.

Somatophysical Failure:

In humanoid physiology, the collapse of all bodily systems.

Symbalene Blood Burn:

Virulent disease that can rapidly kill a large number of people in a very short period of time.

Synthococcus novae:

Bacillus strain organism, a by-product of modern technology. Although treatable, the deadly bacillus was regarded as a significant health hazard.

T'lokan Schism:

The breakdown of mental synapses in Vulcants caused by surfacing of repressed memories.

TE Virus:

A constantly mutating virus.

Tellerian Death Syndrome:

A disease that causes cellular decay, symptoms include dizziness, blurred visions and palpitations.

Telurian Plague:

A terrible disease with no cure.

Temeklian Virus:

(No description available.)

Temporal Narcosis:

Delirium produced by exposure to a temporal disturbance.

Terrellian Plague:

A disease that afflicted Romulus in the anti-time reality.

Thelusian Flu:

An exotic but harmless rhinovirus.

Transporter Psychosis:

Rare medical disorder caused by a breakdown of neurochemical molecules during transport. Transporter psychosis was first diagnosed in 2209 by researchers on the planet Delinia II. The condition affected the body's motor functions, as well as autonomic systems and higher brain functions. Victims were found to suffer from paranoid delusions, multi-infarct dementia, tactile and visual hallucinations, and psychogenic hysteria. Peripheral symptoms included sleeplessness, accelerated heart rate, myopia, muscular spasms, and dehydration. The problem was eliminated around 2319 with the development of the multiplex pattern buffer.

Transporter Psychosis Fear:

A psychological condition in which the patient becomes convinced that they will suffer the symptoms described above if forced to use a Transporter.

Tuvan Syndrome:

A degenerative, incurable, neurological disease which affects mainly Vulcans, Romulans and Rigellians. In the very early stages, the patient's eyelids are slightly displaced, facial muscles are weakened and respiration is irregular. Loss of motor skills occurs in 10-15 years; life expectancy is 20-25 years. In less than 5% of cases, the disease can accelerate without warning.

Urudelean Flu:

A mild affliction to which most humans are immune.

Varaxian LM-7:

A mutagenic virus.

Vegan Choriomenigitis:

Rare and deadly disease. The symptoms include high fever, pain in the extremities, delirium, and death if not treated within 24 hours.


Disease characterized by an abnormal proliferation of red blood cells causing varied symptoms including weakness, fatigue, enlarged spleen, and pain in the extremities.

Yarim-Fel Syndrome:

A terminal illness affecting Cardassians; it attacks the digestive tract, circulatory and respiratory systems, and cartilaginous tissues. It can be treated with hexagen therapy or neuro-regeneration procedures, but there is apparently no cure.

Zanthi (or Xanthi) Fever:

A virus affecting the empathic abilities of mature Betazoids. It causes brief, intense headaches, during which the patient unconsciously projects his or her emotions onto others nearby, provided those emotions already exist in those others subconsciously. It can be easily cured with a simple wide-spectrum antibiotic.


Accelerated Critical Neural Pathway Foundation:

Causes increased growth of the neural networks in the cerebral cortex.

Basilar Arterial Scan:

Used to identify radiation nerve damage in patients.

DNA Reference Scan:

Used to verify the genetic identify of somebody.

DNA Resequencing:

A procedure in which a subject is genetically engineered to correct specific traits.

Electrophoretic Analysis:

A medical test of cellular components.

Enzymatic Induction:

Used to stabilise a patient's molecular matrix.

Hypothalmic Feedback Loop:

Causes an overload in blood pressure in order to shook somebody back to consciousness (ie. to severe a Vulcan mind-meld).

Neural Imaging Scan:

A medical scan to test a patient's visual cortex.

Neural Pathway Induction:

A procedure used on a patient with a damaged neural pathway.

Neural Polaric Induction:

A serious operation performed on patients to repolarize their neural sheaths. The depolarization causes heightened neural activity, which left unchecked will eventually cause death.

Neuromuscular Adaption:

A biochemical treatment intended to help Federation members of low-gravity worlds adapt to higher gravity.


All drugs come from one of four sources (plant, animal, mineral or synthetic).

While most drugs in the 24th century can be replicated, there are still a number that must be synthesized in a controlled-manner, usually in a Laboratory or similar area. These particular drugs are usually the 'more' serious in nature and most of them would have highly-narcotic abilities or would be of a biomemetic substance (and could be used to produce biogenic weapons). These drugs are restricted to the Chief Medical Officer and Pharmacologist on a Starship and administration of any of these substances is controlled by the CMO.


A pain killer for muscle spasms.


Pharmaceutical based on the humanoid hormone epinephrine. Adrenaline was the accepted treatment for radiation illness right after the Atomic Age but was replaced as the preferred treatment after hyronalyn was developed.


A drug used to treat anaphylatic shock.

Anaerobic Metabolite:

A medical substance.


A sedative gas used for emergency crowd control and to subdue dangerous persons.


Drug prescribed by Vulcan physicians for treatment of heart conditions.


A medication used to treat low isoboramine levels in Trills.


A regenerative therapy used to heal fractures in patients who are allergic to meorapan.

Biomemetic Gel:

A medical substance that is illegal to sell under Federation law because it can be used to make biogenic weapons. In it's natural state it forms the basis of many synthesized drugs but its use is restricted to the Chief Medical Officer.


An experimental rybotherepy medication developed by Dr. Toby Russell as a potential replacement for leporazine and morathial.


A paralysing drug.


A second-line pharmaceutical, used if inaprovaline is ineffective.

Compound A.D.T.H:

A substance used to revive a patient.


A drug used to revive patients from surgery.

Cordafin Stimulant:

A highly addictive drug used for (predominately) recreational purposes.


A stimulant.


An antibiotic used to ward off secondary infections.


One of several chemicals used by the Angosians to "improve" their soldiers, making them more effective in combat. The effects of many of these drugs are irreversible.


The poison used for mass suicide of the Starnes Expedition.


Systemic Stimulant drug.

Deoxyribose Suspensions:

A fluid derived from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

Dermatiraelian Plasticine:

A medication used to maintain skin elasticity after cosmetic surgery. (The presense of this substance in the body is generally considered a sign that somebody has visibly changed their appearance.)


A drug used to allow blocked memories to resurface.


Medication used aboard Federation starships to treat oxygen deprivation.


Drug used in euthanasia for humanoid patients. Though deadly, Dylamadon was believed to be painless.


Naturally occurring neurochemicals found in humanoids, they are opiate peptides.


A narcotic substance produced from plants on the planet Brekka. Felicium has other Medical properties, and has been used to cure a deadly plague. It is also quite addictive.


A type of poison for which there is no known antidote.


Federation standard stimulant.


A drug used to treat hypoglycemia.


Used to treat headaches and other mild pain. (Is not considered a restricted substance, but it is administered by hypospray so patients would usually see a nurse or medtech for it.)


Used to counteract mild radiation poisoning.

Hyvroxilated Quinthethyl Metasetamin:

An anathestic.


A drug used to follow up use of an osteogenic stimulator.


Any of several drugs designed to limit immune response of humanoids.


A drug used to protect a patient against excessive electrical simulation and when excessive cardio-stimulatory work is required.


A sedative used aboard starships.


The isogenic enzyme that the Jem'Hadar are genetically addicted too.


A resuscitative drug used aboard Federation starships.


Chemical compound found in the food on Planet Platonius. Kironide is a long lasting source of great power that, when ingested, endows many humanoids with extraordinary psychokinetic powers. (Not available on starships.)


A resuscitive drug in use aboard Federation starships.


Medication used to counteract mental disorientation.


One of several chemicals used by the Angosians to "improve" their soldiers, making them more effective in combat. Unfortunately, the effects of many of these drugs are irreversible.

Masiform D:

Powerful injectable stimulant.


A sedative.


A sedative administered by hypospray.

Metabolic Reduction Injection:

Medication used to reduce rates of all bodily functions.


Cardiac antiarrhythmic medication used on board Starships.


Medication used to regenerate bones after they have been fractured.

Morathial Series:

A group of resuscitative drugs in use aboard Federation starships.

Neural Paralyzer:

Medication that can cause a cessation of heartbeat and breathing in a humanoid patient, creating the appearance of death. If treated in time, the patient can be successfully revived.


A biochemical associated with the propagation of electrical energy between neurons in humanoid nervous systems.


Medication, a derivative of norepinephrine. Used to attempt to revive patients when they are severely injured.

Numinol Tetramidaphin:

Used to relieve fever and congestion in most humanoid species.

Ovarian Resequencing Enzymes:

Prescribed to female patients that are undergoing treatment in order to be able to conceive a child from outside their species (Jadzia was prescribed the drug when trying to conceive Worf's child). Like today's infertility treatment, the drug and treatment are not always successful.


A palliative treatment for Irumodic Syndrome.


A synthetic phamaceutical based on the humanoid epinerprine.

Psychotropic Drug:

A Cardassian drug used to improve their soldiers by enhancing their natural xenophobic nature.

Retnax V:

Medication sometimes prescribed to near-sighted patients. (Presumably this would be a stopgap measure until the micro-surgery to fix the problem can be completed.)


Mineral Substance needed to cure the deadly disease, Rigelian Fever.


A Terran alkaloid poison that acts as a stimulant for the central nervous system.


Nerve gas used by the Klingons, instantly lethal if used in pure form. When given in a diluted form, it deadens certain nerve inputs to the brain.


One of several chemicals used by the Angosians to "improve" their soldiers, making them more effective in combat. Unfortunately, the effects of many of these drugs are irreversible.


A powerful neurostimulant drug, based on Cordazine, and usually administered subcutaneously by hypospray.


A drug which strengthens the human cardiopulmonary system. It can also be used to compensate for excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and would be administered to away teams and be standard equipment in a medical field kit.


A very strong painkiller.

Tryptophan-lysine Distillates:

Medication prescribed for treatment of a flu virus.


A drug used to increase blood flow to the organs. (Only used in severe cases as in 22% of all cases vital organs are irreparably damaged causing death.)

Venus Drug:

An illegal substance believe to make women more beautiful and men more handsome.

Veridium Six:

A slow-acting, culmative poison that has no antidote.


Medication used by Starfleet medical personnel to combat vertigo.


A poison deadly to Cardassians.


  • Compiled by Susan Phillipps