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GOLD Fleet Insignia

USS CIRCE Captain's Awards
SD 171105

CIRCE Character and Player Awards


** "Susan Lucci Award" for Best Supporting (Non-Player) Character

WINNER: Harmony, the Not-so-Friendly Sidhe spirit;
        Robert, the ever-faithful Captain's sloogi

Harmony is a soul bound to CIRCE by fate and irony: she, at one 
point during the 'Faeries' mission, tried to kill every single 
crew member and take over the ship.  She apparently had some 
change of heart, since she ended up helping to save our bacon 
during the Briol Campaign.

Robert, on the other hand, is the leader of the super-secret 
sloogi contingent on CIRCE.  He has made himself the Captain's 
personal assistant despite never speaking a word, and the other 
sloogi don't do a thing without his tacit approval.  Proof of 
the scope of this being's power was the Boycot of LT Bagownie- 
when Bagownie insulted the Captain upon reporting to CIRCE, 
Robert made sure word got around to the other sloogi, and they 
patently refused to clean his room- ever again.  How great is 

Named for the daytime soap opera actress who, after being 
nominated but failing to win the Best Supporting Actress award 
for like 18 years straight, finally won a few years ago.


** "Skinamax Award" for the Biggest Tease

WINNER: CDR Tanjien Dar (Andrew)

Jen Dar is given this award for her non-stop toying with the 
libido of the males aboard CIRCE, most especially CDR Kazhdenin's. 
Yet, despite all of the games, Dar has not sullied the sanctity of 
the XO's wedding vows with Sorrenta least not in a 
physical sense, anyway.

Named for the cable movie channel known for showing 'soft porn' 
late at night- the kind that shows you everything BUT what you 
would be watching it to see in the first place.


** "Nick Esasky Award" for the Most Injury-Prone Character

WINNER: CAPT Cayle Veld (Scott)
        LCDR Rivenda April (Sean)

The histories of the injuries these two characters have sustained 
in the line of duty goes back through YEARS of RP.  A quick look 
at either bio will show that each has now received THREE 'Wounded 
Lion' Awards for Heroic Injury during Combat.  Cayle has had, in 
her 6-year life as a PC, a 6-inch piece of bulkhead go through her 
left thigh, more broken ribs times than I can count, countless 
muscle strains and ligament tears, and a bizarre indoor rugby 
injury that shall remain unexplained.  And now, of course (thanks
to Austin), she ends up with a nasty concussion and, yes, more 
broken ribs.  She's going to need a complete skeletal replacement 
some time in the near future.

Riv may not get hurt quite as often as our erstwhile CO, but HER 
injuries are far more fun: lacerations that go all the way down to 
the bone in her thigh and almost sever major arteries; radiation 
exposure; ruptured ear drums due to a violent decompression which 
she herself initiated...the list goes on.  And every time, she 
toughs them out until some smarmy doctor forces her to mend her 
broken body.

Way to go girls!

Named after a first baseman who played most of his injury-plagued 
career for the Cincinnati Reds in the 80's and 90's.  After finally 
staying healthy enough to have a breakthrough year in 1989 for the 
Reds, he signed his first big-money contract with the Red sox...and 
ends up being diagnosed with vertigo before the ink is dried on the 
contract.  Esasky never hit above .200 again (<-- READ: VERY bad), 
and his career ended, mercifully enough, a couple of years later 
after several abortive attempts to overcome his vertigo.


** "Fair Maiden" Award for Character Most Often in Need of Heroic Rescue

WINNER: LT Sorrenta Tabriz (Austin)

Nominated for her unwittingly ending up the focal point of Kaz's 
rescue efforts mission in, mission out.  Began with dreaded Holodeck 
mission, and has continued right on, through the Faery-Sidhe mission 
and into the one we just finished.  This is quite an honor, as this 
award is not typically given to NPC's; they don't get into the plot 
enough in a repeated manner for this to crop up.

I know who I am going to use to lure CIRCE on a rescue mission next 
time I need a plot device...heh heh heh...

At least the whole command staff didn't win it again- we'd start 
having to consider the career track of our characters if it did. :)


** "Montgomery Scott: Miracle Worker" Award for Most Improbable Repairs

WINNER: LT Butch Bagownie (Eric)

Was there really any doubt on this one? :)

Bagownie's problem is, now that he's somewhat comfortable with his lot 
in life and is not deliberately seeking to sabotage the Captain or the 
Science Officer, he's not all that comfortable in engienering any 
longer. Someone else was doing his job while he was forceably removed 
from duty...and did it pretty well.  Now that he's back, it's actual 
**work** for him.  So, in some respects, it's ALWAYS a miracle if he 
fixes anything in the nick fo time.   But now, just at his moment of 
despair, a Sidhe, whose benevolence beforehand could perhaps only be 
equated to that of one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, decided 
to save our collective bacons while Bagownie reaps the immediate 
rewards for it.

In all honesty, fantastic writing by Eric here, all joking aside.


** "Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film" Award for Most Absent PC

WINNER: LCDR Tigria Mistaya (Alan)

While Alan is certainly not to blame for the problems that have kept him, 
and Tigria by extension, from CIRCE this past mission...but one has to 
admit that the absence of one who made such an impact on us upon her 
initial appearances is keenly felt, and therefore most noticeable.  
Besides...Kaz seems to have developed complex relationships with ALL the 
females on board, and removing Tigria from this leaves Kaz without a 
'little sister' figure and therefore only an unreachable fantasy (Jen) or 
whatever it is he has with Cayle.

For the sake of the rest of the female characters on board, please return 
to the fold soon Tigria! :)

Named for the great animated scene in _Monty Python and the Holy Grail_, 
when ticking off the knights who would participate in the hunt for the Holy 
Grail, a picture of a baby's head in fully-sized plate mail was shown on 
the screen, identified only as "Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film."


** "Rookie of the Year" Award for Best New Player

WINNER: Madonna Eagle (LCDR Diamantina De'Leon)

As her nominating person said:

"Madonna's character has become the matronly, caring doctor that everyone 
loved in Beverly Crusher and Kate Polanski in the TNG series. She has 
involved her character in the storyline, but she hasn't forced her into 
the limelight. She has, further, demonstrated an extremely mature style 
of writing that is just plain fun to read."

That pretty much sums up how we feel about Madonna's writing here.


** Award for Best description of Bodily Functions

WINNER: Austin Forsyth (CDR Yuri Kazhdenin)

This award, according tot he nominating person, is "for his descriptions 
of Kaz's perspiration problem."  That WAS fun to play with, admittedly.  
We'll have to find a way to make that a running joke. 


** "Donacon Award" for Most Self-Flattering Poster

WINNER: Andrew F. (CDR Tanjien Dar)

If ever there was a person deserving of this award, it is Andrew.  
Andrew's characters, through Fate, Deus ex Machina or His Own Hands, 
always end up as the focal point around which the mission, the lives of 
his fellow players, or the Existence of the Universe Itself revolve- 
whether it was designed that way or not.  In his career in ASR, Andrew 
has portrayed an Assyrian god with the fate of an entire world at his 
mercy...and now plays the terribly misunderstood, all-but-forgotten-by-
the-history-books heroine who has turned her back on her own people for 
the Greater Good and the Ideals of Peace, Love and Understanding.  Not 
bad work if you can get it... :)

(Note the tongue-in-cheek sarcasm here- Andrew :P)

Named for the spot where Narcissus died having fallen in love with his 
reflection in a Thespian stream.


** "Harry Stamper Award" for most Self-Sacrificing Poster

WINNER: Eric Boyum (LT Butch Bagownie)

Eric is one of CIRCE's most accomplished writers- he regularly posts, 
and writes compelling, intriguing fiction...however, it is usually at 
the expense of his of his character instead of in the glory of him. As 
such, his character is not often rewarded with post-mission goodies...
but he deserves some recognition for his efforts.

Named for the Bruce Willis character from Armageddon, who gave his life 
so all of humanity could be saved. So damned heroic... ::sniffle::


** "Meatgrinder Award" for the Bloodiest Poster

WINNER: Sean Speake (LCOL Jahoic Azrael)

Sean has always had a knack for making his Marine posts keenly felt...
but he outdid himself with his aptly-named 'Meatgrinder' post- so much 
so that this award was named after it.  Sean accutely brought the 
horrors of warfare home, as it should be, showing us all that, in 
reality, warfare is something best left as a last resort.


** "Sherlock Holmes Award" for Attention to Detail

WINNER: Austin Forsyth (CDR Yuri Kazhdenin)

A repeat winner, Austin has finely honed his craft and cemented his 
reputation as the unit's 'picker of nits.'  Now, instead of making a 
major production of our varying mistakes in plot continuity, he 
simply posts himself and correct mistakes in mission dates and the 
like as he goes.  Truly a master at the subtle game of picking nits.

Named for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's famous literary detective, who was 
most known for applying scientific methodology to crime solving.


** "Don't Let the Door Hit You in the Ass on the Way Out Award"

WINNER: Scott Lusby (CAPT Cayle Veld)

Two separate times during the past year, real life has forced Scott 
to take short Leaves of Absence from CIRCE...and the unit kept 
chugging as if it didn't even miss him.  Of course, this is a testament 
to the immense amount of time and energy Scott spent in training his 
crew to think independently from him, thus giving them the ability to 
work for short periods of time without his direct supervision. ;)


** "Dr. Moriarty Award" for Most Evil Character

WINNER: The Soldiers of the Gorn Hegemony

This award is generally given to the single most evil individual 
character faced during the awards period, one that stands out above 
the crowd.  However, during this last mission, no one enemy character 
stood out from the rest: James Coleman had a shot, but he lacked the 
basic depravity this award demands.  And so the award is given, 
collectively, to the soldiers of the Gorn Hegemony.  Among their 
actions, they once again indulged their carnivorous natures and ate 
pieces of our crew; they killed helpless individuals who had already 
been wounded and subdued; and they rammed KUZNETSOV when the battle 
was all but lost, killing more than half of the starship's compliment.

Hats off to Sean Speake, Sean Murphy, Austin Forsyth, and everyone else 
for capturing Gorn savagery so brilliantly and poignantly.

Named for the infamous, brilliant Dr. Moriarty of Sherlock Holmes fame, 
who proved himself more than a match for the erstwhile detective.


** "Iago Award" for Most Evil Player

WINNER: Sean Murphy (LCDR Rivenda April) AND
        Andrew F. (CDR Tanjien Dar)

Some players tend to find solutions to problems- they find ways out of 
messes we get ourselves into.  And some players tend to complicate 
matters- they find ways to throw a monkeywrench into everything.  It is 
the latter kind that we salute with this award.  Over the past year, no 
one has been more adept in putting the kaibash on all of our best-laid 
plans than Sean M. and Andrew- both have extensive histories in this, 
and they continue to add to their resume with each mission.  Whenever a 
new mission starts, I know I can count on these two to liven things up 
by trying to shred my plans into tatters.

Named for one of the most despicable and evil characters in literature. 
Iago, the chief lieutenant of Othello, would betray him for the love of 
the fair Desdemona in ruthless fashion. If anyone wants to learn how to 
be truly evil down to the core, I recommend reading Shakespeare's 
_Othello_, paying particular attention to Iago.


** "Wayne Gretzky Award" for the Most Valuable Player

WINNER: Eric Boyum (LT Butch Bagownie) AND
        Madonna Eagle (LCDR Diamantina De'Leon)

These two players were a cut above the rest of us this time around.  Eric's 
continued protrayal of LT Bagownie's struggle to find his place on CIRCE 
has been remarkable, even if it defies standard character recognition.  It 
takes a truly special writer to do what he does with Bagownie- and he does 
it consistently, month in and month out.

Madonna's portrayal of Dr. De'Leon, especially during the recent combat 
sequences, is repleat with realism- her character is a real, breathing 
entity, one who reminds us that our characters are more than stereotypical 
cut-outs.  Her writing brings depth to the CIRCE, and helps make us really 
quite something special.

Named for the man widely regarded as the greatest professional hockey player 
of all time.  In the 80's and early 1990's, his name became nearly synonymous 
with 'Most Valuable Player', winning the scoring title 10 times (including 7 
in a row) and the MVP award 9 times, including a staggering 8 in a row.  His 
nickname speaks for itself: "The Great One."