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Official UFPDOCA Colony Entry: Shayton

  • Official Name in Standard: Shayton
  • Title of the Head of State: King (nicknamed Rex)
  • Title of the Head of Government: Head of the Council


The Shayton of this universe is apparently a shard of the original planet. It is captured in a 'bubble' of space that can be reach by breaches in this bubble called gateways.

It has a variety of zones, but none of these are stable enough to draw any sort of a map. There are four main zones, mountains, seas, plains and forest. Being able to have any sort of weather over them then further differentiates these. The types of weather are snow, tropical heat, temperate warmth, rain and hail. Any combination of any two or more of these can be found in any one section. Some tend to cancel each other out, such as tropical heat and snow - which leads perhaps to a gentle shower. Others tend to escalate, i.e. snow and hail becomes a storm that is capable of flaying the flesh from the bones of any unarmoured form.

The only two stable areas of the planet are the two cities.

The first and biggest of these is called simple the City. It is the seat of the Council, the reigning government of Shayton. It consists of large buildings that shelter a small section of surrounding land. These buildings contain the Great Hall and Council Chambers, as well as living quarters for all the Citizens of the City. The living quarters are divided into married and singles, gender and race. This building also houses the main power source of the planet. This power source is also the basis of their religion. It is the focus of the living energy of every being on the planet. "The Mother" controls it. She has fallen almost into legend, but she was a human, the late Queen of Shayton killed during the failed attempt to place Shayton on a planet in our Universe.

The other important feature of the City is a small park situated at the Gate to the Wilderness. Consisting of a sheltered pool, it is the place where all births take place on Shayton and where the dead are viewed before their bodies are returned to the planet, (see Religion).

The other city, known as "the Pitt", is the seat of the King and the old seat of government before the Attempt. This is just one large hall with one end partitioned off for the Kings quarters. Other citizens have no set room or space of their own but merely find an empty pallet if they are tired. The main feature of the Pitt is the entrance to Hell. Hell is where adults fight to the death if they are unable to settle arguments in other ways.

  • Quadrant/Sector/System: N/A
  • Suns/Planets/Planetoids/Moons: 0/0/1/0
  • Population: 10,000
  • Capital City: City
  • Largest Cities:
    • City-pop. 7,000
    • The Pitt-pop.2,000
    • Remaining population is distributed off world or in the Wilderness
  • Race(s) of Native Sentients: 56% Shaytonian 36%human 4% Klingon 2% Vulcan 2% Other
  • Land/Water Ratio(s) of Planets: Varies between 60/40 to 20/80Government type: Monarchy regulated by the ruling Council chosen from the upper families.


  • Monetary Unit: Gold-pressed latinum used in foreign trade, no internal currency
  • Principal Products: Dancers, assassins, Geisha
  • Natural Resources: Crystals
  • Major Trading Partners: All trade is done on a person by person basis.
  • Distribution of Wealth: Everyone is equal, they all have a minimum of clothing, ample food and rooms in the City available if they want it. Ownership of anything other than their weapon is not something they normally feel comfortable with. Most things are shared, taken as needed and then returned to the central stores.


  • Member of Federation? Applying SD 130704 Originally an escaped race of slaves, they settled into loose tribes with chiefs, but one leader, the current King bound the tribes together. He ruled for approximately 300 years until an accident that killed his wife sent him mad. He still rules in name but, in practise, a Council of the top families, heads of the original tribes, now control the government.


Shaytonian pre-history is written in terms of the numbers of generations since the split from the main world. Dates are also taken from that dates. The Split equates to approximately 2,500 BC in the old Terran system. It is hard to be totally accurate, as time seems to flow differently inside the dimensional bubble to the outside.

1 PS Creation of Shayton

Shayton was created by an industrial accident on the original planet that caused a holding pen of slaves to be explosively separated from the rest of their planet. The ‘accident’ called the ‘Split’ is now considered to have possibly been just a convenient way to dispose of genetically altered slaves that were found unsuitable for use. This ‘unsuitability’ was probably instability of the mutations that may have led to a reduction in the efficiency in the 'loyalty' that was always bred into slaves. Utilisation of the energy created by the resultant mutations when Shaytonians adapted to their home world was suspiciously serendipitous if the event was really was unplanned.

The slaves were unaware that the rest of the planet survived the split, having been led to believe that only their sliver of the planet intact This sliver was forced into a dimensional pocket that, although relatively stable, felt constant friction between the edges of the sliver and the pocket walls. This explains the constant shifting surface of the Shaytonian 'world' and the severe weather and energy patterns. The friction does create light however very similar to the Aura Borealis of Earth. Without this light, there would have been little chance that the plant life vital for the renewal of the ecological system would have survived.

The original population of slaves in the holding pens was 5000. 2000 of these did not survive the translation of the shard into the dimensional pocket. Of those that did survive, the ones best known for banding together the first Tribe were the Dancers. These two were leaders in the holding area and quite possibly for the revolt that prompted the ‘accident’ or disposal of the slaves. Although there was very little information from this time the verbal legends handed down were that the Dancers had chosen their own mate, (each other). Whether this was done before, or after the Split is also unsure. However the story of the dance they danced to show their love to each other is a famous part of

Shaytonian mythology. The moral attributed to this fable is that all should hind themselves to the Family/City in all things This could help explain the comparatively rapid evolution from slave to the present society on Shayton The changes are actually minimal if slavery to the State was simply substituted for their previous slavery. The physical evolution mirrored the social changes occurring. Each of the following generations shows the path of physical changes.

1st Generation

The first generation embraced the animal in themselves in order to survive. The emphasis on strength, endurance and speed meant the survival of people who mimicked the animals around them that survived. The toughest, the most adaptable survived. Many did anything they could to subsist life. The most readily available source of food would have been the dead. It would have meant survival but live meat would have been healthier and therefore perused.

52PS Discovery Portals

The ability to supplement the food and energy supplies of Shayton through use of the dimensional portals caused by the friction of the pocket and the land was a vital part of survival. The first few were probably discovered by accident. Later the warning signals that a portal was opening would have been learnt. These Portals allowed brief travel to other worlds. Most could not stay though, the Portals seem to draw the traveller back. Strangely beings from our dimension introduced into their dimension to not feel the same urge to return. Most of the Portals were not stable. The discovery of stable Portals was not recognised until much later.

2nd Generation - Adventurers

The discovery of the Portals allowed the survivors to start to explore their changed world and the worlds around it. The true second generation were starting to evolve the stages of shapeshifting, claws and fangs.

They also developed the ability to be 'in touch' with their surroundings. This would have equated to an almost empathic or precognitive skill. Many were lost to the perils of adventuring. Unstable portals, animal and tribal attacks brought the population down to its lowest level of approximately 550?700 beings.

Food hunted on other worlds had to be quickly gathered. Often blood-letting similar to Arabians of Earth and their camels, or the Mongols and their horses, allowed them to bring back live food and still feed before hand. Although not vampirism as they did not crave or rely on this source, it was practised more than need would suggest. This could possibly have been the start of later changes.

Lost Generations

This expansion and loss meant that the few records that were kept were incomplete. Forced to rely on verbal history, there were whole generations lost. Although the shaytonians call the next generation the Third, it is more probably the fifth or possibly even more.

564 Caves Discovered

Near the centre of the shard, there are relatively stable areas. The first of these to be found was the Caves. These were still subject to quakes and weather changes but were stable enough to allow possessions. Items could now be left at one collection point. This also increased the chance of foetal and young survival. A culture started to develop. Dances formalised and song developed into two or more parts. Writing and art could now he kept. Jewellery, the one thing that some still had from before the Split, could now be fashioned anew. Reluctance to leave this safe haven could explain the long gap between this and other discoveries. The population started to rebuild to current levels of 800 to 1000. Population pressures in the Caves may have also contributed to the next expansion.

3rd Generation

True telepathy and shapeshifting began to show. Ages were now noticeably longer, although this may have come earlier and remained undetected due to the low survival rate. The price for these developments was a hunger that increased remarkably. The earlier reliance on flesh reduced to an attraction to blood. The loss of the much overused adrenal gland meant that this chemical must he replaced. The vampirism grew to be the major food source. Possibly the emotional part of this feeding prompted the full conversion to vampirism.

604 PS Head of Council Born

Currently the oldest surviving citizen and Head of the Council she looks to he in the equivalent of her mid sixties. Born in the Caves, she has very little of the bias shown to the Wildness Tribes or in the conventions of the City. She does not allow the breaking of any rule, but she is known to bend them considerably. She has no surviving children, but some of her grandchildren are in line for Council positions. She is the paternal aunt of the King.

632PS Melinski Born

The only other surviving member of the 'third' generation Melinski has gone out of her way to avoid rule of any kind. She is still a powerful voice in Council. A direct descendant of the Dancers, and maternal aunt of the King, she has raised most of the current royal family. Therefore she is allowed certain leniency such as the birth of her single son Talkar No other children survive, having been killed in the first Enemy attack.

640PS Crystals Discovered

The ability to focus energy through crystals was a major advance. Used in medicine, the Arts and Combat, the focused energy was an invaluable bonus. The crystals themselves were created for the intense pressures of the shifting land. They could be found scattered around like gravel. It way have been the increasing power levels of the Shaytonians themselves that prompted this discovery rather than a rareness of suitable crystals. However, that complete crystals were rare, and these own became highly prized.

4th Generation

This was the first generation to show a full range of present day powers The complete onus on vampirism was now a biological necessity.

686PS First Blades Produced

It was discovered the metals as well as the crystals could be a focus for powers. This was most often used in the creation of the Blade. A throwing weapon it can also be used in hand-to-hand combat. Skill with this weapon became a major part of the culture, and took on a great significance. Long use with one particular blade, meant that it could be 'trained' to return to the thrower. This is probably due to the focusing of the telekinesis/forcefield power in the blade. This would explain the inability of most modem males to use, this aspect of the weapon.

693PS King Born

At this time, the legitimate firstborn descendant of the Dancers of each generation is entitled to rule. The current King was responsible for that of the discoveries that allow the City. He was the fist to consolidate, and in many cases create, maps of the Portals and stable area of land. He found a way to that energy a well as focus it through the crystals He found the way to join crystals to create a large unit. He was also a constant traveller. He often just 'took off into the Wilderness or Portals This curiosity explained his many discoveries, but it also contributed to the development of the Council. He recognised the need for stable leadership while he was gone.

776PS Stable Portals Mapped

Some Portals were discovered to be stable. This meant that they could be opened at any stage, usually by concentrating power through a crystal. More importantly these opened to the same areas each time. This meant travellers could know what to expect and be more prepared. Travellers could expect clothes, supplies, even money to be available at these Portals. These items were considered community property. The Shaytonian side of the most often used Portals had banks of crystals installed to facilitate use. Strangely, often many of these Portals seemed to be close together. One particular site, actually inside the City, was found to have sixteen stable Portals in the one area. This became the main travel point for most travellers.

781 Use of Crystals to Store Energy

Although it was now commonplace to use crystals to focus energy. a way of storing energy for long term use had still not been found. Constant experimentation allowed the King to find the combination of crystal and mental training that could often energy into the crystals It was found that some crystals already stored some of the massive build-up of energy from the friction of the world around them This could now be released, or increased The use of crystals to help guard encampments and similar duties became wide-spread.

810 True Stable Land Found - City Built

Although small areas of relatively stable ground were well known, the King found a way of combining these areas into one. This provided truly stable ground for the first time in Shaytonian history. The use of crystals to form a Barrier meant that weather and quakes were now controllable. This caused a separation of those that chose a more animalistic lifestyle and those who wished to return to City living. The Wilderness tribes remained in the Caves, and others joined the King in a new City on the plains. This first City was no more then a collection of huts on carefully guarded ground.

855 First Enemy Attack - Males Sterilised

Assumed to be a race that found a way through one of the Portals, the Enemy was the first outside attack the Shaytonians had faced They came through in waves spraying a chemical over the population. Although often of the Enemy died, the 'disease' was soon felt through the entire population. All males were sterilised. They also suffered a severe drop in their power levels. Two things happened. The Portals in the direction of the attackers were off-limits. A reorganisation of the City was also experienced. The King was away during the attack. During his absence, a group of older women gathered the survivors of the attack into central barracks. The Barrier was strengthened. The City became a survival tool. All citizens swore allegiance to those to protecting the City and chose a guard to protect them from further attack- It did not take long for this guard to become a ruling clan. As the powers of the women were unaffected, the Society became matriarchal. The King returned to find the change already established. He found his own powers were not effected but he did not attempt to reassert his control. Instead he spent more and more time traveling.

1025 Marcus Born

Marcus was the first male born after the attack to have full powers and the ability to reproduce. Born to one of the lioness from the prides near the Caves, he prefers his mother's form Raised originally as a big cat, Melinski took over his care when he became old enough to require human education as well. The King was still travelling widely and did not have time to look after his son. While acknowledged as Prince, he does not hold direct claim to the Throne as he was not legitimate, but he does still hold it if there are no legitimate heirs. More likely, he would be Consort. He does not hold a seat in Council but does have a voice there if he considers the issue important enough. He rarely does. He is also one of the few that can survive extended time off-planet. This became useful when he later went into self-exile with a woman he married against Council orders.

1054 City Crystal Installed - Council First Convened

The King discovered a way to join several shaytonian’s crystals together. This provided a way of strengthening the Barrier enough to allow the City to expand as energy was not dependant on just one strong mentalist providing an entire ‘link’ of the fence. Several shaytonians could power each link, allowing every citizen to add their share. The Pool, the Portal Station and some surrounding area was included inside the Barrier. A physical wall was introduced to back up the Barrier’s protection. Each citizen was linked into the Barrier through one large crystal which powered the forcefields that protected the stable area. The barracks remained but were enlarged. The guards were formalised into the first sitting of the Council. This Council was very similar to the rule of family heads that had held sway since the Split and so seemed to be accepted very readily. The Council was allowed full access to the crystal's power in order to protect the City.

1084 Pit Created

Although the rule of the Council was accepted by most of the populace at large extremely readily, some were tired with City easy living but unwilling to return to the Caves. A second City was created where the strict rules against fighting and loyalty to the Council were not demanded This was called the Pit and was centred near the caverns that held Hell. A sulphurous cave, Hell became the place of punishment where disagreements were settled by sending the disputing parties in and allowing only one out. The Pit itself became the place where Shaytonians proved themselves in combat. Staying alive became the only requirement to advancement

1236 Ceremonies Developed – Marriage Collars produced King Married Queen

The City allowed the citizens to establish some formal ceremonies. These were strongly influenced by the human wife the King brought back from Persia on Earth Together they discovered the improved power levels and life span available if a permanent partner was chosen. The Queen was largely responsible for the introduction of marriage collars. The ability to focus power through metal, may explain the ability of these collars to adapt to the shape shifting abilities of the wearers and allow the punishment of infidelity. The King and Queen were the first to wear the collars, setting an example. The collars also allowed the Council to tie a growing population in to the Barrier and other protection devices. Regulations for breeding were created and enforced in order to prevent overpopulation. Genetic manipulation became a way to ensure Survival by ensuring children once assigned were perfect. This manipulation was undertaken by the Council utilising the natural shapeshifting abilities of the parents themselves and with energy provided by the link that bound each citizen to the Barrier.

An analogy between an ant's nest and the City could be drawn. Many guards were needed so many were bred. Twins an already common occurrence, were now a necessity to ensure even numbers of men and women. This was strange considering the sterile nature of the males, but not if the stubborn refusal of acknowledging this is taken into account.

2403 King Attempts to Relocate Shayton - Annalisa Born

The King experimented with the energy levels available with the new City crystal He discovered that it should be enough to allow the translation of the shard back into real space. He timed the translation to coincide with the birth of his children so that they would he born on Earth, the new Shaytonian homeland. They were to be the next breed.

However, the translation did not go well. The population panicked and the crystal threatened to collapse. Knowing that the crystal could possibly take the whole shard with it, the Queen volunteered to enter the crystal in order to provide it with manual control mechanism. This forced the Queen to induce birth of her children, but the forces involved, blended the two children into one body. The Queen herself became the Crystal, an almost godlike figure. The merged twin became a split personality, but as shapeshifters, the different personalities took on different bodies and features as well. The Anna half of the fusion was designated heir, and the Lisa half paired with Marcus to breed the new generation.

The King went insane and retired to the Pitt. The Council took full control of the City.

2483 2nd Enemy Attack - Annalisa Banished

The Second attack came once the City was well established. All non-combatants were gathered at the Pool for protection. The guardianship of the City was given over to Annalisa, currently living as Lisa. A full attack occurred along the Barrier between the City and the Wilderness. This was successfully repelled but a force gained entrance to the Pool area and killed several children before they were stopped. The children killed included Lisa's husband and their two year old twins. Her failure to protect the City meant her banishment to Earth even though it was a strong possibility someone, most probably someone on the Council itself, must have let the Enemy forces past the Barrier. This could not have been Lisa herself as she was fighting at the Barrier the whole time. Lisa, was later recalled to undertake the task of Hellmaker only to be banished again when she refused a Council command.

4478 Leila Born

Otherwise known as the Godchild or the Chosen One. She was bred to provide the raw power deemed necessary to protect Shayton from the 'Enemy. It was also possible that she may have been able to achieve the translation of Shayton back into the real Universe.

4478 Talkar Born

This date is under debate as Talkar was approximately 80 years of age when Kalib was born. However his is sometimes referred to as the Devilchild, and Lelia’s twin. The differences are perhaps due to his time on Earth.

Talkar was physically born to Melinski but was actually conceived by Lisa, of the Annalisa fusion. The personification of rebellion, his survival was purchased by two things, the Council’s need for Kalib as a partner for Leila and the shared conviction of Melinski and the Head of Council that the race would need variation if it was to survive. His almost completely unmodified birth allowed the Shytonian race to reach the next level on its own without Council influence.

4489 Kalib Born

Kalib, the first son of Talkar was bred to Breed with Lelia once her powers had stabilised the Dimension Together they were to provide the new Generation for the Rule of Shayton (This was necessary after the 2nd attack caused the loss of Annalisa, the original prospect for the job.)


Very little is known of Shaytonian physiology because of their taboos on research either by their own researchers, or, (especially) by any others. A great deal can be surmised though. Descriptions of external physical characterises are, of course easily gathered and usually very graphic. (This is due to their perhaps main characteristic, vampirism. Shaytonians 'feed' from a wide variety of lifeforms. Why is not known but it is assumed that it was cause a part of a physical shock to the race when it was forced into our universe from a parallel dimension. Readings from where their home planet was assumed to be show a large rift in space. Their planet itself is actually caught in a 'bubble' in space and as yet can only be travelled to through their own gateways.)

Physical appearance

The appearance depends of course on the chosen form. All have at least two forms. Common to all is a humanoid appearance but with a slight mauve tinge to their skin. This colour is caused by the concentration of pyrargyrite in their blood (a silver sulphide) that tints their blood a slight purple. Faces are mostly angular in appearance with chiselled features. They have remarkably strong, sharp nails discoloured by the use of the poison sacs located under the quick. The muscle structure is also different to allow for easier changes between forms, usually exaggerated musculature in the shoulders and the lower leg.

Mer are closest in appearance to human myths of merpeople, hence the adoption of the name. They normally blend the two legs to form a tail. Claws become more obvious and teeth become incredible sharp and pointed, similar to shark teeth. Canines are prominent but not fully extended. The hair becomes stronger and courser. There are variations such as scaled legs, but these are rare and normally found amongst the Wild tribes.

Wolfs are larger than wolf norm and with far stronger claws and teeth. Coats and colouring tend to mimic those of cold climes but they vary from pure white through browns and greys to black. Black is rare though and normally found on Nobles.

Bats are again larger. They are believed to have sonar but the other senses are not as limited as in Earth bats. Bats do tend to be light sensitive though and prefer the dark.

Nobles can take more than one of the above forms and some combinations, ie bat wings on human form, a siren mer form (without the more animalistic features). They do tend to pick one form which they prefer and develop it. Therefore the largest wolf in the pack is often a Noble even though their human form may be smaller.

Descriptions given below are only of native Shaytonians. Breeders are also inhabitants of the planet but are mostly just human norm and norms of other nearby races.


Height and weight both tend to be greater than human norms for all three races although the differences are greater in the 'mer' and noble races. Averages are given below. (See table 1.1)

Table 1.1

  • MALE Height (m)/Weight (kg)
    • Mer- 2.0/70
    • Wolf- 1.8/68
    • Bat- 1.7/60
    • Noble- 1.9/65
  • FEMALE Height (m)/Weight (kg)
    • Mer- 1.9/65
    • Wolf- 1.7/64
    • Bat- 1.6/59
    • Noble- 1.8/60


The basics do not seem to be greatly different from the Earth norm except in the ways already discussed. Internally, the main difference is the adrenal processing and circulatory systems.

The adrenal glands are shrunken to the point of almost missing, explaining, in part, their vampirism. The processing is mainly done in the canine teeth. One operates as an intake valve, regulating the follow of blood into the body. The other processes this blood by filtering out the useful chemicals and returning the rest to the source. The second heart may be to handle the rapid intake of adrenaline and seems to operate as a storage unit and back-up.

One element of their physiology has had a dramatic effect on their society. An earth woman brought to Shayton as Queen took her newfound responsibilities to heart. She found that her own health dramatically improved as the King fed only from her. Latent telepathic abilities also started to form. She also noticed that her 'Husband' had to feed less often and seem to improve his own health and emotional stability. He became able to concentrate on matters for long lengths of time and distance himself from the episodes of violence that seemed to be caused by a link between him and the planet's upheavals. Suspecting a symbiotic relationship, she took some 'volunteers' and made some collars to enforce fidelity until she could prove her theory. She found that it was possible to calm Shaytonians enough to make living in a city environment possible.


All Shaytonians have psionic capabilities. These seem to differ greatly due to gender and race. Males have limited telepathic and empathic abilities but little else. The only exceptions to this are a few scattered Nobles. These seem to have not only the full range of female abilities but also others, although these too seem to be concentrated on extensions of the mind.

Most females have telepathy at much higher levels and telekinesis, (sometimes evident as a mental force field of some kind). Some Nobles have other powers that seem peculiar to them but these are just specialised adaptations of the basic abilities.

Both sexes seem to have no limitation on the level of intelligence of the being they are trying to communicate with. Whether the being is an animal or an 'intelligent' being does not seem to have the same significance for them as it does for other races.

The ability to shapeshift is also dependant on the gender and race of the individual. The males and 'lesser' races normally only have one form, other than that of their father. (The father, or Breeder, due to the sterility of the vast majority of the males, is often from another race, mostly human.)


The psychology of the Shaytonians is based very strongly on survival and fear. Based on the idea that the 'trip' into this universe is still very strongly imprinted in the minds on the peoples of Shayton, it is perhaps easiest to understand them if you compare them to a party of shipwrecks.

Shaytonians live in a very crowded community that would be considered unacceptable to many other races. Due to the hostility of their world, they have formed two safe havens of relatively calm. Here they live in communal halls with very little personal space. This lack of space is often cited as the reason that such a tight control can be kept on the populace without rebellion.

Although a space-faring race by virtue of their gateways, they seem unable to leave the planet for any length of time. The race as a whole seems to suffer from a kind of agoraphobia and is unwilling to expand outwards even on their own planet. A lack of sufficient energy is cited as the main reason, but any discussion shows their near horror at even a casual mention of the idea.

The analogy of the shipwreck carries over to the interaction between the races as well. Each has a deep-seated distrust of the other but also can not survive without them. In the past this hostility was shown in almost open warfare. Once the Cities were formed and every citizen was necessary to power the Barrier between them and the Wilderness, this hostility became an art form. Dance, song and stylised battle became the way to prove superiority.

Shaytonians seem to lack any of the so-called higher emotions. Their ability to communicate with 'animals' may be because of this. Due to their close interaction with 'intelligent' races, they often mimic the emotions that seem appropriate. Sometimes this can be off-putting, as they will get it wrong. The borderline between straight survival induced emotions and 'real' emotions is a narrow one though, and may be caused by a massive form of culture shock rather than a lack of the inbuilt ability. The most noticeable effect of this 'shock' is that the Shaytonians show very little ambition in life. An attempt to foster some interest past eating and feeding, is giving each named citizen a personal project to complete in their lifetime. As many males are not officially named, they are left to occupy themselves as they see fit.


Shaytonian society is very much based on the good of the whole. Any decisions are made on a complex basis of rules that have no shades of grey. Once the Council or the King makes a decision, it is final and to question it means instant death. To balance this tyranny, the individual has a great deal of personal freedom until called upon. There a very few social mores and the ability to do just as they please is a source of pride.

This seeming conflict is resolved by choosing a child's path at birth. The child is allotted a certain task or tasks and is allowed to do anything that does not conflict with the completion of the task. The majority of citizens have the easy task of parenting one set of children and seeing that they survive to adulthood. Often Nobles are given harder tasks. Sometimes tasks are given out even before birth and genetic engineering takes place to ensure their ability to perform the task.

Shaytonian culture is very much a female orientated society. Females hold the main positions of power and the main responsibilities. This seems to be due to the difference of abilities between the two sexes. This was apparently caused by chemical warfare from a race that greatly disapproved of their vampiric needs. Males seem to have withdrawn from all areas of society and now merely live out a series of 'parties'. Females have taken over the running of the society, but even here there is little that they do. The shield from the Wilderness has about ensured Survival and food is small worry, therefore there is little to engage their ambition. Only a handful, notably the Council, seem to direct the people at all. The citizens concentrate on proving their prowess in their chosen field and care for little else.

The family unit has little importance once the children are grown. Indeed, once the child is considered adult, it takes its place in society and stands on an equal footing to its parents. Sometimes this goes to the extent that parent and child may be lovers. There seems to be little regard held for the usual family ties, but this often only a surface image and family members will look out for each other, over and above the normal regard for their own race. The loyalty hierarchy for most Shaytonians seems to flow down from the Council, to their mate, family, race and the population as a whole. Rarely will they feel loyalty to any being beyond this. The exception to this is when they swear fealty. This then takes precedence over all loyalty except to the Council. There is never a time when the Council is not the primary concern. Many speculate that this is due to the indoctrination at each stage of their life that the Council is watching. Nearly all ceremonies are done as group affairs with citizens of the same age being named, married, and having children at the same time.


Their religion is strongly tied to their loyalty base. Apparently survival is the whole and obedience is survival. The Mother, the power source for the cities, is perhaps the epitome of this regard. She has become as close a God as they have. A side effect of drawing the power from the citizens themselves is that the Mother constantly monitors every being on the planet. Therefore she looks after them. As there is no afterlife but only an absorption by the Planet. This 'capital P' Planet seems to be a melding of the Mother & Nature. She ensures survival and is a part of every loved one that has ever died.

The Mother watches every part of life. Any major event in life has a ceremony attached to acknowledge this. This follows the cycle of birth, naming, adulthood, marriage, reproduction and death. They are also very literal and fashioned their own Hell from the legends of Earth. This is used for punishment. (See Justice)


The main staple is the adrenaline found in the circulatory system. It seems that emotions are also an important and integral part of the diet as experiments with acceptable adrenaline substitutes have not been successful. Feeding from lower form animals is also insufficient for long-term feeding.

Solid food is also necessary for full health but not in any great quantity. It seems to be based on personal choice but common choices are berries such as mulberries and blueberries, and nibbly dishes such as pheasant wings, diced vegetables and small cuts of meat such as knuckles. The breeders often cook these only as an afterthought.

Large quantities of food are only really ever eaten if a hunt brings down a large beast, but this is the exception and often done more as an adventure for the young than as a source of food.

Preferred drinks are mineral or preferably, fresh water, (a scarce commodity), Glishka and Minta, which are the equivalents of Terran red, and white wine. Glishka is the only substance that they willingly take that has a narcotic effect as it is also the only one that does not have considerable harmful side effects.


Rather than set sleep times the Shaytonians seem to 'cat-nap'. Very light sleepers, they will find a safe place and rest after strenuous exercise, or if bored. It is often explained that rest is taken whenever possible as often on their own world, set sleep is impossibly dangerous because of predators and the restlessness of the world's surface.


Of religious significance, breeding is strictly controlled for all but the handful of functioning males. Mates are selected and told when it is their turn to breed. The pregnancy is invariably twins with a gestation period of three months. During pregnancy the children are closely monitored and any deficiencies are repaired before the birth, normally to the genetic level. The Shaytonian woman is unable to give birth alone as she must not only control her own body but also ensure that the children do not transform. Usually there will be a close relative, normally a woman, and the father present at the birth to aid the mother and keep her conscious. If, as Shaytonians are prone to do in times of stress, she loses consciousness, it would be fatal for both her and the children. To survive both children and the mother must feed soon after birth.

Children are considered sacred, their lives instrumental to the survival of the species due to the low birth rate and high death rate of adults.

They must be tested after birth. Once they pass the test, (there are no failures due to the precautions taken prior to birth), the children continue to be monitored throughout their life until they reach Naming age. As a result very few children ever die until adulthood, possibly a sound reason for the strict birth control.


The most common ceremony for the Shaytonian people is a group ceremony. When a group of young reach adult level and have been trained in lovemaking techniques, they are given sufficient time to "sow their wild oats" and then called to Council. Marriage Day is a Shaytonian wide holiday where Wilderness and Pit members join the City. A number of hunts are staged to provide a feast. The two forms of "wine" are brewed in large quantities. Every one has a day off.

The young are called before the whole populace and in front of the Council dais they are arranged in two circles men facing women. The two circle then sing and dance around in these circles showing their best attributes to the opposing circle. The Crystal is then called upon to choose them mates. Lights play around the Circle and will shine on one couple at a time. The colour of the light shows if the couple is permitted to breed, or if they are joined merely to provide the stable feeding necessary for the community. Each couple bows before the Head and asked if they will honour the obligations of the joining. Collars are then placed around their necks, (similar to a wedding ring but unable to be removed).

Once all the couples are chosen, each couple pairs, with many of the onlookers joining in. The bonding process between the Shaytonian and his/her new mate is accelerated by this process and cemented very quickly. Apparently the telepathic energy abounding in the Council chamber during this ceremony is considerable and the pleasure gained immense. The linking of sometimes up to fifty couple's minds as they all reach their peak is an experience without parallel. The following feast sometimes goes on the three days or more.

It is not compulsory to ever join in with this ceremony, but in practice, only the HellMaker does not participate at least three or four times over a lifetime. Except in the case of the rare powered male that joins in, each person is only ever allowed one time where they are allowed to breed.

There are rare times when a couple choses to marry without being chosen. Although this is allowed, it is never encouraged, or even mentioned, and for most, the idea would never cross their mind. One exception is Nobles. They are the most frequent members of the breeder gathering parties, and, at times, find a partner there. The other exception is powered males who are actively encouraged to breed as much as possible and as a result rarely marry. When they do though it is mostly in a one on one ceremony.

One on one ceremonies can be performed in two places. When the Shaytonian partner is a member of Council or a member of the Royal household, it is often held in the Council chamber. In such a case, the ceremony follows the same procedure as a group wedding, the only difference is that the couple can be a lot freer in the dance. Often it takes the form of the Dance of the Lovers, a re‑enactment of a legend of two escaped slaves that together managed to free a number of fellow slaves and start a new community. Legend has it that this community was the one that this original stock that were the survivors of the Split. It would explain the wide race diversity of the Shaytonians, breeder variety not with standing as slaves would have been gathered from all over their original world.

If a similar style wedding to the group ceremony is chosen and the lights do not find them a suitable couple, they must part or be exiled.

They can fight for the partner as a separate ceremony to avoid this risk, but this rarely works for the best. Society does not make it easy for the couple.


Birth normally takes place in the City in the Birthing area. Usually the mother, father, birther (a close relative), and the Speaker (the Mother/Council's representative) gather near the pool as the mother feels the birth about to start.

The mother and father then link minds to monitor the bodies of the mother and the children to make sure they do not try to change during the birth. The birther then has the task to ensure that all goes smoothly.

Once the children are born their cords are severed and they are immediately thrown into the air above the pool. Bat forms then change and fly, mer change to swim in the pool and wolf grow their shaggy coat to counteract the coldness of the water. Some Noble children do all three. This is considered very good luck.

If a child does none of these things, it is considered Shandulan or non-powered. It will be rescued from the water, cleaned and fed from the breast. This rarely happens though on planet. Off planet, children are often Shandulan as normally only Exiles would give birth off-planet. Exiles are not allowed to advertise the presence of Shaytonians to the outside universe and having powered children who would not be as able to hide would be a major breach of this rule leading to the execution of parents and children. Usually the child shows its preferred form and is fed from the neck of its mother, then its father and then fed from the breast. The Speaker then pronounces each child's duty and the children are left in their parents care.


Once a child is considered old enough to survive without guidance, it is tested again. This takes place normally around the age of sixteen. This time it is sent out into the Wilderness to survive for long enough to get back to the gate to the City. If it succeeds, it is brought before the Council and formally granted citizenship. Names have a strict structure based on the main form of the person. Mer names end in 'ka', i.e. Melska, Bat names in 'ah' i.e. Nebah, Wolf in 'al' i.e. Remal.

Although both male and female adolescents are tested if they are citizens of the Pitt, often male children of the City are not tested unless someone puts their name before the Council. As this test is the only way to have a child's name formally recognised, citizenship therefore does not seem to be extended to male children. As very few children live in the Pitt, this extends to males in general.

The ceremony itself is very simple. The populace is called together and the child walks to the centre of the room and is scanned by the Council. The Speaker then says that the child was born in his presence, has survived this long, and is now recognised as...(fill in the name). Sometimes the child's name is changed during this ceremony to emphasise some task that have to do etc.

ADULTHOOD: Adulthood is similar to naming and sometimes performed at the same time. Any citizen can petition the Council that a child is able to decide its mission in life. Normally this is done by whoever is training the child. Seeing that genetic engineering structures the child to a particular area before birth, it is rare that they chose something different to what was chosen for them. In this way, the Council can preplan what direction they will direct the planet's future development.

The petitioner and the child then train with a ceremonial blade. Once the child is considered proficient enough to survive a battle using the weapon, they are committed to combat. If the child is being named at the same time, the blade is used to aid survival in the Wilderness. If already named, they must choose a person to fight. It once was a fight to the death in Hell, but the battle is now highly stylised and fought before the populace in the Council chamber.

Whichever way they fight, if they survive, they are melded to the blade so that the blade is attuned to their mental call. They can then chose to follow the field of their choice and state before the Council their Goal for their life. Depending on their choice, they are given the right to wear robes of certain colours and the duty to wear their blade until they die.

The choice of fields and robes are science (blue robes), dance (black), battle (purple), politics (silver). Edges to the robes show the level of achievement in particular areas. White is for visitors and newly named, silver for Council acknowledgment of their good works and black for leaders. Royalty is gold. They are the only ones allowed to wear more than one colour at once.


Death comes in two ways to native Shaytonians, violence and mishap in the Wilderness. No-one yet has ever lived long enough to die of old age. The Head of the Council is known to be at least 8 earth centuries old and does show some signs of age but it is not possible to speculate just when natural death would occur. As the City now keeps the Citizens safe from the hazards of the Wilderness and from the violence natural to them, perhaps we may start to find maximum ages.

Death of someone else holds little real significance to Shaytonians unless it is their mate. The only real ceremony involves giving a quick blessing,(a touch of fingers or lips to the head, heart, belly), and destroying the body with the special dusts that each citizens keeps on them from birth. Attuned to their body, these dusts quickly decompose the body to its own fine dust. This is done to prevent any study of the body. If a Shaytonian dies alone, the Council quickly sends someone to perform the ceremony. No body is ever left whole. Many Shaytonians carry this dust in their blades, or if they are not "adults", in a similar weapon.

When death separates a married couple, the withdrawal from the symbiotic relationship causes a great deal of illness until the surviving partner can adjust. Breeders are sometimes unable to adjust, and die soon after. If they are a married, or' collared' couple, the survivor often retains the same collar but with the lethal element removed until their next marriage. 



Male roles are very undefined, "they can do anything they are equipped to do, and we all know what that is!" This was the message handed down after the Council came to power, and it stands to this day. Sometimes a male, with the help of a sponsor, can rise to quite high levels, i.e. the Speaker is always male, but the chauvinist attitude often colours this, (again the example is the Speaker, it gives them something pretty to look at).

There is no tasks that males are specifically denied, but the sponsor takes their failure on their own head, sometimes literally with the sponsor being executed if the child fails. As some will go out their way to see the male fail, this makes any sponsor think twice.


Officially their role is to be the head of their household and sponsor the children as they grow. In actuality, most decisions are made as a couple with the final say going to the one who cares either way.

The ruling castes are the only place where this distinction is made oblivious. The men are allowed into the Council Chamber but must not speak unless granted permission. This is only waived if the male is under discussion, or a visitor and not always then.


Children are expected merely to survive. Nothing is allowed to get in the way of that. Constant supervision is kept over every single child and if, by some extraordinary skill the child manages to injure or kill him/herself, the allotted minder dies.

To ensure survival, children are taught to fight with both natural and artificial weapons, live off the land, deal with all forms of poisons, injuries and diseases. Children found to have the gifts of healing or adapting to such dangers, are separated out for further training and are treated like little gods. This distinction stays with them for life regardless of which field they chose.


The role of couples is merely to ensure that children grow and survive to be adults. If a couple has not been given permission to breed, the only real ideal behind the joining is to free the native Shaytonian from hunger so they can achieve their goal. The idea of marrying for love is totally alien to them. Perhaps the closest they come is to find a companion that is perfectly compatible in every way. This companion often shares the same goal and ensures a successful completion.


Nobles are often the rulers of each grouping. This normally means that they mediate any arguments and report to the Council if there is a being that is worth watching. To be "worth watching", the being is either specially gifted or specially argumentative. Either way, they are isolated into special groups and left to increase their abilities, or, in the case of the argumentative, left to kill each other off.

The groupings are distinctions of age, race and ability. These distinctions are the closest Shaytonians get to classes. The levels go upwards from youngest to oldest, bat, wolf, mer to nobles and novice to experts. There is also a slight distinction between the chosen professions, going from science to politics, battle and then dance. This is less noticeable than the other classes as each group is considered vital for Survival.


This is the special group. The population of the Pit is made up largely of the few powered males left, and those who are restless with the ease of the City. Here there are very few couples or children as most still journey to the City when it is decided that it is their time to have children. It is too hard to protect a child from the Pitt, and the same ruling of death goes to any who allow a child to die.

The basic role of the Pitt is to allow the residents to feel that they are really surviving. The Pitt has only minimal shielding and there is regular flooding, earthquakes and wild animal attacks, (though most animals have learnt the danger of approaching even the most seemingly defenceless.)

To supplement this, Pitters also have a firm hierarchy. This is based on who has survived the longest. The obvious way to climb in this society is to kill or injure the one above you proving that you can survive better. The higher the level, the more likely it would be that an outright kill is needed. There is no distinction between male and female in the Pit, but as the females are higher powered than the males, they often hold the top few positions. When they return to the City, their rank is often held up to the population as the reason that females deserve their higher rank in Society at large. The notable exception here is the King, born before the regulation of breeding and off planet when the virus went through. The King has almost legendary powers and very strong survival instincts.

It was he who created the shields and his wife that created the City. He is also mad. He emerges from his rooms only rarely, but when he does he distributes favours and death with equal ease. It is said that he once took his own daughter to the edge of Hell.


Although a place rather than a person, it has a very firm role in Shaytonian society. Here the ritual killings of child killers, unapproved parents and other rule breakers take place. A Hellmaker, normally a member of the Royal family, calls the condemned to Hell. Here is the equivalent of a volcano but the 'lava" is not hot enough to kill. Hell itself is a maze of hot colour that constantly blinds anyone who enters to the changing terrain. Very few can survive the place itself but then the Hell-maker is sent to kill them. According to the crime is how long they live. The worse the crime, the slower they die. The Hell-maker is allowed enough of the Power of the Council to ensure their own survival. This often means they are incredibly powerful beings.

Hell is also used to settle arguments. If two Shaytonians cannot sort a problem out, they are sent to Hell. Only one is allowed out. If both are going to make it, the Hell-maker kills whichever one is nearest to death. If both are level in injuries, both die. Arguments that get to this level are understandably rare.


The Council's role is to regulate the lives of all citizens of Shayton to keep the delicate balance of power and population necessary for the shields. The Council monitors each and every citizen closely using the Mother's power. They run complex programs that supposedly predict all possible futures. Based on the outcomes of these programs, the Council make sure suitable children are born that can bring about the future they deem most desirable. 'Most desirable' is the one that ensures Survival for the largest section of the population. The way this survival is assured takes no account of any other areas. Quality of life or personal freedoms seem to have very little emphasis except as secondary goals.


Wild tribes are groups that have decided for a variety of reasons, to stay in the Wilderness rather than stay in the safety of the City or even the Pitt. They have very similar mores and traditions and even acknowledge the rule of the King and the Council for the most part. This is though a bit of a moot point because the Council still inflicts punishment whether its rule is acknowledged or not.


Song and dance forms an integral part of Shaytonian life. Dance has replaced the violence that Shaytonians used to use to resolve almost every problem. Just about every situation has steps that accompany its resolution. Issues are resolved or ceremonies celebrated. The marriage ceremony is just one example. Dance also provides the one story in Shaytonian legend that could get close to a love story. A couple was once so suited to each other that they could cause to planet to calm by the force of their dance. A couple called Alskan and Mishja are perfectly suited. These are the only names in history that are named, implying they are still alive, or their love is.

Dance is used to hone life skills such as battle and seduction, and keeping their powers tuned. Dances can take just about any form, but the most frequent are a mixture of aerobics, body building poses and belly dancing techniques. They are designed to seduce the audience with the power, flexibility and desirability of the dancer’s body. Often the best dancers are also the top warriors and assassins and high in the Pitt hierarchy.

Another famous dance is performed in celebration of the annual pilgrimage of the City to the wilderness to test those youths seeking to become adults. The culmination of this celebration is a dance that involves virtually the whole population.

A single person, often the Hellmaker, will stand in the centre of a clear area and sing one note. Others will join in, singing harmonics to that note until the whole population is singing. The central figure will then begin to move, mimicking the violent storms and calms of Shayton weather.

Another dance is a stylised combat. The two dancers are tied together by their hands and ‘fight’ until a successful throat blow is delivered. This is a clean fight, no powers, just physical skill alone. The leaps, spins and weaving are often breath taking in intensity.

Song is also very important as the only way they record their history. Even the Mother stores Her memories in song. Their technology is also soundly based on music. Many controls for the Gateways and the Mother Herself are controlled by a combination of dance and song. Mainly because of this, the study of dance is the most respected profession.

Songs rarely have actual words, but they give the impression of the stories they cover. Famous ones include the story of Alskan and Milkhja, the King’s journeys and the tale of the little prince.

The little prince is one of the few that aren’t based on history. It tells the tale of young prince lying in his mothers arms as she sings of all the things he may accomplish in her life. The chorus is one of the few set pieces and although sung in a variety of languages, the words are, “you are only a little boy, only a boy, but you are my boy, so dream on, dreaming does no harm.‿


Science is anything that tries to answer questions about travel, healing, storage of power or the increase of the abilities of the race. There is a certain mystic quality accorded to science that is very similar to the Earth attitude to science found in the Dark ages. Technology was viewed as either weapons or magic. Either meant a collection of great power and was therefore feared by the bulk of Shaytonians. A few brave souls try to follow the example of the King and try to develop new gateways and shields, but they often wake up dead and not always due to experiments gone wrong. Therefore science is considered a noble profession but a dangerous one.


Battle is often necessary for survival but was replaced in day-to-day life by dance. It has largely become the area for trainers to develop new techniques.


Politics is the chance for citizens to argue their points before Council. Council members are often chosen from those who argue their points convincingly. Spaces very rarely become vacant and a seat on Council is a lifelong position. Now that the Council can keep track on every citizen, the turnover of seats has substantially slowed.


There is no real organised sport with one exception. Sport is really a series of survival techniques often performed in a competitive atmosphere. One such sport is based on the gladiatorial events of the Roman age on Earth. Combatants are released into the centre arena to fight to the bite. The downward thumb that Hollywood made famous signifies permission to bite and enforce superiority over the defeated.

The exception is Dath'mala a combination of wrestling/sumo and handball.


Most hobbies and diversions centre on food, dance and becoming expert in the blade. The idea of cards or painting as a hobby is alien to them. These perhaps more traditional hobbies are seen as things that are done merely to attract a mate.


Symbols and the series of sounds formed make language to many Shaytonians. The actual words are unimportant. Learning the languages of the places visited though is important to Survival. Many can speak up to a dozen languages but many of them are archaic as visits were curtailed strongly after Earth science got to the stage where they could conceivably open the gateways from their side.


'By the Mother', is probably the most often heard phrase although are said in a variety of languages. This is used as an expletive and an act of reverence and it takes an outsider a long time to tell the difference between the two situations.

'Thank the Fates' is another common saying meaning that worse events have been avoided.

Words common to the whole populace:

Dar-kona. -death, ending or even evil

Glenuk - a lesser being normally human, non-Shaytonian.

Gohnack - an expletive, lit. - shit me.

Kelak - an expletive, a more forceful version of rubbish.

Shandu - Someone who bears non-powered children to a Shaytonian.

Shandulan - Non-powered children born to human/Shaytonian parents.

Shoolan - Other half, soul mate, twin.

Tameck - a feast day. The whole City gets together and we drink, & feast & dance & make love.

Tensyon - A time of emotional cleansing done annually. To not do it may lead to death.

Trellorn - someone who has fought for the Rite to be able to speak before Council. i.e. be considered a real person.

True Blood - A pure blood Shaytonian.


Clothing is worn to emphasise beauty and sensuality. There is no taboo against nudity. It is very common. Often the only article of clothing worn is the see through robe given to each citizen as they reach adulthood. These are worn as togas or skirts. The other common item is jewellery. All couples, of course, wear collars. They also show the symbol of office. Other jewellery is worn to show the skill of the wearer in obtaining them. As there are very few jewellery pieces on Shayton, the bulk of jewellery has been wiled away from its previous owner.


The main artifacts of course are their blades and the Mother, or computer where She is kept. Things that are really rare are from before the planet left its original universe, especially if they are soft, or breakable. Treasures from Earth are also highly prized if they fall in these categories. One article that dates back from pre-schism days is a rose held suspended in a glass locket. It used to belong to the Mother and is held in a secret compartment in the King's chamber. It is said that whoever wears it is to rule Shayton forever and bring it safely into the Universe.


Most shaytonians have two dwellings, their rooms in the City and a section of Wilderness. Their City rooms have 20m x 20m of space which they can fill any way they want, although furnishings, in fact any possessions are usually sparse. Family heads can have up to 5-10m extra to allow for meetings.

The Wilderness area allows them to hone their survival skills living wild. The area is marked by certain sights, smells and sounds, markers like those of animals marking their territory. These areas are one of the few places were shaytonians have any privacy, other than while adventuring through the portals.

Following a similar pattern to ancient Viking halls of the past, the Council Chambers is the main communal area where everyone can gather. The ends have been divided off to form the Council’s private rooms at one end and the head’s chambers where many citizens speak to the Council at the other. The stadium provides a venue for sporting events, such as Dath'mala. The pool is left virtually wild with flora screening the actual pool. The central fountain is large enough for those that prefer to swim to still interact with the populace. Most day to day activity is undertaken in the central courtyard.



As sex has little to do with procreation, it is merely a form of pleasure and a way to make the act of feeding more pleasurable. Due to the current distaste of using fear to heighten the amount of adrenaline the breeders produce; sex is almost synonymous with feeding. As feeding is Survival it does keep some value as a significant act, but not much. Forced sex though comes under the same heading of distasteful as killing a breeder. It is not done in polite company. This includes the Pitt, unless the victim being raped is someone above you in the hierarchy.


Bastards are, by definition, are children that society had not planned for. They are treated fairly carelessly. Although someone is assigned to look after them while children, but even if female, they often are not trained or sponsored. Often they are put into groups of argumentative people, and hopefully killed off once they have passed the age of childhood. Punishment for a child being born without Council approval is death. The only exceptions to this rule are children born to the few remaining full strength males or children accepted once they turn ten.

Functioning males are encouraged to breed regularly, i.e. once every 500 years or so, in an attempt to restore the whole race to full strength. Surprisingly, very few ever take up the option. The two exceptions to this rule are the King and his oldest son, Markus. They are known to breed frequently and with almost anything. Markus himself has a lioness mother.


There is very little sense of property rights. There are only two things that are not to be stolen, blades, and the Power from the Mother. Both are religious items and to misuse them means death.


Shaytonians are very much like children when it comes to the truth. Crossing their fingers or not telling the whole truth are accepted forms of behaviour. An argument is often like listening to children, " I washed my hands!"

"No you didn't"

"Yes I did, yesterday."


Killing each other is permissible so long as the victim is someone who is your acknowledged better. Killing anyone else is very bad form. This extends to human norms and other race norms as they are almost always weaker. This also extends to males. Of course to even injure a child, even by accident, means death. Killing while feeding comes under the same guidelines. Death is always regrettable and you are stopping someone else's Survival. Anyone that makes a habit of killing, especially while feeding, will be cautioned. If they persist, they will be sent to Hell.


Shaytonians have a soft spot for humans in particular as they were the first race they met and the easiest to blend in with. Humans do worry them though. Although a naked human is never a match for a Shaytonian, and face it this is the way they most often see them, they have the unnerving habit of creating weapons. The 20th century started a wave of worry through the whole race. This happened roughly about the same time as silver bullets replaced stakes through the heart.


There is little if no distinction made between animals and any other race of beings. Wild tribes even breed with animals similar in form i.e. wolves etc. The resulting offspring are accepted as full citizens if a sponsor steps forward. Many wild tribe members do take their children into the City for training to increase the chances of Survival.


Shaytonians find very few things funny. They will often laugh at things but anyone that knows them well knows that it is usually only to keep others happy. One of the few things that really strikes them as funny are word plays not puns as such but things more like," beware the llama spits, and he was, and it did." Slapstick is a definite no-no. It often offends their sense of survival.


Justice is absolute. There are no shades of black and white. Either it is OK to do an action or it is not. Unnecessary killing involves a caution. Everything else means death.


As food and possessions are readily available, there is no real monetary system. There is a bank though and it does very well. Each Shaytonian allowed off-planet, is given a certain amount of currency to ensure easy living wherever they are going. The money is raised by selling off the gemstones that litter Shayton. It is then invested long term. For a Shayton, long term means that they are never short of money.


The goal of the race as a whole is to Survive. The only other goal is to regain their lost glory, to be strong enough to be able to deal with the regrettable technology of the races they rely upon for food. There is one drawback to this. Their entire culture is now based on keeping the one-sided power base and an inbuilt terror of technology or increased power.


Shaytonians have very few heroes, the King is their main one. He made the barriers, kept his powers and brought the Mother into their lives. He also did all these things against the flow of apathy normally associated with Shaytonians and against their inbuilt fears. Others include the Dancers, and very successful Dath'mala players.


Strangely the King is also the villain, and for mostly the same reasons. The Demon child is also cat as the villain on many occassions.


Their strongest fears are anything that upsets the careful balance that ensures Survival. It is not death that they fear but the loss of Shayton as a whole. This flows down to their hatred of change and the accumulation technology. Survival is harder when the status quo changes.

They do threaten small children with being taken by the Devilchild. Strangely enough, they also threaten them with the Godchild.


The main holiday is when the populace journey into the Wilderness to keep their hand in. It is often followed by a return in triumph to the City and an orgy of food, drink and sex.


They love anything that feels good. Soft silk, feathers, beautiful music, soft air through their wings. Love of people is not something they do well. They show reverence, respect but rarely love.


The chief hate is the race that caused the virus that ruined their race. This hate does not extend to thoughts of violence though. The main reaction to mention of their name is the equivalent of a shrug of the shoulders and c'est les vie that camouflages their fear.

Change, and more powerful beings are things they see as threats to Survival. Loss of the whole race is their greatest fear, anything that threatens this is a hatred. Suicide is counted as one of these things. The greatest shame is to be declared as a suicide. The family left behind is covered with shame.