Ocean statistics Mark IIIs: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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Latest revision as of 09:39, 24 July 2006

Class Name        : OCEAN
Classification    : Fast Personnel Transport
Type              : APF
Model Number      : IIIs (SECIS model)
Length            : 250 m
Beam              : 126 m
Draft             : 55 m
Displacement      : 417,603 mt
Standard             : 83
Officers             :  6
Crew                 : 25
Flight Officers      : 15
Flight Crew          : 27
Special Response Team: 10

Passengers           : 50

Warp Propulsion System
Drive Type        : ILN-308 Mk IX
     Number       : 2
Main Reactor      : FRAM-919
Impulse System
Drive Type        : CAN
     Number       : 1
Secondary Reactor : FRIF-420 Network

     Standard Cruise Speed    : 6.0
     Maximum Cruise Speed     : 9.3
     Sustainable for 12 hours : 9.65
     Maximum Emergency Speed  : 9.85
     Core Failure Imminent    : 9.95
     Phaser, Type VIII
          Number : 4 banks
          Range  : 250,000 km
          Arcs   : forward dorsal array - split collimater array
                                          (3 segments feeding from one capacitor bank)
                   forward ventral array - split collimater array 
                                           (3 segments feeding from one capacitor bank)
                   aft dorsal array
                   aft ventral array                                                                         

     Photon Torpedo, Mk V mini-Photon torpedo
          Number : 1 tube
          Range  : 500,000 km
          Arcs   : forward
Deflector System : FD-6 multiphasic deflector system
     Standard, 6-person   : 2
     Emergency, 16-person : 1
     Cargo                : 1

Embarked Craft (1 bay)
Personnel shuttle, small: 3 (1 person crew)
D-warp shuttle          : 1 (1 person crew)
Cargo shuttle           : 1 (1 person crew)
Runabout (standard)     : 2 (2 person crew)
Runabout (E-12)         : 1 (5 person crew)
F-4 combat shuttles     : 4 (1 person crew)


OCEAN-class transports first entered service in 2367 as long range personnel transports.
They were designed for and on behalf of the Federation as a means of moving moderate
numbers of people (up to two hundred) at a time in relative comfort. Over time, many were
retired or were transferred/sold to private hands. With the advent of D-Warp, the majority
of those still in Federation service were retired/sold as a new generation of d-warp equipped
fast transport was commissioned.

Given the increasing size of the Federation and its continued expansion, the Federation's
Civilian Non-Interference Laws (analogous to the Star Fleet Prime Directive) was broken
more and more frequently by corporations/small groups/private individuals seeking to
exploit pre-Contact civilizations. The job for enforcing this internal security matter
fell to the Star Fleet Security and Investigative Service, the civilian-run interstellar law
enforcement organization of the Federation (similar to the American FBI or British MI-5/SOCA).
OPERATION TIDE was founded.

Since there were many pre-Contact civilizations both inside and outside Federation Space at
risk from exploitation, OPERATION TIDE, seeking to detect, block and counter such
exploitation required a number of vessels capable of delivering probes, carrying a special
weapons and tactics fast-response team for (both ship-to-ship and surface actions) to
deter/overcome any likely opposition.

Thus, many Ocean-class Transports were recalled to service, refitted and sent out to police
the pre-Contact worlds. In their new form, they police the pre-Contact worlds and while they
are no match for a military starship, they outgun, outsense and can outrun most corporate
ships/mining vessels. That said though, the phasers have only a small capacitor bank which
means a slow recharge time. The ship was refit with a combat-shuttle style mini-torpedo
launcher with only 20 reloads so the ship is not suited to heavy combat.

Another important modification was to their warp nacelles and power systems. Great care was
taken during the refit to ‘balance’ out the energy released during warp so that the newly
replaced electronic warfare countermeasure suite could allow a significant reduction in the
sensor cross section of the ship. The effect is to significantly reduce the ships energy
signature. Military sensors can still detect it although their range is somewhat reduced.
Civilian sensors however, would be unable to detect the ship on their long-range sensors
whenever the ship is "running silent."

The enlarged shuttle bays and inclusion of a brig has cut into the passenger capacity of
the original OCEAN-class vessels.

All OPERATION TIDE vessels carry a highly trained fast response team for boarding or
surface operations. The team is a paramilitarty tactical unit equipped with more advanced
weapons and armor than are normally needed for more routine police action.