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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: T'Darr

  • Colony Name: T'Darr


  • System: T'Darr
  • Location: Arachnis Sector – Close to Federation/Klingon Border
  • Distance to nearest Starbase: Starbase 115 is in geo-stationary orbit over Xin'Jia.
  • Planet Classification: M Class
  • Planet Name: Vedrun
  • Satellites/Space Stations: The T'Darr system has been occupied for more than 500 years and over that time, countless Klingon space facilities were constructed, used and then scrapped or abandoned. There are a large number of human space facilities but few have been abandoned.
  • Land/Water Ratio: 62/38
  • Climate controlled: No
  • Native Sentient Life: None


  • Colony Age: Federation Colony Age 120 years
  • Population: Approx 80 Million Humans
  • Species Present: Humans/Klingons
  • Colony Status: Federation Member
  • Government: Democratic
  • Major Cities: Xin'Jia (Capital) – Population 20 Million humans, New London – Population 6 Million humans, Bokhara – Population 4 Million humans, Sevastopol – Population 2 Million humans, Nan'Jia – Population 1.4 Million humans, Bei'Jia – Population 1.1 Million humans.
  • Major Space Stations: Starbase 115 – Population 600 humans – STARFLEET FACILITY, Vedrun Orbital Habitat – Vedrun orbit – Population 800,000 humans, Shang'Jia Free Habitat – Independent orbit – Population 400,000 humans, Vedrun Orbital Trading Station – handles planetary cargo, Shang'Jia Free Trading Station – handles non-planetary cargo for the rest of the system, Xin'Chuan Shipyards – a large station that constructs civilian ships of all sizes and types, shuttles for civilian and Starfleet use and large and small civilian cargo vessels and bulk freighters.


History: T'Darr was a Klingon system in the Arachnis Sector. During the initial period of Klingon/Federation hostilities, it was an important Forward Base for the Klingon Defence Forces. However its economy was never fully developed and it remained dependent on support from the rest of the Empire. Many Klingons turned to agriculture, animal herding and light industry. After hostilities ended and the Neutral Zone was established, T'Darr was demilitarized (mostly) and its importance to the Klingon Empire began to wane at this point. With the signing of the Federation/Klingon Alliance many years later and the dismantling of the Neutral Zone, the Arachnis Sector was ceded to the Federation who colonised it with Humans. Many Klingons chose to remain on the planet, accepting a lower standard of living (but greater political and economic stability) when compared to the rest of the Klingon Empire.

War has touched the T'Darr system only once. Prior to the great Dominion War, the Klingon Empire, led by then-Chancellor Gowron, laid claim once again to the Arachnis sector. The Starfleet vessels in the sector were caught short and destroyed or driven out, leaving the various stations to fight as best they could. The bulk of the Klingon population of T'Darr remained neutral but a small percentage answered the call of Chancellor Gowron and the humans were hard-pressed to retain control of the planet. The stations, particularly Starbase 115, came under heavy attack from Klingon warships and Marines. Fortunately, the bulk of the population of the Vedrun and Shang'Jia Habitats were successfully evacuated to the planets surface. Starbase 115 was relentlessly attacked by Klingon ships on a regular basis, their orders being to destroy the old, rather out-of-date station. The two primary space Habitats were boarded on many occasions as the Klingons attempted to take these two valuable assets intact.

The greatest human hero of the T'Darr system, one Hadrian Smith, a former Starfleet crewman, successfully led a handful of militia against the Klingon Marines who attempted on many occasions to assume control of the Vedrun Orbital Habitat. In the last assault before the cease-fire was declared, Hadrian Smith lost his life in a heroic, last-ditch battle preventing the Klingon Marines from placing scuttling charges to wreck and de-orbit the Habitat. Hadrian Smith was awarded the Star of Hope and the Gold Lifesaving Medal posthumously.

The second (and last) great hero of the T'Darr system was Commander Zung Jen of Starbase 115. When her captain and much of the Command Team died in the first attack, she assumed command and led and inspired her crew to quickly repair the Starbase after each attack and improvised various novel ways to defeat the attacking forces and keep the Klingons attention on the Starbase instead of the relatively defenceless human cities on the planets surface. Zung Jen was injured several times but she survived hostilities and personally greeted the first Starfleet vessel to return to the T'Darr System. The Commander was killed in action aboard the USS Monet, attached to the 7th Fleet some two years later during the Dominion War.

Since the end of the war, the human population burgeoned and the Klingon population began to integrate with the human planetary population. This has not gone smoothly but overall, it has led to greater understanding and an increase in living standards for the Klingons. The planetary population has a thriving economy and a diverse culture.

The space-based human population has little contact with non-humans and are not as open or accepting of differences even though they have the highest standard of living and levels of education. For the first time in T'Darr history, there is a noticeable political difference between space based humanity and planet based humanity.


The systems economy can be divided between the planet, Vedrun and the rest of the T'Darr system. The planetary rural economy is centered on agriculture, animal husbandry and fishing. The planetary urban economy is centered around nanotech design, hologrammatic program design, hi-tech manufacturing and civil construction. The space-based economy is based around manufacture and repair of civilian ship systems and many Klingon trading groups bring their ships to the T'Darr system for higher quality repairs at lower prices than can be found in the Empire. In addition to civilian ship construction, the Xin'Chuan Shipyard (A part of the Federation Manufacturing Reserve) also manufactures various types of shuttles for Starfleet. A large part of Federation/Klingon trade is routed through the T'Darr system.

Tech Level:

  • Planet – Late 24th Century
  • System – Federation standard


Once divided between the Klingon Agrarian culture and the Human city culture, T'Darr, over recent years, has begun to merge into one culture. Klingons now no longer live in the countryside or in the suburbs and humans no longer live exclusively in the cities and in various space facilities. As the two cultures merge, the humans are gaining an aspect of Klingon 'honour' and Klingons are gaining a sense of democracy.

Naturally there are occasional problems but the overall trend is towards a unified society.

Surprisingly there is one holdout of human culture, the center of which are the two primary space habitats. Inhabited almost exclusively by humans, they are home to some of the most blinkered, narrow-minded humans in the system. Yet they are also the most pro-Federation bloc in the system. On the planet, support for the Federation is much weaker and awareness of its various faults is much higher.


A stunning mix of ultra-high tech in the human space facilities, modern to high-tech in the cities and old-fashioned – bordering on quaint – methods in the farms, the T'Darr system is one of the few places where humans and Klingons live side-by-side. While the planet modernizes and equalizes the wealth distribution, the humans in space are growing ever more distant in political and social terms. The systems location on the Federation/Klingon border guarantees it a significant amount of trade and the large number of abandoned Klingon space facilities guarantees a significant amount of smuggling.